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6:40pm HOH Dani and Adam Adam comes in tells her he’s using the POV but wants to warn her that Rachel is going to put her and Kalia up.
adam goes on about how much BR have been pushing him for their vote. Dani says she’s a bazillion times sure that KP will vote out Brendon. Adam is still nervous because if he goes and votes out Brendon and Brendon stays then he’s screwed. Dani explains to him that there’s nothing for him to Worry. adam really pushes for Rachel to go up says that she’ll be after DK. Dani isn’t worried about Rachel because with Brendon gone she’ll be a disaster.
Adam continues about how dangerous BR are in the game, he feels with the 2 of them together they will win HOH and POV’s back to back and clear out the house. Dani says that BR are the biggest liars in the house, even right now she’s catching them all in lies and she’s about to call them out on it.
Dani: “I swear on my life you can ask KP they are nervous about you” adam understands wants her to now that he’ll vote out Brendon but doesn’t want to be screwed after (Like he screwed DKP last week)
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