8:28pm bedroom
Gm jokes says she peed her bed..
Aaryn – “that’s from the water bottle”
GM – “I’m old.. I peed the bed”
Amanda is complaining about the flight CBS booked her on. She says it was Spirit airlines. GM says she flew virgin and it was really nice.
Aaryn points out that Howard wore the most expensive clothes for someone that said he had no money. Amanda says that is why she thought he was some sort of athlete.
Amanda asks JUDD if he’s sure he’s not related to Howie.
JUDD: Big boy sure.. Big boy sure
Aaryn says JUDD is looking better and better the longer he’s in the house
Amanda – “you were busted ugly in the beginning”
THey all agree they would rather Rachel in the house than Elissa. Amanda and Aaryn point out how mean Elissa is she was telling Aaryn she wears her bathing suit bottoms on backwards. JUDD says Elissa is “Right nice”