Big Brother Spoilers: Jeff, Brendon & Adam talk about how Dani better not win the POV. Jeff says yeah if you have two tattoos on your hip you win.. *Updated*

11am Lawon, Shelly and Brendon talk about real estate and the cost of renting. They talk about other random things, no game talk. At 11:20am Big Brother tells the houseguests that the lock down is over. Shelly yells YES!!! It’s OPEN! Brendon goes to tell Rachel. Adam heads out side to have a smoke. Shelly starts sweeping up in front of the door saying she doesn’t want all the dirt tracked inside. Jordan wakes up and goes to change her batteries and then heads to the bathroom. Adam, Lawon and Brendon start working out and stretching in the backyard.

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11:25am – 11:50am Brendon, Adam and Shelly talk about how the competition last night was made for short and fat people. Brendon says that all Kalia did was stick her ass on the wall. Muffin top! Brendon says that last season they made two competitions that benefited short people. Shelly tells Brendon to not let vengeance get in the way of his game. Brendon says that he knows how to separate it. Shelly says that last night Kalia came into the bathroom and said now everyone knows how strong I am! Brendon laughs. Adam says you got to give it to her, she used what she had to her advantage. They talk about wanting to play for the POV. Shelly asks if everyone will be individual and that 3 other players will be drawn. Brendon says that he will be pissed if the offer Dani a Pandora’s box or a Diamond Power of Veto or something. Brendon asks doesn’t that piss you off?!

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Big Brother Spoilers: Shelly says she was shocked that Kalia didn’t go for the money.. and wonders if maybe her life story isn’t the truth..

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9am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. Lawon and Shelly are sitting in the kitchen in silence, while all the other houseguests are still trying to sleep. Lawon says that he went to bed about 5am. Shelly says 4 or 5 hours of sleep ..max! Lawon says that it’s the coffee that keeps him going. Lawon tells Shelly that he likes what she said last night… that she is playing a totally different game than anyone else. Lawon says ..and you know what’s strange ..thats exactly how I am playing … not lying ..only telling people what I want to tell them. Shelly says that she should have been more creative with her story. Lawon says like a bounty hunter. Shelly says that’s a good one … FBI. Lawon says yup like a bounty hunter. Lawon says cuz some of these stories I was like ..what ..girl?! Lawon says I think Keith though a good one… and you found him out. Shelly says Cassi had a good one too.. she got all that off the internet. Lawon says that when he found out about her family ..he knew that would be their connection .. that he and she love their family. Lawon says take away the game …everyone has something special to bring. Shelly says yup. They talk about how Adam will get to spend his birthday in the house and that it couldn’t have happened to a better person. Shelly’s says that she will have to look for something to make for him. The conversation changes to talking about Shelly and Lawon’s families. Shelly and Lawon talk about the HOH competition last night. Lawon says that he liked it because it taught him that his upper body isn’t that strong. ..then he says it it.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel tries to make a deal with Dani ..without Brendon.. Dani gets mad when she threatens her with jury votes..

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1am Jordan and Kalia are talking. Jordan is telling Kalia that no one hates her. Jordan says that people are mad because they know that if they didn’t win they would be the ones going home. Kalia says the newbies are too. Kalia says that she doesn’t want it to be wierd now. Jordan says that is how it is in the big brother house. Kalia and Jordan start talking about Dominic. The talk about how from how loud the crowd cheered people must love him. They talk about Dominic’s speech. Kalia says that it was mainly directed at the newbies. Jordan says that everyone has a chance at winning the competitions. They talk about how tomorrow they will be on lockdown and about how the POV is going to be tomorrow night. The conversation changes to talking about random stuff and diets..

1:30am In the bathroom Rachel and Porsche are talking. Rachel is wondering if she should go talk to Dani to make a deal. Porsche tells Rachel to talk to Brendon and then says that Brendon doesn’t want her making deals without him. Porsche says that Brendon and Jeff didn’t want to make any deals. Rachel isn’t sure what to do. Porsche says that one will go and that there will still be 6 of us left. Rachel doesn’t agree and says that Jeff said the deal is none of us go up and that if one of them goes home … Dani is BLANK. Porsche tells Rachel again to talk to Brendon and not to make deals without him. Rachel says that she didn’t think they meant no deals. Porsche says yeah he did and that they all needed to talk about together. Porsche tells Rachel she can’t be making deals or Jeff will think you aren’t making deals for the alliance. Porsche warns Rachel to be careful and that it’s better to talk to Brendon first…

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Big Brother Spoilers – Pacer and Rachel have a plan they’ll get Dani to put up Lawon and Kalia

10:51pm Have nots Porsche and Rachel

Rachel is going to try and convince Dani to put up Lawon and Kalia
brendon comes in asks them what they are doing.
Porsche: “We’re trying to think bette not harder”
Rachel says that she’s going to offer Dani 1 week of protection from BRJJ if she puts up Lawon and Kalia. Dani told her to talk after she gets her HOh room. Rachel says she can’t stand Kalia so she’ll take her out next week when she wins HOH. POrsche is asking if she should go make a deal with Daniele. Brendon thinks she should. Rachel comments that

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Big Brother Spoilers – Dani wins HOH.. Dani says: “And She’s back in the Game Folks” **Updated**

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9:31pm Inside the havenots Brendon, rachel and Porsche are Sad. Porsche tells them that Brendon and Rachel will most likely go up and Dani will do a deal with Jeff/Jordan. Porsche recommends that BR should go socialize, Brendon: “Dani is dead to me”. Neither of BR want to hang out with any one in the house. Rachel is saying somthing about Dani playing an emotional game, “She wants to be the one that Takes out Brendon and racheL”. (this is gettign good these are the B/R We knew to HATE from last season, When JJ are playing it cool these 3 are boiling over with hate)

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Big Brother Spoilers – Third Live Eviction and HOH RESULTS!

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Dom Vs. Adam Big Brother 13 Live Eviction Results
Craziest week on the feeds no question there. Dani’s entire game crumbles around her she now stuck with the Dream Team Lawon and Kalia. She’s target number one for the hated BRJJS alliance and must now win serious comps to stay in the game.. Dani may be crafty enough to stay in the game but when it comes down to it she’s needs to Finally clue in that Shelly has a giant Boner for Jordan and Jeff. Catch the endurance competition after the CBS live show ends Tonight watch it all LIVE on the feeds. 3 Day Big Brother 13 Live Feed Free Trial SIGN UP HERE

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Big Brother Spoiler: Jeff says Kalia is trying to swim back to the bad idea boat .. it already blew up …and now your wondering where the good idea boat is… IT’S GONE! *Updated*

1:15pm Dominic is telling Lawon that they are running the house. Lawon says that he loves him. Lawon says that he is going to fight for him tonight! Dominic is packing his suit case. Dominic says that he is thankful for the friends he’s met in the house. Dominic says that he threw the POV because they told him too …and look at me know …I’m going home. Dominic says that he is going because of Kalia, and Shelly. They were the ones that made deals this first week and screwed the newbies. Lawon says that tonight he is voting for him .. he is voting for Lawon tonight. Lawon says that they fooled me ..they aren’t going to do it a second time! Dominic says and they will try and do it again. The feeds cut out and when they come back, Lawon is saying that everyone likes me. Dominic says that I will tell you one thing …they don’t take you seriously ..they don’t think you can win anything. Dominic says and at the end …tell them that none of them believed he could win …except Dominic. Dominic asks Lawon what do you think Dani is like outside the house. Lawon says that she is beautiful .. she likes you.. Lawon asks Dominic if she is his type of girl. Dominic says yeah totally …she is petite, brunette, and she is has attitude.. pretty much completely my type!

1:25pm – 1:45pm Adam and Brendon are in the kitchen talking and laughing about yesterdays blow up. Meanwhile Jeff, Jordan and Kalia are in the lounge room talking. Kalia tells Jeff and Jordan that she doesn’t respect Rachel and Brendon game play and that she doesn’t respect them as people. Kalia says that if she wins HOH, which I plan to, I’m not coming after you. Kalia says I will play with you guys any day of the week, but I can’t lay with them. Jeff asks Kalia if she trusts Dani? Kalia says yeah. …Shelly asked me if it came down between Jordan’s word or Dani’s word, who would I pick? Kalia says that she can’t pick because it’s like choosing between two friends. Jeff says that he likes Dominic too and he got BLANK, and I think he deserves to stay too… but since you guys tried to back door me, it makes me think it was him or you. Jeff says it makes me think you have something going on. Kalia says that she doesn’t. Jeff says then why vote to keep Dominic?

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Big Brother 13 Weekly Summary web cast Big Brother Rewind Starts 7pm ET

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Big Brother Spoilers: Brendon says that he will be damned if he will let the spawn of Satan win tonight’s HOH Competition!

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10:15am – 10:50am Shelly and Brendon go around cleaning the Big Brother house while the others sleep. Shelly tells Brendon that he will give the others till 11am and then she will vacuum the living room. Shelly says they don’t want to give them too much sleep. Brendon says no ..exactly! Brendon and Shelly are in the kitchen talking. Brendon tells Shelly that Kalia is after Shelly. Brendon says that it doesn’t even matter we will pick them off one by one. Shelly says that Lawon still won’t say which way he is voting. Shelly says that she got her deal in right in the beginning …and it doesn’t benefit me for them to go after you. Shelly says that if they come to me right before the vote I will tell them exactly what I am doing. Shelly says that she literally thinks I am stupid and that they can pull me in their direction. Brendon says that all he wanted yesterday was for Dani to admit it. …and she couldn’t even do it. Shelly says that Dominic was telling her that if he stays they are the target and she won’t be …because the vets will be going after him and Dani every week. Shelly says it’s amazing what people will say to get your vote. Brendon talks about how in the beginning he didn’t trust Porsche …and that Rachel was the only one .. and that it was Dani that was the fountain spewing all the crap. Brendon says that Dani is disgusting …it’s amazing what she will do and say and that I won’t stop until she is gone. Brendon says that he really thinks Dani is living in Dick shadow.

Big Brother 13 Weekly Summary web cast Big Brother Rewind Starts 7pm ET

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Big Brother Spoilers: Dominic says that he and Dani could never stick together.. because every week it would be him and her on the block.

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8:20am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. The houseguests slowly wake up and move about the house. 9am Adam and Dominic are in the kitchen talking. Dominic asks Adam to avenge his death if he goes. Adam says he will and that if its him who goes for him too as well. Dominic says he will. Dani joins them in the kitchen. Dani asks how Adam slept. Adam says that he slept fine except for Kalia opening and closing the door every five minutes. Jordan comes through the kitchen with her pillow and blanket and heads up to the HOH room to claim her spot on the floor in anticipation of the Thursday morning lockdown. Jordan then heads back down stairs. Dominic says good call! Adam asks Dominic and Dani if they even went to bed last night? Dani and Dominic says yeah. Dani heads back to bed.

9:30am Dominic is in the bathroom with Shelly. Dominic says that he just doesn’t know whats happening. Shelly says that he thinks Lawon is his biggest concern because he won’t say which way he is voting. Dominic says that Lawon to him that he is voting to keep him. Shelly asks really cuz he won’t tell me which way he is voting. They discuss how he doesn’t want people to vote for them just to be the only ones and then be a target. Dominic talks about how Dani and him could never stick together.. because every week it would be me and her on the block. Dominic tells Shelly that he knows and wants her to do whatever is in his best interest. Shelly says she knows. Dominic says either way let me know before that I know. Shelly says that she will tell him.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Kalia says she peed in the Jacuzzi because she figured the chlorine was a higher content than the pool, so it would be fine..

11:50pm Brendon, Rachel, Jeff, Jordan Dominic and Adam are in the kitchen. Brendon finds out that Dominic killed Franklin the tinfoil turtle. Brendon tells Dominic that he was thinking about keeping him but since he killed Franklin, he is going home.

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12:30am Jeff and Shelly are talking to Adam telling him that he is safe tomorrow. They tell Adam that the votes should be five to three. Meanwhile, Kalia is talking to Porsche. Kalia is trying to convince Porsche to vote to save Dominic instead of being in Rachel’s shadow. Kalia is trying hard to get Porsche to vote for Dominic to stay. Kalia says that Jeff, Jordan, Brendon and Rachel will never break. Kalia says that she didn’t come here to finish in fifth place. Kalia says that Brendon told her to shut the F up when they were outside. Kalia says that she can’t play with someone like that. Kalia says that Dani will hang there in the HOH comp tomorrow until they have to pull her dead body down. Kalia starts comparing Janelle to Porsche. Kalia says that Porsche is a strong girl like Janelle and that is what Porsche needs to do tomorrow. Kalia says that she’s been throwing competitions. Porsche says why didn’t we all stick together in the beginning like you’re wanting me to do now? Porsche tells Kalia that she didn’t include her before but now you want me to be true to the newbie alliance? Porsche turns out the light and Kalia leaves. Porsche tries to go to sleep. Shelly tells Porsche that she is not voting with the havenot crew tomorrow. Porsche says that no one wanted to talk to me and now all of a sudden in the last twenty four hours they are feeding me with all this information? They end their conversation.

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Big Brother Spoilers – When should Kalia win a comp, Kalia: “I don’t know if it should be this week or next week”

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10:30pm Havenots Dani and Kalia Kalia is going to talk to Jeff and Jordan and tell them that she loves them and likes them a lot but she cannot play this game on the side of Brendon so that’s why shes on the other side. Kalia thinks she’ll do it after the next HOH. Dani says they are not targeting Kalia she’s siting pretty for at least 2 weeks. Kalia is worried if she wins wins a comp she shatters her whole week player image. dani tells her she needs to win at some point. Kalia: “Exactly I don’t know if it’s this week or next week” (Ohh shit Klalia at least try to win) Dani tells her to start trying tomorrow.. She adds that the first HOH comp this year was the first comp she’s every thrown. She hated having to throw a comp but she new people would look at her being a threat so she had to downplay it, “I can’t come trampling in her like these fools.. they’ve become the number 1 target”

Follow @BigBspoilers and @Dawgsbigbrother on Twitter for recent crazed out spoilers. There is also a Facebook page.

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Dani isn’t sure about Shelly: “If she says anything i’m going to punch her in the back of the neck and throw her off the porch” kalia: “Donkey punch”

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8:30pm Jeff and Brendon Kitchen Brendon is wondering how dani is able to convince the other players to go with her. They thank Shell for cleaning up, she joins them, Brendon: “Thank you Shelly… I really am Thankful I don’t want to get athletes foot”. Shelly comments on all the carbs they are eating. They say it’s for the comp tomorrow. Jeff says it’s like a ghost town in the house. Shelly: “They’ll be out tonight” Brendon: “Perfect stay up all BLANK night tired tomorrow”.

Follow @BigBspoilers and @Dawgsbigbrother on Twitter for recent crazed out spoilers. There is also a Facebook page.

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