9:50am UP in the HOH bathroom – Candice is talking to Aaryn. She tells Aaryn that both she and Howard will back her if she doesn’t put up Howard and puts up Elissa instead. Candice says she lied to me and told me she wasn’t the MVP when she was. The whole house has been back and forth from side to side with the power because they are afraid of it. Candice says that I know Gina and maybe Jessie would also back you and maybe Helen. Aaryn says that she hasn’t made her decision yet. I am not going to back door anyone. I have to be honest people want Howard out. If I did end up putting her up then I would fully understand if you were mad at me. I know he could very well win the veto and take himself off. Candice says that she won’t be mad at her if she does put up Howard. Aaryn says she isn’t sure yet and wants to talk with everyone. Candice says maybe the people that are working with are also trying to get you out. Aaryn says she knows full well that if I didn’t win I would be going this week. Candice says I don’t want this to leave the room but Amanda is the one spear heading trying to get you out. Aayrn says that she can’t bite the hand that feeds her, they were the ones that kept me here. Aaryn says the best thing you can do is get to Helen and Elissa to change their mind.
Tag: Kaitlin Barnaby
Big Brother 15 HOH and Eviction results Kaitlin Vs Aaryn Vs Ginamarie
State of the house
Last week my gripe was the MVP twist going to Elissa every week. This Thursday my gripe is the superfriends running the house. The house is horribly stacked against anybody but the superfriends. Most of the strongest players in the game are in that alliance, they have the majority of numbers and the twist has gone their way 3 out of 4 times. Make sense they are running the show. Still it’s becoming boring as f*** for a fickle fan like myself. What I want to see is some of the superfriends in the hot seat and after almost a month of domination it’s about time. All we need is Howard/Candice/Spencer to win HOH and the house will explode into a weekend of 24/7 madness. CBS wants this, I want this, do you?
Spencer says I will submissive to them for now but if I get HOH I am going to DROP A BOMB!
11:38am The live feeds switch to TRIVIA while the House Guests are on an HOH lock down. When the feeds return, Judd, Helen and Elissa are in the kitchen. Judd and Elissa talk about it being a no floater season. Elissa brings up how Porsche Briggs got in trouble for putting ex-lax in the slop. Elissa thought it was to help her go to the bathroom but Judd thought it was to mess with people. Judd heads to the havenot room and dumps his dirty laundry in the corner of the room. Andy jokes that Judd when from the HOH to the havenot room. He says that it is so nice of him to give up a bed tonight to sleep in the havenot room. Judd laughs and leaves. Andy and Spencer talk. Spencer tells Andy that he really hopes he wins HOH tonight. Andy agrees and says he really wants a letter from his family.
Andy says what lazy f**ks we have in this house. Judd says early bird gets the worm motherf**kers!
9:43am Big Brother switches the live feeds to the we’ll be right back screen to wake up the house guests. When the feeds return, Andy pulls Jessie into the lounge and tells her that Howard thinks the house is trying to frame him so he is going to go to everyone in the house and ask them who they are voting for. Andy says and he wants me to go with him as a witness. We told him that we are voting out Kaitlin, so when he comes to you just say that. Jessie asks who is this, Spencer? Andy says no Howard. Jessie says okay. They leave the room.
As the house guests are on a indoor lock down for the live episode tonight, Helen is doing her morning run inside. Meanwhile Judd is up in his HOH room packing up his things. Jessie heads up to join him. Jessie says so what’s up did anything happen last night. Judd says nope. You missed a steak out though. Judd says that I was waiting to talk to Amanda and McCrae but someone got to them before me.
Amanda climbs on top of Candice and says if I had a di*k, the things I would do to you!
12:40am Amanda tells Andy that she wants him to tell Kaitlin that someone in her alliance told him it’s true about the Grasshoppers alliance. She wants him to tell her that it could sway his vote. They talk about how they are voting out Kaitlin because she is coming after Amanda. Amanda says that she wants to find out the truth because they’re not sure Judd is telling the truth. Amanda says that she wants the target off of her. Andy says that he thinks Kaitlin would still lie. Amanda says that Kaitlin would go back to the other people in that alliance and point fingers, which would take the target off of her. McCrae says there’s no point. Andy says it’s risky, but says he wants to get the target off of Amanda. Andy says that he is annoyed that Judd doesn’t want blood on his hands. He says that Judd told Andy not to say the reason they are voting Kaitlin out because that’s what Judd wants. Andy says we need to stay strong (McCrae, Andy, Judd, Amanda).
Big Brother Spoilers Helen warns Candice “What if Kaitlin won HOH and her head got big”
9:47pm Storage room Elissa and Helen
Helen tells her if Spencer and Howard win HOH they will try to take out aaryn instead of them. She points out Kaitlin is well liked and is a beast in competitions. Elissa is back on board to vote Kaitlin out.
Candice comes in
C: “Kaitlin keeps asking me about votes”
Helen: “You got to talk to JUDD”
Candice: “you would rather Aaryn over Kaitlin”
Helen says they are safer that Aaryn stays. Candice knows Kaitlin is going she understand their reasons she just dislikes Aaryn so much she doesn’t feel right have that person in the house.
Helen: ‘She never talked to us until Jeremy left.. Look how rude she was to me on my HOH night.. what if she won HOH and her head got big” (nice one helen)
Andy says If I get Have Nots again I’m going to have a Gary Glitteresque Freak Out
7:51pm Cockpit Howard, Andy, Spencer, Helen, Candice
Just Chit Chat
Howard says he once ate so many gummy worms he gained 2.2lbs
Andy says if he gets Have nots again he’s going to have a “Gary Glitteresque freak out”
7:40pm Bedroom GM and Kaitlin
Kaitlin reallys thinking she has the votes. Kaitlin explains what happened with the MVP. The lovely Brenchel army all voted Aaryn and/or Kaitlin to be nominated because they didn’t know the nominations at that point. Since those two were already on the block the remaining votes went to Elissa. Gm was fourth because of her association with Aary.
Big Brother Spoilers Gina keeps eating all Jessie’s slop balls “I want to beat her up”
5:52pm JUDD and Jessie
Jessie whispering I think she’s talking about Ginamarie eating all the slop balls. She’s pissed because GM isn’t even on slop why doesn’t see just eat a pizza or something.
Jessie giggles: “I want to beat her up.. should I beat her up”
JUDD: “No”
JUDD tells her to talk to GM and say that the slop balls take a long time to make. Jessie says they’ve done that already you would think she would stop. Jessie told Amanda and she wants them to start something about it so that Amanda isn’t the last person to yell in the house.
Jessie kisses JUDD on the shoulder and he kisses her on the cheek. (Jessie has a smile on her face finally she has the showmance she always wanted)
Jessie goes to the chess board where Helen and Elissa aree playing. She tells them about the slop balls being eaten. Helen offers to make more
Spencer says Andy is a handsome man, I can see why a lot of dudes would want to b@ng you!
2pm In the lounge room – Andy is talking to Kaitlin about how they wonder if tomorrow will be a double eviction. Andy says it’s crazy how its day 35 and only 3 people are gone. Andy tells her that Judd put Vaseline in my hair today. Kaitlin says what an a$$hole!
They head out to the backyard. Spencer and Jessie are sitting on the couch. Spencer says that she looks sexy in her hat. I normally don’t like girls wearing hats but you look good. Jessie says thank you. Aaryn, Kaitlin, Amanda, Gina, Helen, Judd, Candice and McCrae are in the pool and sun tanning around it. Elissa is running laps around the backyard. They are talking about the possibility of a double eviction. Meanwhile Howard is working out and Elissa starts doing her yoga. Amanda suggests the next time we get alcohol us girls get it all and we have a bachelorette party.
Amanda tells Jessie to tell Candice that Elissa is targeting Howard. When in doubt blame Elissa!
11:55am – 12:10pm Jessie and Helen head into the lounge room. Helen says you went to bed last night and everything got pinned on Amanda. Helen explains to Jessie what happened last night and what she told Elissa after she called people out. Helen tells Jessie about how she threatened Elissa that she needs to shape up or ship out! Helen comments that even though people say the alliance is a lie, I think that it is true. Jessie comments that she wishes it had remained the way it was before because bringing in Aaryn scares me. Helen says after Kaitlin goes, Aaryn is out next after Howard. She is leaving the second we are done using her. She is out the door before jury. If she makes it to jury I will shoot myself. Even if Howard takes himself of the block then we will back door Aaryn. Helen says I want Aaryn out before I want Amanda out. Jessie says that Helen got Elissa this far in the game. Helen agrees, I did everything to bring the target down off of her. Jessie wonders what if Aaryn wins HOH. Helen says that she isn’t sure why Elissa didn’t get MVP but once she gets it again people will be kissing her butt again.
Judd tells Aaryn that it breaks his heart to not tell Kaitlin she is going home.
9:45am Big Brother switches the live feeds to the we’ll be right back screen to wake up the house guests. When the feeds return, Aaryn is called to the diary room. Andy is up and heads out into the backyard to lay on the hammock. Helen joins Andy on the hammock. Helen talks about how she talked to Elissa last night and explained to her that Aaryn came out looking good and you didn’t. Helen says she told Elissa that when you are in an alliance you talk about things before you go calling people out. Andy says she jsut looked like an idiot. Helen says if you don’t shape up the alliance isn’t going to want you to be a part of it. She says that Judd was the one that told me about the alliance and I told Elissa. Helen says that she was mad that Judd didn’t speak up when she was calling people out. Helen says he didn’t because he is in our alliance and there was no need for him to. Helen says that she told Elissa you don’t throw members of your alliance under the bus. Helen says she threatened Elissa that if she isn’t working with us then you are working against us.
McCrae says Amanda is the scapegoat like how Hitler used your people as the problem as to why Germany was a piece of sh*t!
12:10am In the lounge Spencer, Howard and Amanda are talking. Amanda is talking to them about Candice throwing her name out. Amanda says that she never talks about Candice. Amanda asks Howard to make sure her name never comes out of Candice’s mouth. Howard says he will tell her to not talk to her. Amanda says you don’t have to say that just tell her to keep my name from coming out of her mouth in a negative way. Amanda asks him to talk to her because he is closest to her. Amanda asks Howard if he was protecting her. Howard says that she isn’t on the block, so she doesn’t need protecting. Howard asks Amanda she was protecting him? Amanda tells Howard that he isn’t answering the question. Amanda asks Howard if he knows what an alliance is? Amanda asks am I in the Twilight Zone right now? Amanda says you are beating around the bush.