Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Adam has the power of Veto doesn’t look like he’s going to use it. As of now KIKI is being evicted. Details from the blood veto were given to the houseguets. Regular veto was not used. 10:16AM Dane and KIKI KIKI says Adam is acting “So paranoid.. I’m scared I’m […]
Tag: Kailyn Archer

Adam “They p!ss together, eat together, they sleep together.. one of them has to go!”
Help support OBB by making your Amazon purchases through our link below. It doesn’t cost you anything and we get a percentage of what you buy. Amazon Canada Amazon USA 11:07pm Hot Tub. Anthony, Kyra and Cory. Anthony to Kyra – have they given you any.. Kyra – who’s they? Anthony – anybody. Has anyone […]

“I don’t think KIKI and Esti should be together in this house or even in this house at all”
6:41pm Cory and Damien Trying to figure out what BLOOD veto does. Cory – because it’s the blood veto Kyra HAS to use it to get Blood on her hands.. Damien – do you remember what the letter said>? Cory – the letter said the holder of the power of veto won’t compete will be […]

Sam “If I go home in the next couple weeks, I’m never going to talk to you again.”
11:15pm Havenot room. Sam and Adam.
Adam – I talked to Mark and he was like I don’t understand why I’m even on the block. I told you and Sam that you were good. He is clueless why he is even on the block. I don’t think that he would come after you. Sam – okay I trust you. Adam – this is your week. I talked to Kyra and all I heard was me, me, me. She is not thinking about you. She is not thinking about me. Its all about her. Sam – everyone is convinced that you guys are working together that they want to break it up. I don’t know if I can trust you and Dane. I feel like I’m disposable when it comes to you and Dane.

Adam wins Power of Veto
Big Brother Spoilers – Adam wins the Veto. Doesn’t smell like it’s going to be used. 10:00pm KIKI crying.. Dane comforts her. KIKI says she’s got to pretend she’s cool with Kyra because she needs “her” vote but sh’es “so pissed at Lyra” Dane – we’re going to get them out.. OK.. YOu me and […]

Esti “I think that we will win back to back, back to back, back to back to get them all out.”
9:50pm Blood Veto room. Adam and Esti.
Adam – I just don’t want next week to be like whoever wins lets just go after Adam and Sam. Esti – no. That’s the thing that I was thinking. If its 5 of us, if any other of us wins .. like lets say the other people win. And they want to put one of us up.. as long as its another person from the other side .. we will have the vote. Sam joins them. We just have to convince them to put one of them up. We will have the votes for at least next 5 people that leave. Sam gets her to re-explain it. Kiki joins them. Esti – I think that we will win back to back, back to back, back to back to get them all out. Adam – Cory is worried as f**k about what we were talking about.

“That’s what I am going to do I am going to have a housemeeting”
Today is basically Chelsea campaigning to everyone. She’s trying every angle. 10:03am Dane and Anthony saying that Chelsea blew up week 3 she was on a good path until then. 10:13am Dan and Kyra Kyra saying that CHelsea doesn’t know what else to do other than say she’s after Dane. Dane – I heard whispers […]

” [Chelsea] You remind me of the one that got away .. [Kyra] You remind me of the one I’ve been looking for”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – the Power of Veto was not used by Cory nominations stay at Kyr and Chelsea. Chelsea is the target. 11:40am Sam and Adam This conversation is assuming CHelsea is gone and how to navigate next week. Sam is scheming how they can show to Dane they are not working together. […]

Chelsea “He is really good with people & he’s playing people like they’re puppets.”
9:20pm Hot tub talk about kissing on the first date and Marks troubles on trying to get dates / girls. Anthony says he doesn’t kiss on the first date and wouldn’t have a one night stand. Mark – have you ever met up with a total stranger from DM? Anthony – no. Chelsea – I have. Mark – what was his DM? Chelsea – I think.. You look familiar, have we met. Anthony – EEWWWWw!

“Since Kyra’s been here she’s had emotions for Sam, Me and Chelsea that’s f**ed.. like WHAT.”
2:13pm Cory and eddie Cory says she doesn’t plan on using the Veto tomorrow. Cory – it’s obvious people are going for Chelsea. 2:55pm CHelsea and Mark.. Chelsea playing up that Kyra has been playing her. 3:12pm Kyra and CHelsea Chelsea brings up the possibility of Kyra playing her. Kyra – I […]

Dane “They’re talking about getting married! Its day 22! What the hell are you smoking man!?” Cory “She’s using him.”
10:05pm Bathroom. Kyra and Sam.
Kyra – just know that Chelsea is probably going home… in reality I am going to need to make other friendships. Sam – I understand. Kyra – but I still have your back. I will make sure if I ever hear that you’re a target… I will come to you. Sam – same. Me too. Kyra – you’re not supposed to make friends in this game… because this game is evil. Sam – it is evil. Kyra – but its too late.. Sam – imagine falling in love.. it sucks. Well you kind of know. Kyra – not like that. I definitely have feelings but its not like that. You guys (Adam & Sam) will actually see each other after.

“You know it is what it is. It’s Okay I got got.”
Big Brother Canada Spoilers – Cory wins the power of veto. Chelsea is the target. NOON .. Just in case you thought the pretty boys were too pretty for this show and were about to split up . nope.. final four.. final four.. 8:53pm Meal after Veto.. 9:17pm Sam, Chelsea and Adam Chelsea doesn’t think […]