11:22pm Lounge room Haleigh and Bay. Haleigh – you and I need to stop worrying about everyone else. Bay – okay. Haleigh – everyone else is getting pretty settled and our side is taking hit after hit where we’re going to be the only ones left. Bay – so going into this we aren’t going to have any numbers and they’re going to have five. How smart does that look? After what happened last week I said I am voting how I want. Angela joins them. They talk about the havenot saucers. Haleigh comments on how JC and Fes share a saucer.
Tag: Kaitlyn Herman
Sam “You have my word if it comes to a tie, I will break it & send Kaitlyn out.”
8pm Bedroom. Rockstar and Haleigh. Rockstar – Fes and I had a talk and I knew he was going to use it on you. Haleigh – I know, I assumed. Rockstar – and I told him that even if I got put up there it was the right thing to do because that’s what he set out to do, that’s what he promised to, that’s what he wanted to do and you got house guest choice. I was like even if I go up there, maybe I will be talking to Julie about how stupid that was. But I don’t think you should speak something like that into the air and not do it. And that’s why he was like I did not forget what you said. And you are a real motherf**ker.
“Keep Kaitlyn. Okay, I’ll vote with it but I think it’ll bite y’all in the a$$”
*** updated **** Big Brother Spoilers 5:10pm Bayleigh, Kaycee and Rachel
Bay – you got to thank god for every day.. this is a good day for us.. we’re not on the block..
R – how are you going to vote
Bay – you y’all are voting
Kaycee – i might have changed
R – keep Kaitlyn
Bay – ok.. I’ll vote with it but I think it’ll bite y’all in the a$$
Kaycee and Rachel offer her protection if she votes out Rockstar.
Bay – she claims to be good with everybody in this house..
Bay tells them that Fes forgave Kaitlyn for turning on Swaggy and Kailtyn told Tyler. She doesn’t see Kailtyn going after Fes.
“I threw it to him and he didn’t save me .. I’m not worthy of being saved..
***** updated ***** Big brother Spoilers 2:50pm Angela and kailtyn
Kailtyn going on about how she never needed Fes to save her she can save herself.. Angela says she will vote to keep kailtyn. Kaitlyn thanks her says Haleigh and Fes will be voting for her as well.
Kaitlyn says fes looked her in the eyes and she put all her trust in him, “it was a one to one moment .. we had two of them.. he looked me in my eyes in bed and said I want to save you make sure you pick me”
K – I said ok .. 5 minutes before the veto we’re dressed and he was nervous.. said I don’t want to go up.. so I said how about I don’t win you win and we can make sure we’re both safe and he said yeah
K – we shook hand and looked each other in the eyes
Kaitlyn – I threw it to him and he didn’t save me
“I was this close using it on Winston.. I didn’t use it now they are going to use it anyways”
***** updated ***** 12:41pm Kailtyn Crying to fes
Kaitlyn – I don’t even know how you are going to vote.. I can’t trust anything anyone says…
Fes – it was haleigh and you on the block what was I supposed to do
Kailtyn – don’t look me in the face and say I was safe..
Fes says he told both of them he would save them to ensure he was picked for Veto so that he could save one of them.
Kailtyn – I can’t believe you played me like that..
Fes – I didn’t play you
Kailtyn – you didn’t mean it when you said it
Fes says he wasn’t sure at the time he knew he wanted to win it to take one of them down so they had a chance to save both. HE says she’s got 4 days.. .
Kaitlyn “If I get past this week & I win HOH! I would be a F**KING TYRANT!”
**** updated ***** 10pm Backyard couch. Fes, Sam, Kaitlyn and Rockstar. They’re going around giving each other compliments. Kaitlyn compliments Fes – When you came to me that first day in the kitchen and said .. because you knew I had a boyfriend .. you said I’ve never had a girl that’s a friend before. And I was like I’m ready for the challenge! Thank you for having me! From the moment that happened..
JC “Kaitlyn told Fes something that would f**k up her life outside this game. She has feelings for Fes.”
6:55pm HOH room. JC and Tyler. JC – I told Fes that I am tired of talking, I’m tired of playing this stupid little game. I said if you use that veto .. okay I am not going to vote you out or put you up if I get HOH but the game talk with me is done. I told him straight up. Supposedly Kaitlyn told him something that he doesn’t want to tell anyone because it would f**k up her life outside this game. So I was like curious, so I found out from Bayleigh that she (Kaitlyn) has feelings for Fes. Tyler – Kaitlyn? JC – yeah! And that’s what she told him. Wait this gets more complicated.. I feel like this is the strategy she is doing.
JC “Once Kaitlyn goes home I’m going to try & get into Tyler’s pants, like literally!”
4:50pm Havenot room. JC and Fes. JC – if you use that veto I honestly don’t want to talk to you because you’re making yourself a big a$$ target right now. Fes – if anyone wants to come talk to me they can talk to me but I am not playing this cat and mouse game. People are scared to come talk to me. JC – you have Haleigh freaking out. You can tell she is feeling like crap. She is counting on you not using it. If you use that and she picks someone like Rockstar .. Haleigh will go home. I don’t want her to go home. Just like I don’t want you to go home. Fes – I know your game is to do what the house wants but I’m not doing that.
Kaitlyn “I decided I have so much faith in myself & I don’t need a man to save me.”
12:08pm Backyard – Tyler and Kaycee. Tyler – I had a good talk with Sam yesterday. She wouldn’t tell me who she would put up. She wants Kaitlyn to go so if Haleigh comes off the block Sam is going to put up someone that guarantees Kaitlyn to go. Kaycee – MMmm interesting. She asked me today who I would put up. Rockstar. Did she ask you who you would put up? Tyler – yeah same thing. Sam’s personal thing is good but you have to know who was there for you before the pressure you know what I mean? Kaycee – did you tell her that?
“it would be really f*ing weird if you didn’t save me.. would be again another f*ing twist.. “
**** UPDATED **** Big Brother Spoilers 12:38am Fes and Kaitlyn
K – if you don’t save me they’re sending my a$$ home.. Rockstar and I just had a conversation…
K brings up parts of her conversation how the teams has been bringing up week 2 Swaggy getting evicted all day. She say that they were wearing SwaggyC shirts, “you guys were just talking about me and it walking around with these shirts”
Kaitlyn adds that Rockstar told her that what she did messed up their game but they still want to work with her.
Kailtyn says when she put up Swaggy she was still with their side.. She could have easily ran to the other side but she didn’t she stuck with hinm. Getting Swaggy out was about her sticking up for herself
Bayleigh “I am already the angry black woman y’all want me to be! So let me be that!”
9:30pm HOH room. Tyler and Sam. Tyler – I jsut wanted to let you know that he is definitely going to use it. Sam – okay, who is he going to take down? Tyler – I don’t know but still everything is fine. Are you going to not tell him who you are going to put up? Sam – no. I’m not going to tell anyone who I am going to put up until I put them up. And then when I put them up I am going to tell them about the power thing. Tyler – okay is it still Rockstar? Sam – I’m not going to tell you either. Its not you. Tyler – okay. Its not Rockstar? Sam shrugs her shoulders. Tyler – You’re not going to tell me?
Tyler “Don’t tell Haleigh that I’m against Kaitlyn yet.”
POV: FES Next POV: July 21st POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 23rd HOH: Sam Next HOH: July 26th Noms: Kaitlyn and Haleigh Have Nots 6:40pm Bedroom. Haleigh, Rockstar and Bayleigh. Haleigh tells Rockstar and Bay about JC’s plan for how Haleigh should stay on the block and for Fes to not use the veto […]