12am Jordan and Lawon are in the backyard talking. Jordan asks Lowan what attracts him to a man more than a woman. Lowan says that it just feels right. Lawon says that right now being with a man is what feels right to him. Lawon says that he isn’t going to do what some people do and be with a woman because that is the right thing. Jordan asks Lawon how his family feels about him coming out. Lawon says they are okay with it, but it isn’t something they talk about. Lawon says that his grandma already knew and that is who he was more concerned with how she would react because she is southern and religious. Lawon says that he was crying when he told her but she said baby, I already knew that, and I want you to be the best black gay you can be and live your life. Lawon says that the next day he left for college and she died that day. Lawon says that he was happy he was able to tell her before she died. Shelly, Jordan, and Lowan all agree that deep down parents know if their child is gay.
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