4:30pm Cockpit Helen and Aaryn
Helen tells her she is going up as a pawn and if she wins POV she is going to back d**r somebody, The third nominee will be where she does the flipping. Helen: “If POV isn’t used I will probably send home someone from my side of the house.. it’s going to be a huge f*** and people are going to freak out but I want to play with people that are honest with me and I want to be honest with them”
Helen says she feels like she’s been duped and know that Aaryn’s been duped. Aaryn says that every single person in the house said to her they are voting Elissa out.
Aaryn says Andy, Judd, Jessie, Amanda and McCrea were always up in the HOH they all swore up and down to her that they would never vote against her.
Aaryn: “All along the way they were playing behind my back”