12:35am HOH room – Austin and Liz head up to the HOH room. Austin tells Liz that her job is to talk to Steve and convince him we need him to go up as the pawn. That way we still leave it open to backdoor Vanessa with the worst case of sending Johnny Mac out. Steve joins them and asks if there is anything he can do. Austin says he is still fighting with what to do. Steve says one of us can go up but you can’t put two up. Liz says its really risky to put up Vanessa right now because she has a lot of information on us. Levels of loyalty Steve .. we have way more loyalty to you. Austin says I am just trying to put up the most understanding person up there. Austin says I don’t want to mess with Meg and James front door.. and break that deal.
Tag: Julia Nolan

Austin “You tell me I deserved to go home for lying to you. That’s why I put on the top hat”
9:25am – 9:45am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Meg takes a shower. Liz asks Meg why she is up so early. Meg says to have a shower before havenots. I made the mistake of not doing it last time. Austin joins them to straighten his hair. Meg asks how his talks went last night. Austin says by the end of the night I had my top hat on and I was swearing. Sh*t went down! Meg asks sh*t went down? Austin says not really but.. Vanessa went off on Steve because he didn’t want to be the pawn. I was like maybe I could put Vanessa up as a pawn and she lost it! She said that I owed her. I said we have the votes to keep you. I asked her why she was so paranoid. Meg says she was in the hammock room with people last night.

Vanessa “You owe me for not backdooring you!” Austin “Oh really!?”
12:20am HOH room – Austin, Liz, Julia, Meg, James are talking. Austin says that Shelli always throws me under the bus. She said to us three that she would never come after us 3. Liz says the depth of everything Vanessa’s done came out during my HOH. Thank you Becky for the fruity pebbles demonstration. James says its like what happened with Shelli and Clay.. thank you for the information but you’re still going home. Liz says Shelli won’t be the same again. Austin says that he doesn’t think Shelli will even fight to come back. Her fight was gone after Clay left. Meg says she thinks Jackie will be the hungriest. Austin says just pray that Becky is still hobbling next Thursday.

“the sun rises and sets on your a$$, He’s your b1tch”
Austin leaves them
Vanessa says Austin’s girlfriends never signed a release so the letter won’t be from her.
Julia – I wish it would
Vanessa – you’re so mean
Liz – I kinda to, I wanted a reason to be mad at him.
Vanessa – the sun rise and sets on your a$$
Julia- He’s your b1tch he does everything for you
Liz – Shut up guys

Liz -“I just hope you don’t get a letter from you know who”
8:22pm Liz and Austin
Austin – this is one we might not have wanted to win.. we have to make a decision
Austin – I have to put two pawns up
Austin – I could have thrown it to James.. I trust him.. I just don’t know what Vanessa will go up to James and say
Austin says it is always better for them to hold the power, “Any one can say anything at this point”
Liz – I just hope you don’t get a letter from you know who
Austin – why would they do that

Big Brother 17 Endurance Competition Continues on the Live Feeds
7:23pm Feeds back Meg and Julia are out
7:26PM Vaenssa is also out.
The head of house hold competition is endurance tonight Catch it on the Live Feeds. $5.99 a month try it out 1 week free. Support our efforts and get your feeds via a link on this site. Live feed subscription Sign up

Big Brother 17 Week 8 Summary and Live Show Results Jmac Vs Becky
Week 8 Week 7 ends with double eviction. Shelli and Jackie are both excited. Liz ends up winning the HOH and POV. This was a simple week not very much game actually happened. Liz was targeting Becky and nothing changed that plan. If Anything Liz and Austin’s showmance flourished grossing swathes of fans out. We […]

Big Brother 17 – WEEK 8 OBB Power Rankings
There was very little game talk this week. It was mostly a social week Players focused on building up relationships and strategy within their close groupings. Let us know your power ranking in the comments below. (Last weeks values in parenthesis) Entertainment Social Strategy Bonus Total James 5(4) 4 3(4) 0 12 Just laying low […]

Austin “Its an easy reason to vote out Becky, she needs medical attention” Steve “We have the votes”
1:10pm The live feeds return from being blocked for the HOH lockdown. The house guests head out of the HOH room. Austin offers to carry Becky downstairs because her toe bothers her too much to walk. Austin picks her up and heads out of the HOH room. Big Brother blocks the feeds. The feeds return to Austin and Liz moving their things out of the HOH room. They comment on how Big Brother took the Ottomans from the living room. Meg says we’re small now. James comments on how the table will be small soon too. Meg says I’m excited to see what the commp is. Austin says I hope its not a long one.

Big Brother 17 Week 8 Top Animated Gifs
I’ve officially given up on assigning a number to the quantity of Gifs shown. There’s too many great ones! Let us know your favorites in the comments below. – The live feeds are going to be crazy leading up to Thursday’s Eviction – Watch the next week for FREE with the 7 day Trial! *** […]

Meg “If JMac wins, we’ll be sitting up on the block” James “That’s why I am going to try and win”
9:35am Becky asks Liz and Austin if they know where they’re at? Liz says thats what we wanted to talk to you about. Becky says that what she realized after her HOH she would definitely consult them. Becky says she leaned from her HOH. It would be horribly .. a complete detrament to my game if I didn’t execute it perfectly. I ran a really sloppy HOH. Austin says its going to be a house thing. We’re not going to go against them. Johnny Mac hasn’t campaigned against you at all but he has campaigned a bit. The only thing he presented which was interesting is that he doesn’t have a group or a team. There’s no worry working with me because I don’t have anyone else.

Vanessa “I miss how the game used to be. It was much more strategic and now its more social.”
12:15am HOH room – Austin and Liz discuss what to tell the Goblins if they ask what happened. Liz says that Johnny Mac was just asking for our votes for tomorrow. Austin says no they’ll want to know what Vanessa was doing up here. Liz says just say the truth that Vanessa was trying to guarantee that Johnny Mac wouldn’t put her up. Austin says how about Vanessa wanted us to do her dirty work. She wanted us to bring Johnny Mac in the room. And made him promise not to front door / back door any one of us. Which basically screws Meg & James. Then Vanessa left and we talked to Johnny Mac and were like hey man, just to let you know that was all her you don’t have to do it. You can take her out if you want to. And he was like good because I really want to take her (Vanessa) out.