Big Brother 15 Feed Leak the MVP is….

9:04pm Cam 1-2 Lounge
Amanda: “What’s our alliance called”
McCrae: “The babymakers”

Andy joins them closes the door to the lounge. Amanda says he should have left the lounge door open. She makes him get up and open it. Andy says he accidentally damaged it. (The image the face he made when he told them he broke the microphone)

Amanda starts singing little tunes.. “Shady as F**** .. shady as F***.. stereotypes.. stereotypes
Amanda: “Hey HElen bet you can’t drive.. stereotypes stereotypes”
Amanda: “Hey HElen you must be good at math.. stereotypes stereotypes”
Andy starts bringing up some examples of stereotypes. His first one is when he lived by a bar that had a hip hop night and every weekend there was a stabbing.

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Big Brother Spoilers Nominations “I’m kinda excited about being on the block”

7:41pm Cam 3-4 Have Nots Helen and Elissa
Andy comes in “Both of you stay strong” he leaves..
Elissa apologizing to Helen because she thinks Helen is up because of her.

H: “Hopefully we get MVP if not I have a couple tricks up my sleeve’
They agree they save themselves if they get the veto. Helen is hoping on them getting the MVP but even if they don’t she has a “Couple THoughts”

Helen says theres a play out there for them they still have a lot of time. . Right now they have to wait it out and be cool because if Elissa causing drama it’s not good. Helen wants them to wait it out until the POV and MVP is known.

Helen: ‘You can’t win this game without going on the block,.. I wanted David out we got david out.. it’s worth it.. we got a big strong player out and that is why we’re on the block we need to win POV and MVP and change it all”
E: “She wants this to be a frat house..”
H: “No jabbing at her”

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Helen tells Jeremy and Aaryn that she is ready to go up on the block.

2:45pm Nick comes up to the HOH room. They ask him who they should put up with Elissa. Nick says I thought you had it all figured out. Jeremy says we are asking everyone what they want and we are asking you because we don’t want anyone to think we aren’t talking to you. Aaryn says that what scares her is that he won’t throw out any names. Nick tells them to put up a pawn. Nick then asks to talk to Aaryn alone. Jeremy leaves the HOH room. Nick tells Aaryn that he watched everyone the first week to see who he could trust. He says that he put his trust in a few people and those people are the only ones he is talking game with. Jeremy comes back in. Nick says that he thinks there is enough guilt in the house to send her home. Jeremy asks so you are voting her out? Nick says yes. Nick asks who else would go up with her. Jeremy says anyone but MC. Jeremy says that Candice is the target next week. They talk about putting up Helen and talking to her about after the nominations.

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America Voted for the Have Nots to Eat LIVER & LIMA BEANS!

12:25pm When the live feeds return the house guests are inside the house. America voted for the havenot house guest to eat LIVER & LIMA BEANS. Candice is explaining recipes they can make with it. McCrae is super excited and says that he can’t wati to try the liver. He says that he has never tried liver before. The havenots thank America for the lima beans. Nick says that he is stocked about the lima beans but not the liver. Nick, Jessie, Andy, McCrae and Jeremy start chucking the lima beans at the liver.

12:35pm In the bedroom – Jeremy, Andy and Gina are talking about a girls period. Gina says that she fights a lot and gets angry when she is on her period. Nick and Gina decide to go back to sleep. Meanwhile out in the backyard – Jessie, Spencer, Amanda and Judd are talking about religion.

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Jeremy says it will be a landslide vote. Kaitlin says if I go home, remember you told me that!

9:50am Big Brother switches the live feeds to the we’ll be right back screen. Up in the HOH room Aaryn, Jeremy and Kaitlin go back to sleep. In the havenot room – Helen and Elissa talk about working out today. Meanwhile out in the backyard – Judd and Jessie are sitting on the couch talking about her dreams. Andy joins them. Andy comments that the song lyrics played today were I get knocked down but I still get up. He says I bet nominations are today. Judd heads inside and Andy and Jessie talk about boyfriends. Andy talks about the guy he was dating from April – July. He says he lost his virginity to him. Big Brother cuts the feeds. When the feeds come back they are talking about the casting process. Andy explains how casting called a number of people he knows to ask them a ton of weird questions like if I get angry. Big Brother cuts the feeds again. When the feeds come back – Judd joins Andy and Jessie on the backyard couch. They are talking about strategies to big brother. They discuss how different Elissa is from Rachel. Judd says that she is nice and he isn’t going to just ignore her and be mean.

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Amanda says that she got jealous and wanted to rip Jessie’s f***ing face off!

2am Out in the backyard. Andy, Kaitlin and Ginamarie are laying on the hammock. Kaitlin says that she has been freaking out and needs to stop. Andy agrees. He says that it’s everyone’s downfall in the house. Ginamarie says that she gives props to Andy and Judd for admitting they evicted David. Gina says that Spencer isn’t a real man for not admitting it. Andy Kaitlin that other house guests are already freaking out. Gina says that Spencer is a good dude but she says he is iffy with him because he fu*ked them last week. Kaitlin says that she would have flash Judd a boob for his vote and says that actually offered to. Kaitlin says that when she questioned Judd about his vote – Judd reiterated that he said he had Kaitlin’s back but not David’s. Kaitlin, Andy and Gina head over to the backyard couches. Kaitlin talks to Aaryn alone. She asks her why Aaryn thinks that Helen and Elissa will fight if they’re on the block together. Aaryn says that she assumes they will towards the end. Kaitlin says that she thinks Elissa and Helen will make the decision together who they will nominate be the MVP to make sure the house votes the that person out. Aaryn tells Kaitlin that she thinks we have the numbers no matter what.

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Big Brother Spoilers “Triangle of Thrust”

11:45pm Cam 3-4 Jessie, Jeremy, Kaitlin, Gina, Judd, Aaryn

Jessie has heard that her loyalty is always being questions with them and she’s had enough. She’s hear through the grapevine that Kaitlin was bothered by her and Candice singing shady f*** in the bathroom. Kaitlin says she’s cool now she didn’t know candice was singing that with everyone.

Gina asks her who said that she had a showmance with Judd.. Jessie explains what happened with Elissa during the party.
Jessie: “elissa gave me one of her infamous looks when me and Judd were dancing”
So she went up to her and said “I know what you are doing you are going to say Judd and I are in a showmance just like you go around with the other showmances.. don’t do that” Elissa told her whatever and walked away
Aaryn asks what did she say to McCrae.
Jessie: “I told him if Amanda is the one that ended up voting David
Kaitlin and aaryn say that is not how the story was relayed to them.
Jessie: ‘Look I’m, sorry..My approach is not good.. I’m sorry”
Aaryn: “No Jess i’m not mad at you”

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BB Girls “I don’t care who you girls are F*****.. We’re playing Big Brother this isn’t a wh*** house”

9:02pm Cam 3-4 Elissa and Kaitlin

Elissa: “I really like you and I think you are one of the nicest girls.. I hope that I never said anything that offended you”
Kaitlin: “We’ll somebody told me that you called me a **ore and it kinda made me upset but I got over it”

Elissa: “This is what aaryn said.. after the HOH competition she was smiling and smirking because she knew.. Like.. obviously that I wanted to win HOH.”
Elissa: “She was like Thats OK you and Kaitlin can sleep up there.. LIke.. Like Big Brother nots running a wh**e house.. Like Where we rent out rooms to people… Like”
Elissa was worried because she knows the type of family Kaitlin has and she didn’t want Kaitlins family to see her getting invites from some random guy.

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Jeremy worries about the MC “I want to trust Spencer and Howard.. but they lie so F**** good”

6:13pm Nick and Jeremy Cam 3-4

j: “I don’t know who is making me nervous but someone is making me nervous”
Jeremy says that everyone is talking about him being the MVP nominee and he really doesn’t want to go on the block it worries him (Then he needs to stop volunteering to go up)
Nick: “do you really think Elissa is going to win it again.. I Don’t”
Jeremy: “I trust you and I want to trust Spencer and I want to trust Howard.. but i’ve seen how they lie and they lie so F**** good”
Nick: ‘Bro that’s part of the game”
Jeremy says that Spencer makes him nervous earlier he brought up that if they pull his name in the POV he told Jeremy “I’ll try my best but I don’t know.. you gotta be cool you gotta fake an injury don’t look like a threat”
J: ‘Bro.. I shouldn’t have to worry about being a threat if the 5 of us have each others backs bro”
N: “We do.. dude i’m telling you right now”

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Aaryn: “I’m going to have death threats when I get home for going against Elissa”

4:35pm HOH Cam 3-4 Jeremy and Aaryn

Jer: Tell me if you think this is a good idea again I want you to make the decision.. Amanda was the mastermind of David going home so i’m thinking Amanda and Elissa as the nominees”
A) they are both in the alliance
B) they both suck at competitions so I have a way better chance to win VETO
C) doesn’t matter which one goes they are both strong players (Amanda strong socially and Elissa strong because of MVP/CBS manipulation)

A: “You don’t think they would vote out Amanda”
J: “Doesn’t matter they are both dangerous”
A: “mcCrae and Amanda are playing everyone “
J: “I don’t know about McCrae but I’m sure Amanda is playing everyone “
A: “you don’t think we need McCrae and Amanda on our side.. they said noms are tomorrow.. we need to figure this out”
J: “who said that” (about the the nominations)
A: “Amanda “

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Elissa asks GinaMarie if she could you ask Aaryn to stop attacking her personally.

12pm Elissa and Gina are in the lounge room talking. Gina starts talking about how she and Nick have chemistry and that he doesn’t want to hook up in the house. She says that she likes a guy back in New York and doesn’t want to ruin it with him. Gina then starts talking about the votes. She says that she wants to compete with the best. Elissa says okay wait why are you talking about Nick. Did someone say I said something about it? Gina says no, I just want people to know I like this guy at home and I know Nick isn’t here to hook up. Gina says I don’t cheat on tests, I don’t lie, etc… Elissa says I have to be honest with you, when I first met you, you are an energetic fun girl. It disappointed me that you made a connection with the mean girl Aaryn and I didn’t like that. You are 33 years old. Gina says that Aaryn reminds her of a girl back home that she helps out. Elissa says when you said that my voice is like nails on a chalk board when I haven’t even talked with you.

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