Amanda fills McCrae in on the conversation they are having.. feeds go to fish..
Amanda keeps reiterating to be mindful. McCrea points out that they will use whatever ammunition they can, “Like even if it’s just the smallest comment they’ll use it against you”
5:00:30 Aaryn: “But I haven’t said anything racist they are just putting words into my mouth”
McCrea: “Exactly.. I wouldn’t worry about it too much”
Amanda: “Just don’t make any funny jokes especially around Candace because she’ll relay it as the most racist.. and be like WE have a Black President”
Aaryn :”We’ll I didn’t vote for him”
Amanda: “Because you are from Texas”
Aaryn: “Just saying”
Amanda: ‘I didn’t vote for him either”
Aaryn: “I appreciate you telling me that but that is the more immature thing EVER they call be barbie and all sorts of sh!t about me being blonde al;l the time.. whats the difference”
Amanda: ‘Because there is not… Feeds cut ****