Big Brother 13 – Rachel: “Dani F*cked up all of BRJJ’s Hard work this season”, and will a all Amazon Brigade emerge in BB13?

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Rachel asks Jordan if she’s talked to Dani. Jordan says she did but not for very long. rachel want to know if she offered her a deal Jordan say no, Jordan adds that Jeff already talkied to BRendon he knows everything she leaves the talking to him. Jordan says that they know one of the is going up, Dani never told them but it’s pretty obvious. Jordan explain that it’s what she would do. Jordan says she’s really stressed out because for the first 3 weeks they were all really safe and they forgot what is felt like to be on the block.

Rachel gives a sob story about how hard the 4 of them had to fight to make it to were they are in the game. Rachel says they all did a wonderful job to set themselves up were there’s no threats only themselves. Rachel: “Dani BLANK it for us she did it twice with her lies”. Jordan says she feels bad that it’s before jury and someone is getting split up. Jordan: “Dani is just hear to win I guess”

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Big Brother Spoilers – BR give Dani there Final offer put Lawon OR a floater win BB13 **updated**

9:57pm HOH Rachel, Brendon and Dani
Brendon tells her he’s using the POV on himself because he has a better shot of winning in the end. Rachel says Dani has the power to put someone on the block to go home or she can put someone up so rachel goes home, “who are you thinking about”. Dani says she has 2 people in her head but she really doesn’t know which way to go because she doesn’t need any more enemies. Right now she doesn’t know which way she is going to go in the game. Brendon asks if she would consider putting up a floater like lawon.
Dani says she’ll be in a worse position if Lawon goes because now she losses someone close to her and has one more person gunning for her. Rachel and Brendon tell her if she keeps them in the game then it’s clean slate they can start rebuilding the trust.
Brendon: “I promise you I will win HOH next week” He adds that if she puts up Lawon then he won’t target her, “I haven’t abandoned the idea of the 3 of us working together” BRendon says that there is a lot of people in the game that is playing for themselves and this last week they have seen how everyone is playing it alone. Rachel brings up the floaters and how there are so many in the game that are going to win big brother if they don’t do something.

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Big Brother Spoilers – Adam’s Birthday wish, Tori Spelling pregnant jumping out of a cake giving birth, “I would cut the umbilical cord with my teeth”

8:00pm Jeff and Jordan Jeff says that there is a lot of Tension growing between Rachel and Dani, “You can just sense it”. Jeff says he talked to brendon but never told him about their deal but he did say that Dani was targeting BR.

Jeff adds that Brendon is hell bent to take Dani out, he’ll fight for that HOH. Jeff and Jordan decide to let brendon have the HOH then he can take out dani and they can say they stuck to their deal. Jeff still feels uneasy about Jordan going up as a pawn, he wants Jordan to go talk to Kalia because he’s worried Kalia and Lawon will flip. Jordan isn’t worried about Kalia flipping but she’s nervous about Lawon.

8:34pm Rachel, Shelly and Jordan They are building rachel’s garbage bag wedding dress.. I’m not going to bother watching it’s just too exciting for me.

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Big Brother Spoilers – Rachel is mad because of JJ’s Deal with Dani, Brendon tells her to get her Anxiety Meds

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6:36pm Purple Room Jeff and Adam

Adam I will keep Jordan over rachel any day but Adam is worried that brendon will be pissed. Jeff: “He’s not going to be we’re all going to keep Jordan”. Jeff instructs him to just act cool around rachel. Jeff: “This isn’t going to go so smooth so be ready”. Adam thinks having rachel gone is going to help everyone’s game in the house and there is no way he will keep Rachel over Jordan.

Adam knows that he’s worried about it but will stick to his story that he told jordan he wound’t vote her out if he was safe during her HOH. Jeff warns if Rachel comes after him and if they are really pressuring him he’s got to say that he doesn’t know what he’s doing anymore. After the elimination Jeff thinks Brendon is going to be so occupied with getting Dani out that he’ll not care were the votes went. Jeff says he’s talked to Brendon and he’s accepted the fact that Rachel could be going home so he’ll stick with us.

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Big Brother Spoilers – BR aren’t sure who to use the veto on, Brendon: “If Jeff doesn’t go up then we know JJ have a deal with Dani”

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4:38ppm POrsche tells Brendon that she’ll pissed if they make a deal with Dani to put Prosche up. Porsche says Adam told him that her name has been mentioned being put up. Porsche is worried that if she’s up against Rachel she’ll go home. rachel says that is not happening. Brendon says that they are going up to talk to Dani later tonight and they’ll have it all figured out. He begs them not to talk to about it.
Brendon: “If Jeff doesn’t go up then we know JJ have a deal with Dani” He wants them to all cool down right now.

Porsche tells Rachel she doesn’t want any deals made to save Rachel. rachel: “Porsche you are not a sacrifice” Porsche says she’s worried that Jordan isn’t going up that Dani has made a deal with JJ. so she’s going to keep both of them off the block so she has 2 votes. Por is sure that dani is going to screw her, “The best game move is for her to split you and I up” (Porsche is retarded) POrsche: “If I go home this week I want you to take her out next week.. I know what kind of game Dani is playing she’s going to take out the strongest players” (Why the hell does Porsche think shes classified as the stronger players)

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Big Brother Spoilers – JJBR spend the day in the pool, Adam: “The pool feels dirty I was in there for awhile.. I felt slimy”

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2:45pm Backyard Porsche and Rachel They are talking about wedding dresses. Rachel says that her fist dress shop she went to was a “super High End” one and the reason she went to it is they had entered to win a dream wedding but lost (Yes nobody voted for them to win like 300K dream wedding from crate and barrel it happened in the spring)

2:50pm Dani, Adam and Shelly on the coach Talking about random shit lilke clothes and footbal teams. Shelly and Dani think Tom Brady’s looks are over rated. Shelly says Dani looks good in the short shorts she wears because she has muscular legs. Shelly: “I have stork legs and varicose veins on them”.
Kalia joins them and they start talking about what to wear for Thursday show.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Dani says if Brendon takes himself off the block I want to put Jordan up against Rachel. Dani says she will go out of her way to try and keep Jeff and Jordan.. *Updated*

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12:40pm Brendon and Shelly are in the backyard talking about Cassi and how she was picked on in school. Shelly says that she was here to win to make enough to pay off her parents house, because her dad is unemployed. They talk about past house guests from other seasons that were so vain. Rachel comes out and Brendon tells her that she is beautiful on the outside and the inside. Brendon heads inside. Shelly tells Rachel that she know she will get made fun of for cleaning so much. Shelly says that she gets antsy and just needs to do something. Shelly says that yesterday she was getting snippy with Adam. Shelly says that he needs to win something. Shelly says that Adam doesn’t even know if he has his job when he gets out ..and now he will be here for the rest of the summer either in the house or jury. Shelly tells Rachel that she is handling it really well. Shelly asks Rachel if Brendon is taking himself off or her. Rachel says he is taking himself off. Rachel says that Dani will put up either Porsche or Jordan. Rachel says that she will probably put put Jordan to guarantee I go home. Shelly asks what Rachel will do when she gets out. Rachel says that she doesn’t know .. she doesnt have anything .. and doesn’t know anyone in LA. Rachel says that she might go to her parents house till she gets out.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Shelly says that Brendons season got personal. Brendon talks about how Enzo and Hayden were calling him ND behind his back.

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11am – 11:10am Brendon, Shelly and Rachel talk about they don’t understand why Dani isn’t thinking about the jury votes. Rachel says that Dani is pissed at us because we are the reason that Dominic went home. Shelly says that Dani will not get her vote ..because she lied and she won’t admit it. Rachel says that now she gets it why Dick says his daughter is a little bitch. Rachel says that she understands it because of how she treats people ..she holds on to that hate and loathing. Shelly tells Rachel to be the stronger and better person than her. Rachel says that Dani isn’t even worth it. Brendon says that coming into the house Dani was someone that he could trust and that they all had a common bond. Brendon says that Dani kept saying that she had it the hardest …bullshit ..she had it the easiest all she had to do was sit there. They talk about how Kalia is playing every side of the house and runs to the power. Brendon says that he is going to win HOH next week and put up Dani and Kalia. Rachel says that Kalia said that she doesn’t respect her game and that shes not playing the game. Rachel says how does winning 2 HOH’s means that I am not playing the game. Brendon starts talking about the fight he had with Kalia in the backyard. Brendon says that Kalia better not start ordering people around in the jury house like they are her slaves or servants. They talk about how Dani had conversations with them about trying to get them to throw competitions. Shelly asks ..she actually asked you to throw competitions. Brendon and Rachel say yeah. It starts raining a lot and they move undercover. Brendon rips a trash bag and then goes out into the backyard dancing in the rain. Brendon and Rachel then start playing basket ball in the rain.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Brendon talks about Kalia peeing in the hot tub and how they won’t go near it now..

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10am – 10:30am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. Adam, Shelly and Brendon are sitting out on the backyard couches. They start talking about birthdays and then they talk about how Kalia didn’t want to share a bed. Shelly says pretty soon there will be a lot of empty beds. Brendon says yeah once Kalia and Lawon are gone we’ll have a nice house. Shelly says that she is really surprised that Dani and Kalia stayed up there all night. Brendon says why would they ..they’re up in their castle. They talk about what Dani said last night to upset Rachel about now she will get her interview. Brendon says that Dani has a black heart. Shelly says thats not a nice thing to say… Rachel joins them out in the backyard. They start talking about how Kalia claimed that choosing the POV players was rigged. Rachel says that there was a 33% chance this week and a 33% last week. Adam says that if you are up here and someone is down here the only way they can get up here is to bring you down. Shelly says that Kalia was complaining about how no one likes her and no one wants to talk to her. Shelly says well why not come down and talk to people and change that. They talk about how Kalia brought up the race card with Shelly and Rachel. Brendon says that she even pissed in the spa! ..its 20 yards to the bathroom. Rachel and Brendon both say they haven’t gotten back into the hot tub since Kalia said she peed in the pool. Shelly brings up that fact that Kalia lied about her age too she is 30 not 27 …and that she said that because she wanted to fall somewhere in the middle of the age group.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Dani says that she saw a bus coming and threw Cassi under it.. Dani says that the bus was Rachel.

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12:15am Porsche, Brendon, Rachel, Jeff, Jordan, Shelly and Adam are in the living room talking about Al Gore and politics. Kalia and Lawon eventually join them and the houseguests talk about random things and movies. Dani is up in the HOH room alone. At 1am Kalia joins Dani and they talk about Brendon and Rachel. Dani says that she wanted Brendon to go home and not Rachel. Dani says this came out of nowhere about Brendan using the veto on himself. They talk about Brendon using POV on himself. Kalia asks Dani if she thinks Brendan stays what will the chance at you and me working with Jeff and Jordan and if it would be null and void? Kalia says that Porsche will be looking for a new person to latch on to. Dani says that the game wasn’t how she expected it to be. Dani talks about how it’s her fault that Dominic went home and how she feels bad about it. Dani says that she can’t look out for her and other people’s relationships and others. Dani says that in this game sometimes you hurt people. Dani says that when she hears stuff she said repeated from other people, she sees how bad it sounds. Dani says but thats not what I intended for that to be. The conversation changes to making fun of Brendon and Rachel during the POV competition. Then they talk about Porsche’s fake boobs and how Kalia liked Cassi boobs way better. They talk about Brendon and Rachel again. Meanwhile Jordan, Shelly and Adam are now out in the backyard talking and smoking.
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Big Brother Spoilers – Kalia Regrets Flipping Week One “Now I’m in a house of Jelly Fish” **updated**

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9:30pm HOH Lawon and Kalia
Lawon is saying that last night was the worst night for him since he’s been in this game. He had to go downstairs and share a bed with those people that have said deliberate bad things about him. Kalia says if rachel leaves she’s going to go nuts and start attacking. Kalia says “Brendon is a asshole he really is but I think in real life he’s probabaly an alright guy he has some redeeming qualities” She adds that the problem with BR is that they play ever game so emotional and so personal…

Kalia is getting pissed that Shelly doesn’t believe what she does for a living.. Kalia goes on a 10 minutes rant about what she does for a livign and her upbringing. She labelled her family upper middle class. Lawon explains what Shelly said to her “Lawon what does your partner do… is she a writer I just think there’s more to it than that. kalia: “I write a relationship and sex columns, I do freelance for online magazines, my book is in edits. I used to be an actor and now I’m a writer.”

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Big Brother Spoilers – Jordan’s view on the BRJJ Alliance “we need to split up eventually why not do it now”

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7:12pm Kitchen Lawon and Kalia Kalia is saying that the money isn’t as important anymore, don’t get her wrong she REALLY needs the money but they’res more to this game than just that. She really wants to see a few people leave this game before her and that is what she is trying for. Lawon see thigns the same way and once he can see some people go he’ll be happy. Kalia adds There is a better chance of things being normal in the house if rachel leaves.. Kalia: “Rachel is so catty”
Jeff comes back from the DR.. Jeff says that he’s a worrier and he’s worrying for 2 peple. Kalia heads up to HOH to wake Dani up.

7:20pm Kalia and Dani HOH
Kalia says she talked to jeff and Jordan and they are coming up to talk to dani later tonight. She was trying to feel them out and figured a few things out. Kalia adds that Jeff said Brendon isn’t using the POV on himself that he’s saving rachel but then Jordan interrupted and said that Brendon is saving himself.

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