POV Holder: James POV Competition Aug 29th POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 31st HOH Vanessa Next HOH Sept 3rd Original Nominations: Meg and James After POV Nominations: ?and ? Have Nots Johnny Mac, Julia, James, Meg james wins Veto 12:10pm Big Brother blocked the live feeds for the Power Of Veto competition to take […]
Tag: Julia Nolan

Meg “They are all such babies! I can’t get over how little they’ve done in this game!!”
10:10am The feeds return – The power is out in the big brother house. Steve tells Meg it was very inconsiderate for you to not pick John. Meg says I know. Meg says she is really nervous about what the veto will be.
In the bathroom – James tells John sorry you don’t get to play in this one. Johnny Mac says I know, its only my second one (that he hasn’t competed in). John tells Julia this is her first veto! Julia says no its my second! Meg joins them. She apologizes to Julia for being so noisy last night in the havenot room.

Steve “I’ll be honest I was kind of trying to play for America’s Favorite with that speech”
12:30am – 12:42pm HOH room – Steve says I am pretty sure every scenario we have the veto is advantageous. Vanessa pauses for a while and then says MMMMMHHhhmm. I just realized something. She pauses again and then says you might have information I need. Steve says Okay, how can I help? Vanessa says but I might not need it and I don’t want to put you in the position of asking you for it unless I need it. So remind me of this question if either you or I win the veto. Steve says this week, Okay! Vanessa says just ask me what is that question you need to ask me to remind you of what you might need? Steve says you don’t… Vanessa says don’t guess mister impatience.

“Don’t worry every dog has their day .. if she’s doing dirty work she’ll see it coming”
9:56pm Goblins in the have nots
Meg suggesting he go and talk to Austin about what was said to Vanessa. James doesn’t want to thinks it’ll go back to Vanessa and become something. Meg still thinks he should.
Meg says Vanessa is coming up with things way back in the past
James – She thinks everyone is scheming in the game
Meg – I know

Steve – “If I won next week, put Liz and Austin up.. VERY SNEAKY”
8:27pm Steve talking to the camera
Saying it’s really awkward getting HOH next week because of the interwoven alliances
Steve – if I won next week I would vote to Keep Julia put Liz and Austin up, VERY SNEAKY, VERY SNEAKY

“If I do leave you better not give her what she wants, You throw Liz and Vanessa up”
6:22pm Goblins Poolside
talking about a chance of a twist saving them.
Meg doesn’t understand how the timing of the final four works.
Meg says she’s the target this week, “Vanessa is going to take you.. “
James – take me where
Meg – To work with her
Meg – you’re her only shot of breaking up the rest of them”
James – she’s gotta have their votes

Big Brother 17 Week 10 Nomination Results “the best of luck to both of you”
3:41pm Vanessa and James
Vanessa – Nothing personal gamewise that’s all it is
Vanessa – there’s no specific target.. the best of luck to both of you

This weeks havenots is the last one of the Season – 4 Havenots! Extra food Gum-Slop!
1:40pm – 2:15pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds. Vanessa says that the good news this is the last havenots for the season. This week you must nominate 4 havenots! Johnny Mac volunteers, Julia volunteers and Vanessa tells James and Meg can be the other two. Havenot extra food is gum-slop! Steve says that was half of the house! Vanessa points to Austin and says she couldn’t nominate him because of their deal.
Meg comments on what other deals do they have?! Meg says this is going to be the worst week ever! I can already tell we’re going up. James comments on how Austin was laughing.

Vanessa “Chess pieces and victims aren’t we all” Julia “Then walk out and throw the beanie!”
12:15pm – 1pm HOH room – Vanessa and Austin are talking. Austin says maybe they won’t do havenots this week. Vanessa says that would be awesome. Vanessa continues to talk about what to say in her speech about why she is putting up James and Meg. How do explain the nuts and bolts of the story. Austin says you could explain it all later. Vanessa says the worst part is they knew why I didn’t tell you. I had no reason to hold back the details because the point was you were the target. I was keeping my word to them .. and they used that to better position themselves with you at my expense. They made fun of Brass Tacks! Meg has talked a lot of sh*t and never been called out.

Vanessa “James said if he won HOH he would put up 2 of you” Austin “The village idiot!”
9:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. When the feeds return – The twins and Steve are in the bathroom. Steve says it was really strange how content the three other jurors were. Julia says have you ever thought about this that maybe they don’t want to come back in this crazy f**king house. Maybe life is better in the jury house. Steve asks what do you mean maybe, of course it is. Julia says the chances of coming back and winning are unlikely. But hey it could happen.
9:50am Comic bedroom – Austin talks to Johnny Mac. Austin says my mistake, I admit it but lets f**king do this. Johnny says Dude, yeah I’m down.

Austin “Are you putting them as Havenots too?” Vanessa “That would be evil! Yeah I’ll have to!”
12:40am In the bedroom – James says I knew that was going to get the tears going. Meg says I am going to look like the damsel in distress. James says well it makes me look like the knight in shinning armour. Shine my armour Squire! James says na, its no big deal, I wouldn’t want you to go before me. Meg says I wouldn’t want you to go before me. James says it’s going to happen. It’s going to be boring. James says I really shot myself in the foot. Everyone is too scared to pull the trigger on Austin and the twins. At this point I don’t even care because they’re going to do it to us. Meg says but you could tell she (Vanessa) was trying to say it too. She keep saying I’m open, I’m open. James says if they (Aus-twins) win HOH next week we’re f**ked.

“The vote won’t flip me and the twins control it 3-2 whatever you want we’re doing”
11:16pm HOH Austin, Twins and Vanessa
Vanessa saying Meg still hasn’t congratulate her for winning HOH at least James has.
Austn – the vote won’t flip me and the twins control it 3-2 whatever you want we’re doing.
Vaenssa – that’s the only option I will never put you guys up