5:10pm Kalia and Jordan
Kalia is saying that Dani is considering other options of people to put up over JJ, but she still wants Rachel out. Jeff comes in Kalia tells him that they are talking about options and numbers. Jeff: “Let them put one of us up theres no way we’ll go home against those 2 (BR)”. Kalia: “How can you be so sure?”
Kalia tells them that Dani really doesn’t want you put them up because she doesn’t want them to go home.
Kalia: “theres too many people in the house that we don’t know anymore” Kalia thinks there is enough enemies in the house that might want to BLANK Dani and keep rachel. Kalia says that Shelly came up stairs right after the veto pushing for a pawn to do up saying that BRendon is going to use the veto to save himeself.
JJ say he told them that he’s taking himself off the block. Kalia says that if they can convince Dani to put up Shelly and not JJ then they have Lawon, Kalia, Jeff, Jordan voting to evict Rachel and Brendon, Adam, POrsche voting to evict Shelly. Kalia: “But we need to get her not to put you guys up”
(Can’t hear BLANK they are whispering )
Kalia leaves.
Jordan’s belly starts rumbling
Jeff: “Dude take some tums”