Hey everybody! First and foremost I’d like to thank onlinebigbrother.com for the opportunity to attend the Big Brother 13 wrap party!! I’ve been living out of the country and the party happened to perfectly coincide with my travel plans back to the states! I was really excited when Simon informed me that I had won. I wasn’t sure what to expect from a wrap party but as Big Brother goes, expect the unexpected. I got to Tru Hollywood at about 5:50, the party was set to begin at 6. Of course everyone in line was talking about the show and who their favorite people were. I was surprised to see so many Rachel fans. Sorry in advance to those of you who are Rachel fans but she didn’t win me over this season or in person but it’s okay we can still be friends. Unfortunately they were running behind letting
Tag: Kalia Booker
Big Brother: Final 3 playing pool Rachel: “I like to show my butt to showtime” **updated
Simon and I work 24/7 all summer long to bring you all the live feed updates and spoilers, please consider donating. Any amount is greatly appreciated, your donations go directly to paying the server and bandwidth fees. Donation Link
9:42pm Pool Table Final 3
They mention how Shelly was this years big brother superfan. Adam talks about how Shelly would watch the feeds and hang out on the online chats. Porsche brings up how Shelly stopped talking about her being a fan once Adam started saying he was a big BB fan.
Adam: “I am not allowed to be a superfan because I was never had the life feeds”
Porsche thought Adam had them for season 11. Adam said he had them for a bit on Season 11. Rachel says she was a huge BB fan but never watched the feeds. Adam starts plugging his favorite website hamsterwatch.

Big Brother Spoilers: Porsche tells Rachel that Adam THREATENED her …she is PISSED and doesn’t want to be around him anymore.. *Updated*
12:25pm – 12:40pm Porsche tells Rachel that Adam threatened her this morning that if she doesn’t take him he isn’t going to vote for me…. and if I do take him …he will tell them all to vote for me to win. Porsche tells Rachel that Adam wants the money for a wedding with Fara and that he would tell the others to vote for her… because $50 G’s is enough for him. Porsche says that he said that he is the deciding vote. Rachel says that no one knows what the jury will do. Rachel says that Adam had the same chance they did to get to the final two. Porsche says that it makes me not even want to hang out with him anymore…. I can’t believe he threatened me. Porsche says that he said he wouldn’t give Rachel this deal either. Porsche says that it was just so rude. Porsche asks Rachel if he did that to her too. Rachel says no …he didn’t threaten me. Porsche says that it’s like he doesn’t even think I deserve to be here. Porsche says that she doesn’t even want to have a final three lunch with him …that’s how rude that was. Rachel says I know he doesn’t say that to me… that’s like telling you to throw the competition. Porsche says that Adam said asked her if she wants $50,000 or $500,000…

Big Brother Spoilers: Adam just about burns down the BB house with his bacon obsession.. *Updated*
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10:50am – 11:30am Adam wakes up and heads out into the backyard for a smoke. All the other houseguests are still sleeping. At 11am Big Brother cuts the live feeds to wake up the other houseguests. When the live feeds return, Porsche and Rachel are in the bathroom getting ready for the day. Adam is in the backyard folding laundry. Rachel talks about working out. Porsche starts to think she will go back to sleep ..then changes her mind and thinks she might get in the hot tub because its cold outside. Rachel and Porsche talk about doing their nails, hair and teeth. Adam start cooking up two trays of bacon .. one regular and one maple bacon. Adam gets called to the diary room. Porsche says it’s for the medic ..have fun! Adam comes back from the diary room and says advil and ice for now till it gets better. Rachel is getting ready to wash their tie-dye clothes. Rachel, Porshce and Adam compare their cuts and bruises. Rachel and Porshce head out side and they all decide to sign their names on one of the t-shirts and final 3 …so that they can give it to the biggest fan the night of the finale. Rachel and Porsche are cleaning the tie-dye clothes with the hose. Rachel asks them if they want her cow costume.. she says she can’t take it because her and Brendon don’t have much room to store stuff. Porsche says that she’ll take it or that maybe a Brendon/Rachel fan would like it.
Simon and I work 24/7 all summer long to bring you all the live feed updates and spoilers, please consider donating. Any amount is greatly appreciated, your donations go directly to paying the server and bandwidth fees. Donation Link

Big Brother Spoilers: Adam laughs and says that he and Enzo are the stupid clowns from Jersey…
Simon and I work 24/7 all summer long to bring you all the live feed updates and spoilers, please consider donating. Any amount is greatly appreciated, your donations go directly to paying the server and bandwidth fees. Donation Link
12am – 1am Rachel, Adam and Porsche continue to play card games. The talk about past events of the house and other random things as they play cards. Adam heads inside and Rachel tells Porsche she feels so bad that she told Adam that she wouldn’t take him to the finals. Porsche asks why does he still joke about it. Rachel says that she told him that she is taking Porsche. Adam comes back outside. The card game continues. They finish up their card game and Porsche and Rachel head inside. Adam talks to himself saying that he made one stupid move in the game and it cost him half a million… Adam says its now down to Rachel and Porsche …who deserves winning it more… it all comes down to who wins the final part of the HOH. Adam says BLANK!
1am In the kitchen Rachel and Porsche are talking. Rachel asks Porsche if she is glad that she didn’t have to work with Kalia at the end. Porsche says that she thinks everything worked out for the best. Rachel and Porsche head back into the backyard. Adam and Porsche are talk about the competition. Rachel says that no matter what happened today they should all be so proud they made it to final three. Rachel tells Adam that he beat out Brendon, Dani, Jeff, Dick.. Keith, Cassi… Porsche tells Adam that he beat her ass in the OTEV competition.
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Big Brother Spoilers: Adam says what pisses me off is Shelly was so mad I was having doubts about her, when the whole time she was telling Jeff that she had doubts about me.. *Updated*
Simon and I work 24/7 all summer long to bring you all the live feed updates and spoilers, please consider donating. Any amount is greatly appreciated, your donations go directly to paying the server and bandwidth fees.
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10am – 10:45am There is a banging noise coming from behind the walls. The houseguests wake up and wonder what they could be doing behind the walls. Big Brother cuts the live feeds. When they come back, The lights are still off and the houseguests are awake talking in bed. Rachel asks Adam and Porsche if they are going to get to James’s party after the finale. Adam says most likely. Porsche says that she will be going. They talk about Chelsia Hart from BB9 and how she does hosting and works for RealPlayer. Adam says that he is surprised that they didn’t hear him during his interviews because he was yelling and screaming. Porsche realizes that Kalia was messed up on the information she was studying. Porsche says that she should have studied by herself. They talk about how there are only 4 days left. They joke about how there should be a Big Brother alarm clock that says a different wake up message every time you hit snooze. Rachel says that America probably would rather be watching the jury house, finding out about Dani, Jeff, and Shelly. Adam says that what really pisses me off is that Shelly was so mad that I was having doubts about her …when the whole time she was telling Jeff that she had doubts about me. They continue to talk about past events and competition’s of the house.
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Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel has a blonde moment and puts deodorant on over her shirt.. **updated
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10:30am – 10:50am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. When the live feeds come back, Jordan and Rachel are talking. Rachel is packing her suit case. Rachel tells Jordan that she is really sorry that she couldn’t do this for us. Jordan says that she should have won the veto. Jordan says that if Kalia were still here it would probably be Rachel going home. Rachel says that she is glad that Jordan is her friend. Jordan says that she just wants this day to be over. Jordan says that she didn’t even leave out any endurance clothes in her bag. Rachel asks why? You should have some. Jordan says no she won’t need them. Jordan says she got up at 6am and they were still working out in the backyard. Meanwhile in the kitchen Adam and Porsche are making breakfast. Rachel heads to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Rachel just put deodorant on over her shirt. She laughs and then goes to tell Adam and Porsche. Rachel heads back to the bedroom to continue packing.
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Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Wednesday Show Results
Unconfirmed Spoilers
Kalia Evicted
Adam wins HOH
Jordan wins POV (this will probably not be confirmed until the feeds come back on)
Confirmed Spoilers
Evicted =

Possible Eviction and HOH Spoilers and to Pass the time NUUDES
Unconfirmed but has been reported from trusted sources that Adam Won the HOH and Kalia was evicted. The vote was 2 to 1 with Jordan solidifying her Jury vote with Kalia by voting for Kalia to stay. We won’t know 100% until tomorrow night.
Feeds are Playing repeated footage from First week of July. Keith Fans should jump on the Feeds because he’s ripping it up. I’m not sure when the feeds will come back last year I think they were off for about a day. CBS blocks the feeds to jack up Wednesday’s TV Ratings, You can still flashback to any time in BB13 and BB12 while we wait for them to come back.

Big Brother Spoilers: The FINAL FIVE drink mimosa’s and toast to making it this far! *Updated*
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8:40am – 9:30am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests and switches the live feeds to the control room screen.. There were no more fortune teller wake ups since the 5:50am one. When the live feeds come back, Rachel is up and in the HOH room getting ready for the day. Rachel comes down to find Jordan and asks if she is sleeping. Jordan says yes. Rachel asks if she is going to sleep through the show time thing. Jordan says that they were up till 6am with the fortune teller. Rachel asks really after 4am?! Adam and Jordan both says yes. Rachel asks they were still playing the same stuff. They tell her yeah. Jordan tells her that she is on her period and cramping. Rachel heads back up to the HOH room to get ready. Big Brother calls Adam to the diary room. Adam gets up and tries to go to the diary room but can’t. He talks to Jordan in the metal room. He tries to get her to get up but she isn’t feeling well. Adam is really excited and then goes into the candy room. Porsche tells him that they have playing cards and a shirt dying kit in the storage room. Big Brother calls Adam to the diary room again. When Adam comes out he heads to the kitchen to make get some cereal. Jordan is now up and in the shower.
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Big Brother Spoilers: The Fortune Teller keeps the houseguests up all night.. driving them insane..
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12:10am Out in the backyard Adam is in the hammock talking Jordan and Rachel are in the kitchen studying the phrases. Jordan says that she doesn’t have them all done like they do …she can’t just hear them one time. Jordan tells Rachel that Adam told her if he wins HOH he will put up her and Porsche. Jordan says that he said it will give you motivation to win and take yourself off the block. Jordan heads out into the backyard and Adam says what’s up stupid? Adam says they haven’t called you that in awhile have you? Jordan says no I miss it. Porsche asks if he thinks they are going to play it again. Adam tells Porsche he thinks the fortune teller is going to wake them up more in the middle of the night. Adam says to Porsche I don’t mean to be rude …but did you finish packing? Porsche asks Jordan if she thinks they will repeat it again. Jordan says no, she thinks they will just be told the once and they have to remember all of them. Adam goes inside and recites all of the phrases as he touches each houseguests memory wall photo. Rachel is studying the memory wall photos. Jordan heads up to the HOH room to lay on the couch. Adam comes by the kitchen again and recites all of the dates times and important information about each houseguests fortune. Adam breaks the frame around Keiths photo and then fixes it with tape. Adam starts reciting the information again and touching the photos again and Big Brother tells him to stop that. Porsche joins them in the kitchen and stares at the memory wall. Rachel joins Jordan up in the HOH room.
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Big Brother Spoilers: Kalia cries and says she feels like the whole game we have just been railroaded ..we never had a chance.. *Updated*
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12:40pm Kalia and Porsche are cooking in the kitchen. Kalia says that no matter what happens she is okay …I didn’t have a half a million dollars before I walked in here …and my life was pretty great. Porsche says that’s a good way to look at it. Kalia says that she is just trying to justify it so that she isn’t hysterical when she walks out on Thursday.. Porsche and Kalia talk about how they can’t wait to get out and get back into their routine again. Kalia heads outside to eat. Adam asks her if she wants to talk to him at all? Kalia says that she is mad and upset …and that she has a hard time asking for help. Kalia starts to cry. Adam says that his speech was more directed to Jordan and Rachel because they voted to keep me. Kalia says that the whole game they have just rail roaded us … and it felt like we never had a chance. ..we put our hands in last week…and that meant nothing. Kalia is crying. Adam says that when people weren’t sticking to the deal the whole dela was broken. Kalia says that she doesn’t even know if she will campaign to certain people … and that I know you are going to vote to keep Porsche. Adam says that he wants to beat a vet …to prove that he earned it. Kalia takes it as a huge, huge, huge, compliment that you want me out of the game that hard. Porsche comes out to join them.
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