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3:16pm Jeff and Jordan Jordan is saying that BR are going around telling people that Jordan will win Big Brother 13 if they keep her in the house and that Jeff wants to take all the prizes and the money. Jeff says it’s no big deal people like that on the show he’ll talk to them about it it’s no big deal.. Shelly told Jordan that BR are saying that Jordan has a deal with Kalia, Dani and POrsche.. Jeff is going to talk to BR before things get out of hand. Jordan: “they are trying to make us look bad jeff…they are telling everybody that I’m a super pawn and there putting it in peoples heads that Jordan is going to win if you don’t get her out”
Jordan says that Kalia came up to her and asked her if she’s been saying things about her and jordan was shocked becuase she hasn’t.. jordan says that BR are really making the rounds.
Jeff tells her to calm down and not worry BR are just making a last ditch effort. Jeff is going to go upstairs and talk to Dani… “if things get out of hand we’ll call another housemeeting or i’ll go talk to brendon straight up”