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12:20pm – 12:45pm Rachel asks Shelly if she thinks Brendon deserves better than her? Shelly asks why are you saying that? Don’t think that! Shelly asks if Rachel just wants to be sad! Rachel says no. Shelly tells Rachel that Brendon isn’t superman and you shouldn’t put him up there …because he is going to disappoint you ..he is human. Rachel says he is superman! Shelly says no he’s not ..don’t do that to him.. he will make mistakes and you will put too much pressure on him. Shelly says that she wishes she had a camera during the competition so that she could take pictures to remember everything. Rachel tells Shelly that she can buy the dvd of the season to watch it and remember it all. They talk about the competition. Shelly asks Rachel what Brendon would be doing right now. Rachel says that he is probably back at his campus now. Rachel starts crying. Shelly tells Rachel that she was strong before Brendon and she should never let her spouse complete her. Shelly tells her that she is still in the honeymoon stage, wait until you get sick of the snoring or when he leaves his things everywhere. Shelly tells Rachel that she has to make herself strong before she can be strong together with Brendon. Shelly asks Rachel if she has ever been depressed before. Rachel says no… its just since being in this house. Shelly says that she wishes she had the perfect words to say to make it better. Shelly says that if she could give her ..the phone call home she would. Rachel says that she couldn’t take that from her. Shelly says that she doesn’t think it will do her any good ..it will just make things harder.
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