Paul – Kevin is always telling me that Cody respects me (Kevin) more than anyone in this game. He also said something else to me last night. He said that you’ve constantly got to act dumb so that people will do stuff for you. Alex – he always asks me stupid questions like what is that? It’s a nail clipper. How do you use that? You know how to use a nail clipper like what are you talking about. Paul – but you can’t say anything about that yet. Alex – no I won’t say anything. Paul – especially don’t mention it (that Kevin got the 25K) to this fool (Josh) because if he knows I told you he is going to sh*t.
Tag: Josh Martinez

Jason – “we got to worry about Game sh1t.. you’ve shown your f*ing teeth enough can you chill a bit.. “
6:05pm Elena and Mark Elena says they are trying to make it out to her that Cody was campaigning against her. Elena doesn’t think it went down like that. Elena says Paul is going around to different people spinning the stories. Elena – I don’t want to be the second person in Jury Mark – […]

“WE can F*ing break her.. She’ll be f*ing demolished.. Then Christmas will jump in.. “
3:20pm HOH Paul, Jason, Josh and Alex
Trying to determine their boot order. Bringing up Raven and Matt not doing anything.
Paul says they’ve already blown up Mark and Elena they have to be easy on Matt and Raven, “we can’t make them feel weird”
After everything Paul says Josh – ya ya ya ya
Jason suggests they criss cross their targets.
Paul says they take Cody out then Mark, ”We See Elena, we can crack that.. She does not do good under pressure”
Paul – we saw it with Otev, she freaks the f* out.
Paul – for example you (Josh) say you are tight with Paul whenever it’s time for me to drop a bomb and she’s about to compete..

“Oh my god .. you guys are lunatics.. Absolute lunatics..”
Big Brother Spoilers 1:52pm Alex – How’s your kid.. Do you have one
Cody – you guys could you quit talking to me
Alex – NO .. YOU WANT us to hate you we’re going to make you hate us even more
Alex- what’s the truth Cody .. how many people are you going to throw under the bus
Alex – do you even like Jessica or did you use her for your game.. You f*ed up her game too and you didn’t do a very good job of getting very far.
Alex – how many more lies to you have to tell dude.. What do you want for us
Cody – I mean over Cereal..

Alex to Jason “don’t ever go against Paul. I’ve been his only friend in the house.. don’t f* him”
Big Brother Spoilers 12:14pm Have nots Alex and Jason
Jason is brainstorming ideas for their team with Paul.
Jason – the troubadours.. That’s cool but it really doesn’t match the meaning..
Alex says when Jason wins HOH next week he can make up a sweet $$ name for them.
Jason – what about Christmas what’s she doing.. She’s trying to…
Alex – she’s outside working out..
Alex gives him shit for thinking she can read his mind. She tells him to elaborate.
Jason – you me and Paul are solid right

Josh “B***H you can’t perform under pressure! I’m bringing out the pots and pans! Call security!!”
Mark – I thought this was about campaigning. Josh – I thought so to but I’m talking about how shady you’ve been playing this game. Just know that everybody including homie (Cody) is on to your sh*t! Cody – don’t do that at the end. No, don’t do that. Josh – Alright, we’re all on to your sh*t. So you can run around here next week and do your whole flip flopping .. no one is buying it. Mark – okay. So what does Cody have to do with this conversation? Cody – I said I don’t want anything to do with it. Mark – why are you surprised I wanted you out of this house?! Because the week before you blew up my entire game! Josh – I didn’t blow up your game, I called you out on your sh*t and you f**king reacted.

“This is crazy.. what the f* is wrong with Christmas.. they are so desperate not to be a target they all jump on”
Big Brother Spoilers 6:15pm Elena to mark
Elan – this house is psychotic.. you can survive this you have survived worst..
Elena – mark look at me.. they are not 100% neither are you.. I’ve had my shit taken from me so many times.. we just move on .. all taht stuff is not alex’s.
Elena – the conditions josh asked me last night was slightly different but whatever..
Mark – did you hear Paul jump in
Elena – I hear Paul laugh every time Josh says something
mark – Uhhhhhhhhh
Elena asks me what the status of her laundry he’s been doing.

Paul “we’ll sic Josh on [Mark] Thursday to rattle his bones a little bit .. F*ing sack of sh1t”
2:35pm Jason, Paul and Christmas (Sleeping)
Paul – I’m going to put him in check today… I’m telling you if Mark and Elena win they aren’t putting him up they’re putting one of us up..
Paul – I’m going to call Mark out on all his bullsh1t.. that guy is a f*ing prick dude.. he’s walking around like he’s got the vacation now I’m getting HOH.. F*ing sack of sh1t.. (here we go again)
Paul about Mark – I’m trying to get that giant sack of sh1t out
Paul about Mark – you giant Vag1na
Jason laughs
Paul – now Cody’s not talking to anybody.. he would have jumped right back to mark and Elena it would have been those three..

“I’m going to put [Kevin’s] a$$ in check and if that means he’s going to come after me.. lets go old Man”
12:20pm HOH Alex, Jason, Christmas and Paul
Jason relays what Kevin told him when he mentioned people are questioning his mood now that Cody is up.
Alex – he’s going to extremes because he’s doing something shady
Jason – what’s he doing though.. what could he possibly be doing
Paul – he’s not the only person that hasn’t been enthusiastic (about Cody leaving)
Jason – who gives a sh1t Cody has been up his b*tt like a razor blade, (HUH)

Elena – Jason you look ridiculous your whole face is swollen
Josh – he thinks I’m a bull
Josh gets his eye hurt.. Pulls out ketchup and Mustard threatens to spray Jason down… Josh wants him to say sorry for hurting his eye. Jason says if any of that touches him Josh is going down like a ton of bricks.
Jason – If that sh1t f*ing hit me I’m hurting you…
Jason – if that hits me.. I’m dotting your eyes..
JOsh – say you’re sorry and you won’t smell like mustered and ketchup all week
Kevin – He ain’t saying he’s sorry
Jason – if any of that shit hits this outfit I’m going to f* you up

Cody “At least if you keep me, I am at the bottom of the barrel and they’ll go after me.”
5:45pm HOH room. Paul, Christmas, Kevin, Jason, Matt.
Paul – Raven is telling me that they’re dropping my name. SO if I win HOH next week, I am going to draw that line in the sand. Kevin – so will I. Josh – same. Paul – now instead of them saying I’m caught in the middle.. I can say people have told me that you’ve said my name. Youre constantly caught in the middle of situations and now you’ve f**king lied in front of the whole house and f**Ked up. If we stick together .. we’re final 8. Its been that way for weeks. Christmas – since week 2 they’ve been flip flopping.

Mark “I’m going to put him [Paul] on the block with Josh. If he wins veto, congrats.”
Elena – I don’t think we’re they’re (Matt and Raven) targets but they are easily manipulated. Mark tells Elena about his conversation with Matt. Elena – they would do what the house wants. Mark – its not the house its 4 vs 6. Elena – its really 4 vs 4 because Christmas and Josh are just blobs. Mark – they’re in the middle but ..Josh and Christmas are coming after us not them. I want to sit down with ALex and make sure shes good with you. If you and Alex could just clear the air. Elena – she isn’t going to clear the air. Mark – who is the worst person for my game right now. Elena – Josh. Mark – if you won HOH would you waste your HOH on him?