Last night the finale of Big Brother 17 aired and Steve Moses was crowned the winner by a vote of 6 – 3 taking home the 500,000 grand prize. Steve had said numerous times through out the season that it wasn’t about the money, it was about the experience and if he left without a dime he would still be happy.
Tag: Julia Nolan

Big Brother 17 Week 11 Summary and Live Show results Liz vs JUJU
Week 10 ended with Meg and James begin evicted. Later that night Steve won the HOH with his target being one of the Austwins, Preferably a twin. Steve nominated Liz and Austin. The ultimate fear was Julia winning the POV using it on Liz resulting in Steve having to nominate Vanessa or Johnnymac.

Vanessa “Will you do me a favour? Can you make sure everyone doesn’t hate me too bad?”
10:20am – 11am Austin, Liz, JUJU and Steve are now awake. Liz is cleaning up the kitchen saying they ants are in everything. Austin complains of having a leg cramp. Big Brother asks Liz 3 times to put her microphone on. Austin asks her why won’t you put it on? Liz says she’s going to go on strike until they clean up the ant problem. She then puts her mic on. She also kisses Austin’s leg better. JuJu says they’ve got 2 weeks left with the ants. You’ve just got to live in harmony with them. Johnny Mac joins them to have breakfast. Julia starts talking about Adam Poch (Big Brother 13) and how he loved bacon.

“She’s Going to win, She played an untouchable game, I’m applauding it”
8:20pm Bedroom boy and Austin
Chit chatting about Vanessa and the POV.
Austin – She’s really good, she’s Going to win.. if she’s in final 2.. I think she might.. She played an untouchable game, I’m applauding it.
Austin points out that before jury Vanessa held much of the power in the house. Austin stresses Vanessa is going to win this game.

“once you’re dead inside you can tell people whatever you want”
7:00pm Jmac and Steve chatting about dental work
Jmac says when there’s a nerve involves he calls a oral surgeon. The reason is they are the most highly trained people in the field. Their insurance will cover them if something happens. If something wrong happens with a oral surgeon they are the best qualified to deal with it.
Jmac says when kids come in for the first time and their parents never warned them about a needle they are fine. If the parent says “you better be good for that needle” the kids will freak out. Jmac adds that the “topical” is so good the kids rarely feel needle.

Julia “My dying wish is that one of you 3 (Vanessa, Austin, Liz) f**king win!”
11:50am Vanessa asks Julia how she’s doing. Julia tells Vanessa that she wanted to get up and have a good day. I’m going to work on my speech. When I got up I saw Liz and my suit cases and it made me so sad. Julia says that she and Liz have been sharing makeup and will leave it for her because she’s going to be on tv. Vanessa tells Julia that in the jury house she can request they get her things like makeup because they want you to be happy. Julia says she hope she gets to watch movies in the jury house. Julia starts talking about when Liz and her switched back and forth in the beginning and big brother blocks the feeds.

Vanessa “If I win this HOH I better have your f**king word that you’ll take my a$$ to final 3”
12:10am – 1am Backyard – Vanessa and Austin finish their game at a stalemate. They join the others outside. Vanessa asks what I don’t understand is Austin and I have such epic battles. I beat you handily and you beat him. It doesn’t make any sense. Steve says he has a mental block that I can’t beat you. Vanessa says I don’t understand I beat Austin and I are even. I crush Steve but Steve beats Austin. That part doesn’t make sense to me. Steve says you whip my a$$ every time .. much like camping. Julia says STEVEAAA! Julia says she is dreading having to think of another speech.

“I tried to do the math, the piss off factor isn’t worth it, what do we tell Steve”
9:40pm Vanessa and Jmac
Vanessa tells him the two of them Vs Liz/Austin is a good play for them because they can beat those two in competitions.
Vanessa- Not Keeping Julia in the game f***s all the incentives up
Vanessa – why piss people off necessarily
Vanessa – I tried to to the math on it it’s so break even,what do we tell Steve.
Vanessa – the piss off factor isn’t worth it.. we should just tell them Fine we’ll do what you want

“If Steve is Ambivalent I can do whatever the F*** I want, They are very close to the same scenario”
4:34pm bathroom Austin and Vanessa
Austin saying that the twins are leaning towards Liz staying but the twins really don’t know for sure. Austin stresses he’s letting them make this decision on their own. Says he told them to talk to Vanessa about it because he’s going to be biased, ‘I want them to do their thing I’ll deal with whatever happens.. “

Vanesssa “It will affect Austin’s game if Liz goes. He will become more ambivalent about staying”
11:50am Steve comes out with the HOH camera. Julia, Vanessa and Johnny Mac head out into the backyard to take photos. Austin and Liz refuse to get up for the photos and go back to sleep. Steve wants to take the camera into the pool because it has an “underwater mode”. Vanessa doesn’t want to risk it. Steve says using the computer today was very strange. (HOH blog/tweets) I wanted to see if there was an internet browser because it was on wifi. Johnny Mac climbs in the dryer for a photo. They head inside. Steve complains the HOH blog hour was really draining.

Steve “I need to put as much of a wedge between Austin & Vanessa!”
12am Austin is playing a game of chess against the twins. At the end the twins give up. Julia says can we just give him our king. We’re done! They head down stairs. Austin says that was such a dominant win. Liz says oh please, no it wasn’t! It was equal we gave up. We were bored. Julia and Liz go to get ready for bed. Steve asks Austin are the twins telling you who they want to go? Austin says yes. Steve asks have they decided yet? Austin says no and I don’t want to get involved in it. I just tried to give them an objective opinion.

Julia – “I’m playing for second place you’re playing for first”
9:32pm Hammock Austin and the twins
They are saying Vanessa is sneaking around with Jonnnymac she caught them talking game the other day.
Austin tells them even if Julia stays the house still thinks they are a couple, They know Austin and Julia won’t put each other up. Liz is un-sure. Austin is certain they will be just as big of a target regardless of who stays.