Big Brother 13 Spoilers – BR FREAK OUT!! Jeff: “Dudes You’re going about this the wrong way” Brendon “F*CK PRODUCTION…”

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3:16pm Jeff and Jordan Jordan is saying that BR are going around telling people that Jordan will win Big Brother 13 if they keep her in the house and that Jeff wants to take all the prizes and the money. Jeff says it’s no big deal people like that on the show he’ll talk to them about it it’s no big deal.. Shelly told Jordan that BR are saying that Jordan has a deal with Kalia, Dani and POrsche.. Jeff is going to talk to BR before things get out of hand. Jordan: “they are trying to make us look bad jeff…they are telling everybody that I’m a super pawn and there putting it in peoples heads that Jordan is going to win if you don’t get her out”
Jordan says that Kalia came up to her and asked her if she’s been saying things about her and jordan was shocked becuase she hasn’t.. jordan says that BR are really making the rounds.

Jeff tells her to calm down and not worry BR are just making a last ditch effort. Jeff is going to go upstairs and talk to Dani… “if things get out of hand we’ll call another housemeeting or i’ll go talk to brendon straight up”

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Big Brother Spoilers: Shelly tells Jordan that Adam will vote with her and that she is voting to keep her..

1:50pm – 2pm Out in the backyard Jeff, Lawon and Porsche suntanning and talking about all the concerts they have gone to. Jordan joins them out by the pool. They talk about what they will eat tonight. Meanwhile, Brendon is in the kitchen making slop. Jeff, Jordan, Lawon and Porsche start playing the Who am I? game..

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2:10pm – 2:20pm Rachel gets Adam to come into the havenot room to talk to him about the votes. Rachel says there are a few reasons to keep Brendon. Rachel says that Brendon and her are going to have a tough road to the end and keeping them in the game will ensure his safety and keep the target off him. Rachel says that Jordan has already won the game …and that she is playing the same game play this year too …and that no one will win against her in the end in terms of votes. Adam says that he has been wrestling with this decision a lot …and said that he was up last night thinking about it. They talk about how this will be a very important decision to make …and it will decide who you want to work with. Rachel explains that in the next week or two there will probably be a endurance competition that will be catered to a smaller person like Dani… and she will most likely win it and you could go up. Rachel and Adam both say that if it were a couple weeks from now voting out Brendon would be an easier decision.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Porsche tells Brendon and Rachel that he has her vote..

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11:30am All the other houseguests are now up and getting ready for the day. Dani is called to the diary room. They give her the HOH camera and Dani starts taking funny photos of the houseguests.

12:25pm The cameras switch to Brendon and Rachel in the havenot room taking off their wedding outfits. Brendon says just please, please don’t go back on me and say that. Rachel says that she won’t Brendon says that she has said that before. Brendon says Love, Honour, and Obey! Rachel asks what was that last one? Rachel says I don’t think so.. They leave the havenot room. The houseguests head into the lounge room to take the group picture. Jeff sums up what he thinks about Brendon by sticking his ass over Brendons head like he is going to take a shit on him.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Brendon & Rachel try convincing Shelly the best game move is to evict Jordan..

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10:35am – 11am Brendon tells Shelly to see what she can find out and that he will have a long conversation with Jeff tonight to see where he is at. Brendon says that he thinks they have had enough game talk for this morning. He says that he likes being about to talk in the morning when no one is out here. Brendon says that he hates it when Lawon is five feet away listening. Shelly goes inside. Brendon tells Rachel that he thinks they made some good arguments to Shelly and that they shouldn’t keep pressing her. Rachel talks about not liking milk and tells Brendon that it gives her bad gas. Brendon gives her a disgusted look. Shelly comes back out and Rachel says that she really respects her game and that Brendon and I really trust you and I will respect whatever decision you make. Shelly says thank you .. and says that she trust that they would take her to final 2.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Brendon says if Jeff has a deal with Dani.. he better sure as sh!t not keep that deal!

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8:55am – 9:40am Brendon and Shelly wake up and go to change their batteries and then Shelly heads out into the backyard. Big Brother then wakes up the other houseguests. Only Brendon, Shelly and Rachel are in the backyard. Shelly asks Rachel if she had fun last night. Brendon tells Rachel that he tried requesting songs for her this morning for the wake up songs …but they didn’t have any of the songs. Shelly tells Brendon that they did good last night, it was cute …she really liked it. Shelly heads inside. Rachel says that she is going to talk to Lawon today. Brendon says baby it doesn’t matter. Rachel says that we can offer him the deal of a life time .. we can tell him that he is safe with them … as long as they are in the house they will never go after him. Rachel says that she doesn’t think Jeff will put Dani up. Rachel says that she doesn’t even think that Shelly will either. Brendon tells her that he doesn’t want to sour the relationship with Jeff and Jordan by campaigning behind their backs. Rachel says that she knows Jeff made a deal with Dani… last week he was so mad and yelling at her and now he is laughing and joking around with her …making her food… I guarantee they have a deal. Brendon says that they have to trust someone in the house because if they can ..they are just shooting themselves in the foot.
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Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel says that she called Dani the wicked witch of the HOH and that Brendon called her Judas..

11:40pm Rachel, Brendon, Jordan and Porsche are talking about Britney Spears’s ex Kevin Federline and how Britney said that Kevin was really packing. Porsche says it’s big. Rachel says that Brendon’s size below the belt makes her happy. Brendon tells her not to go there. Jordan tells Rachel and Brendon to keep that information to themselves. Rachel starts talking about how her sister is engaged to a Canadian and moving to Canada after her wedding. Jordan asks if Canada is considered another country? ..then asks if she needs passport to get there. Rachel starts pushing Jordan and Jeff to get married. Jordan says that she’s not ready to get married. Jordan says that she needs to get her life together first. Rachel tells Brendon that she wants to just go ahead and get married in September. Brendon says that the wedding isn’t that big a deal for a guy. Rachel says that she will get married in a trash bag. Jordan tells Rachel not rush it. Brendon says that there’s not enough time to get everything planned. Rachel says that their moms can do it all. Brendon says that he wants to do it right and he really wants all of his family to be there.

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Big Brother 13 Wedding Is Over, Dani and Lawon steal the show

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10:40pm The Big BRother Wedding
Dani was blowing bubbles
Lawon was the priest (He was awesome.. this game his social game a boast)
Jeff is the best man (“trying to stay out to the camera”
Team Bacon was the girl bearer
Jordan was maid of honor

10:55pm Jeff does a speech from his favorite movie blow and they toast the wedding, “May the wind always be on your back and the sun upon your face and may the winds of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars.”. Rachel throws the flowers straight at Jordan nobody else tries to catches them.. Looks like another BB wedding may have to be planned.

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Big Brother 13 – In Adam’s Boy Scouts Nothing Happened “Whats wrong with me why didn’t I get touched” **updated**

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7:37pm Backyard Adam and Brendon chit chating Adam jokes about his time in boy scouts: “Whats wrong with me why didn’t I get touch”. brendon asks if a comedian once said that. Adam says it was on “its always sunny in Philadelphia” (Awesome show BTW) Brendon now remembers they both are fans of the show and talk about their favorite episodes.

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Big Brother 13 – Brendon: “if you have big fake boobs you should be curvy so they look natural.. I don’t like skinny girls”

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6:29pm Jeff, Jordan and Brendon There all working out talking about bodies. Jordan asks Jeff if he typically dated bigger girls before. Brendon: “Were you a chubby chaser? ” Jeff says he likes girls with a little meat on them.. “I like a bit of gunk i the trunk” Brendon: “He likes big butts and he cannot lie” Jeff: “No no not like that”. Brendon asks about Laura from bb11 and if she was really skinny on the show. Jordan says she was but has gotten very skinny now because of her bikini modeling. Brendon has said to Rachel he doesn’t want her to be a model and try to be skinny, “I’ve been into skinny girls.. I don’t like skinny girls” Jordan doesn’t like real buff guys.. or guys that wear tight shirts to show off their muscles. Brendon: “So you didn’t like Keith’s wardrobe” Jordan: “whose keith wardrobe?” they laugh and explain to her
Brendon: “I’m not into skinny girls with big fake boobs”, Brendon adds that if you have big fake boobs you should be curvy so they look natural.. Jeff doesn’t like it when theres 90lb girls with double D’s. Brendon says that it’s scientifically proven that skinny people are more unhealthy than people with some meat on them. Jeff: “Big Jeff has some meat Big Jeff is healthy”

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Big Brother 13 – Dani: “I’m not going to lie take the Rachel out of Porsche and I like her” **updated**

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3:30pm Backyard Couch dani LAwon

Lawon says shelly came up to him and said that she’s been hearing that him and Kalia want to put her up on the block (We can only hope).. Lawon: “I was like WHAT” Dani: “Who told her that Brendon and Rachel probably…. ” Lawon says he told her straight up that Shelly’s name has never been mentioned. Dani: “Who did she take it” Lawon: “She was coo.. so I’ve been trying to talk to her more today”. Dani points out that BR will try anything at this point this is just the beginning of the craziness.

Lawon mentions that Shelly was questioning him that he never talks game with her. Dani points out that Lawon never talks game with many people, he should tell her that. Lawon already has and he feels like things are cool with Shelly now. Lawon: “I told her everyone I cared for and talked game with is gone… and she said I could talk to her” dani: “Shocker… BE VERY CAREFUL what you say to her” Lawon: “I know that you told me that”. Dani stresses how Shelly cannot be trusted.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Porsche tells Shelly that she got beat to a pulp by Brendon and Rachel because she was up talking to Dani..

12pm Jeff, Brendon and Rachel are sitting on the backyard couch talking about sharks and alligators. Dani is suntanning by herself in the backyard. Lawon and Adam are in the kitchen talking about going back to work and what they will do when they get out of the house. Jeff heads inside the house. Rachel and Brendon decide to go and lay down inside the house. Jordan gets into the pool and talks to Dani about Orange County and Lagoona Beach. In the Have not room Rachel asks Brendon if he thinks everyone is going to vote him out. Brendon says yeah. Rachel says that they are making a dumb decision ..all voting out Brendon does is makes Dani stronger. Brendon talks about how he mentally prepared Rachel for this exact situation. Rachel says that she knows she can do it …she just doesn’t want to without him. Brendon says well we don’t have a choice.

12:20pm Shelly and Porsche are talking in the lounge … Shelly is tricking Porsche to get all the information out of Porsche. Shelly says that she is 100% not putting up Dani. Porsche says yeah! Shelly says that she is getting ready to pick her side. Porsche says yeah me too.. its just hard …she says that she doesn’t like what she has said about some people. Shelly says that she is 100% willing to work with Porsche. Porsche says that Shelly is working with Rachel and Brendon. Shelly says no I’m not …why just because I sit and talk with Brendon in the morning .. when you make an assumption make an ass out of me and you. Porsche says that she got beat to a pulp by Brendon and Rachel because she was up talking to Dani.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Shelly tells Jeff not to trust Porsche. Jeff looks at her and says when have I ever?!

10am – 10:30am Brendon, Rachel and Shelly continue to talk in the backyard. Shelly says that if we stick together …we have the numbers …all we need to do is pick them off. Shelly says that Dani is with people that have done nothing ..and won nothing… and they better not get to the end. They talk about how it will be hard to go against Jeff and Jordan. It will be easier to get rid of Jordan because she already won. Rachel says that keeping Jeff in the house is good because he is a bigger target. Brendon tells Shelly that whatever way she votes ..he will respect her decision. They talk about how Dani doesnt respect Jordan or Rachel. Shelly says that she will have a big long talk with Porsche today and tell her that she is with Dani and that she just wants to see if she is too …and that way get her to spill her guts and then I will run right back to you guys and tell you everything. They tell Porsche that if she can’t put up Dani then she needs to throw the competition. Brendon says that in a knock out competition it will reveal who is working with who. Shelly says that the first name she is going to call to knock out is Dani. Shelly heads inside. Rachel says that the only people she trusts is Jeff and Jordan. Brendon says that she needs to trust Shelly …and that Adam will help along the way. Brendon tells Rachel to use Porsche to her advantage. Brendon talks about how Porsche doesn’t tell them anything unless they fish for the information.

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