Head of Household: Victoria Nominations: Kiefer and Latoya The Power of Veto Players are : Latoya, Kiefer, Austin, Ty, Jed POwer of Veto Winner : Jedson Power of Veto Ceremony : Jed did not use the veto Have nots: Kyle, Ro, Breydon, Austin, Jed Big Brother Spoilers – Feeds were down for most of the […]
Tag: Julie Vu

“Beth can’t be trusted.. I made a mistake I should have put that b1tch up”
1:30 pm Ty and Vic
Talking about BReydon getting two meals this week
Ty – and he’s Canada’s favorite.. (feeds cut)
When we’re back Jed is now with them.
Ty mentions his mom got married on the show “4 weddings” season 1 and won!
Feeds cut. when we’re back they’re talking about JED being on The Bachelor.
Vic says Beth came up to her and said the reason Jed didn’t use the veto is because of her, “she plays the game too hard. She’s playing both sides of the house”
Vic – she’s trying to do the final 2 with everybody. Tried with me tried with Breyd, Austin. Ohh it’s exhausting

Tychon “The reality is, if its a bloodbath ..its a risk for everybody.”
11:40pm The house guests are sitting around chatting about random things. Victoria talks about 100% starting a YouTube channel or podcast after BB. It won’t just be BB it will be about her life too. “That is going to be lit! I’m really doing it! So the podcast you see yourself or you don’t? And then where does it go? I’m doing it! I need to solidify the name.. Keifer suggested “whole lot of spice with spicy V” And I love “spill the tea with spicy V!” I am going to do it. I’m really excited.”

“It’s going to be a long three days.. they are f***”
10:33 am Tera and Victoria
Tera says the guys are trying to rally votes to keep Latoya. They told her last night that Vic wants Kiefer out because he doesn’t gel with the house and he talks about his kids too much.
Vic – are you saying that to me because you know I talk about my kids and you think I will turn on Vic
Vic – I said I want him to go because he made a lie about me to the house.. he lied
Tera says Jed and Ty want her and Tina to go after Vic for that.
Vic – they are f***

Kyle “If Tina & Tera f**k us this week.. I’m going to snap!!”
11:40pm Bedroom. Kyle and Rohan
Rohan – I just apologized for lying to some people but I didn’t apologize for what was said or what was done. Kyle – oh man I am going to roast LT in the thing. I just don’t think they know what they’re doing to themselves. Every single lie they tell makes the 7 stronger. Rohan – this is the 5 right here. Kyle – yeah.. if Tina and Tera f**k us this week.. I’m going to snap!! Rohan – no, you know Vic needs to go.. I am going to tell Vic to really work on them because there is only so much that we can do. She needs to go and tell them what they did.. like in that room the four of them.

“Ya’ll saw my t!tt!es but I swear I still got class how about something new.. here’s my @$$!”
10:15pm The house guests are sitting around and in the hot tub. Victoria starts rapping – So happy to be here, big brother give us beer! Ya’ll saw my t!tties but I swear I still got class how about something new .. here’s my a$$! They house guests laugh. Victoria – I was like what rhymes with @ss!? Breydon – well are you going to show it or what? Victoria – no ya’ll have seen enough. I was like what rhymes with v@gina?! Jed – When Vic’s in the tub its 200 degrees. I look you in the face I’ve got something to say .. I want a piece of that cake .. I am not talking birthdays!

Austin – even if Kyle and Ro are cooking something up they don’t have the numbers we do
5:32 pm Austin and TY
Austin says this week is cut and dry. Ty brings up the only reason he would think to keep Josh is using him as a shield.
TY – I love RO to death I never want him to go but I ran the scenarios through my mind
TY – I really think you, Beth, me, and Jed have something
Austin – I’m there 100%
They go over possible nominations.
Auston – if you won would you put up a Kyle?

Austin – “I hope someone else wins HOH and we can get her [Latoya] out”
NOON Beth and Austin
Austin says there’s no way getting away from her friendship with Breydon, “everyone is like YOu two are friends”
Beth – I know. there are some people saying Latoya and the boys. Have you been talking to Latoya?
Austin – a little bit. Teeny tiny bit. I noticed you talked to her a little bit. How did that go?
Beth – She’s a scary player it’s important that I have something with you
Austin – I hope someone else wins HOH and we can get her out. I don’t trust that
Beth – that’s a strong F***ing three.. man
Austin – how do you feel about our four?
Beth – we need to connect

“Just the t!p!” Tychon “Its a good trick. Its a good move!”
12am The house guests are sitting around the kitchen chatting about the comp and “just the tip”. Tychon – its a good trick. Its a good move! Victoria – you’ve done it?! Tychon – no I’ve got friends that did it. Its a good move. Have you heard about that one? Did it work on you? Victoria – Oldest trick in the book is just the tip! I am pretty sure I lost my v!rg!nity to just the tip. Someone asks if it worked. Victoria – obviously it didn’t stop at just the tip! That one got me. Me and my daughter will be having a long talk about that one.

Beth – lines are drawn next week.. it’s a f**ing free for all
3:20 pm Beth and Ty
B – I don’t think Kyle trusts me.. He doesn’t give me anything. Latoya said there for a reason right.. For sure..
Beth – I thought you guys had something string
TY – we haven’t talked recently ..
Tychon says they have nothing official there was that pretty boy’s thing
Beth – that’s done
Ty – yeah
Beth – we need Kief next week we need him on Jury. I can’t have him spiral
Beth – that is why it is important we keep the side things going so we get to Jury

“If you win the veto don’t pull me off”
3:30 pm Kiefer, Laytoa, Tychon
Kiefer says he’s positive he’ll be nominated. Mentions his talk with Austin earlier today. Adds that Austin said the target is Josh 100%.
Kiefer – I said having me there doesn’t make complete sense because I am not the strongest competitor I said that’s basically the only pitch I don’t have.
L – that’s a good pitch.
K – we got the numbers no matter what..
Kiefer brings up Austin asking him if Josh comes down who goes up.
K – I said the easiest option would be Rohan

Beth “Its actually crazy how clueless people are about me and you. I f**king love it!”
1:50am HOH room. Austin and Beth.
Beth – this is like our best case scenario .. like I am so f**king happy for you dude. Austin – I know. I would kind of like prefer if like thinking now .. if Keifer went. Beth – the thing with Josh is like.. its like a collective group thing. Like if any of us see us talking with him no one gives a sh*t because he is kind of useless now. Austin – yeah. Beth – no one shares any information with him, no one believes anything he says .. like if he were to make up a lie I would be like oh god. Austin – yeah like literally. I just feel like.. I don’t think Keifer likes me. Like whenever I speak he doesn’t engage with me. Beth – I’ve noticed. Austin – he doesn’t like me. I don’t want him around because he is like a wildcard that is a fan of the show.