Paul – he (Jason) is just throwing a fit …because I don’t know what it is.. he is just upset about something. Alex told me we could do Matt, Kevin, Raven.. so why is she more about getting Kevin out. I said things change and of course if he (Kevin) is throwing Alex’s name out there, then of course she is going to get weird about it. I said what do you care more about, getting Alex upset or keeping someone around that told me to get you out at 6?! I was like he (Kevin) doesn’t have your (Jason) back. He said I know. Alex – I think Kevin still has him by the balls and still feels bad about sh*t. Paul – what do you think AMF should, what do you think we should do? Alex – if Jason does this… that puts AMF in a weird position.
Tag: Josh Martinez

Power Of Veto Competition Results! “If one of us goes home, there is nothing we can do about it.”
When the feeds come back the house is destroyed! They’re heading into the back bedroom. Christmas – we don’t even have a bed! Paul you did this didn’t you?! Paul – no … well yes some of it. Josh – I flipped a bed. Christmas – who did all this? Paul – All of us us we had to. Paul – where was yours Raven? Raven – in this couch cushions. Like in the cushions. Paul – f**king smart man. Matt found mine. It was in a shirt and then inside my jacket. Paul tells Raven good job. Paul – I don’t understand the Matt thing. Raven – because they wanted to leave it. Paul – he said I don’t know why you guys had to tear apart the s#x room. That was very unnecessary.

Jason – she’s gotta be full of shit, have you ever seen anyone so sick so healthy
Big BRother Spoilers 9:33am Xmas and Jason
Talking about Jessica and Cody
Jason brings how f*ed up Jessica’s HOH was. He laughs at her nominations.
Xmas – that’s because she was trying to get in the good graces with the house
they laugh..
Xmas says Matt, Raven and Kevin have the same strategy. don’t win any competitions.
Xmas – this is the conversation I had with Matt early in the game a couple weeks in
X – I don’t really f*ing care, I just want to make it to Jury
X – then we made it to jury and he’s like I want Raven to get as far as possible

Nomination Ceremony Results. “They are all f***ing stupid but we need them.”
6:45pm Storage room –Paul and Raven are in the storage room together. Raven – I think Kevin knows, he is acting weird. Paul – I don’t know, we’ll calm him down. Raven leaves and Paul says F**K go away! F**k! Josh joins Paul. They high five. Josh does a happy dance. Paul shhhhh’s him. Paul – I know, they are all f**king stupid. But we need them… (Paul whistles) Matt and Raven are no good. And then next week (send them out) We have to, or else we’re f**ked! Josh – so what are you thinking if we get picked for veto? Gun for it or no? Paul – yes, and take Raven off. Josh – and put who up? Paul – Kevin.

“we feel great, I don’t care if I go on the block as long as Raven’s safe “
3:00pm Paul is telling Jason the plan for the week
Paul – I was down here talking to Matt and Raven, Alex came in and it was f*ing perfect.
Paul says after talking to MAtt and Raven, Matt was saying “we feel great, I don’t care if I go on the block as long as Ravin’s safe at the end of the day”
Paul has been telling Matt and Raven he thinks Kevin is “Legit” the target.
Paul adds that Alex started shitting on Kevin. After she left MAtt and Raven said they were cool they knew Kevin was the target.
Paul – I was like, YA guys there’s no need to worry
Paul – Josh told them the same thing…
Paul – MAtt wants raven to be Safe..
Paul explains the Veto gets played on Raven they put Kevin up. They play nice with Matt they play nice with Kevin when Thursday rolls around they send Matt home.
Paul – you see it’s better this way… when it’s smooth…

Jason – Milk so fresh the cow doesn’t know it’s missing.. what the f* .. I guarantee the b1tch knows it’s missing
Breaking Spoilers 12:51pm Jason got a litre of Milk in his HOH fridge..
Jason – Milk so fresh the cow doesn’t know it’s missing.. what the f* .. I guarantee the b1tch knows it’s missing you’re tugging on her t1ts
Jason – the best milk you could drink is right outta the t1t (true.. but sounds crude)

Production – The tree of temptation has sprung back to life once again
10:00am HOH Jason and Kevin are chatting
Paul comes into the HOH
Jason – anything you want in here is yours
Jason goes on about how nice it is to have a HOH room.
Paul points out that Matt and Raven are showering downstairs
Alex comes in “It smells like too much axe”
Paul leaves
Jason tells Kevin that he doesn’t have to worry about him or Alex.
Jason – if I was you today..

“The poor girl. Terminal illness and then I kept watching her – this dirty little b***h. She is full of sh*t!”
Josh – I am just tired of confronting people. I am just going to start calling people out. I think I know who the second vote was but I’m not going to say because.. Christmas – obviously not us. Not Paul. It has to be out of the three. It has to have been someone who would have been with chaos. Christmas – I think it was an attempt for a split vote. But I’m the deciding vote and people know I wanted Mark out. I’m pretty certain they want Kevin out though. Matt – we just have to get Kevin on the block. Even if its just because its what the house wants with no intentions of getting him out. We just have to get him up there.

Head of Household competition on the Live Feeds, Kevin – “F* off JOsh”
Kevin falls off.. Josh – Good job Kevi.. Kevin – F* off JOsh.. They’re all being obnoxious in the hot dogs. Xmas is cackling off to the side. Looks like slipping is a real problem. 7:14pm Matt falls.. he did say he was a expert loser #BB19 @DawgsBigBrother — (@bigbspoilers) August 25, 2017 […]

Big Brother 19 Spoilers Week 8 Summary and Eviction Results
A Short Week in review..
Cody and Elena went out during the double eviction. Xmas won the Tales from Decrypt Head of Household competition. CBS shows her boasting she’ll make a BIG MOVE. We’re all on the edge of our seats waiting to see what this BIG MOVE is.
After Xmas nominates Jason and Matt, Jason wins the Veto and uses it on himself. Xmas is now able to hatch her Bad b1tch BIG MOVE and nominate Mark in his place. (I’m more mocking Xmas for saying she’s making a big move when she’s really making a pathetic move. Taking out Mark may be the best option for her game I’m not arguing that. I’m talking about her inflating it’s importance. A big move would have been Jason or Alex getting backdoored.)

Josh “We just have to control it. I want Jason out. I want Jason out bad!”
Alex – Josh ran in there (the other bedroom) and looked in the drawer and there was all these used condoms but I think it was from when they (Matt & Raven) shared a room with Jessica. And then I was like wait none of them are used. They’re all opened. Christmas – yeah that was from when Jessica was here.. I can’t even speculate whether its wrapped or raw. Alex – oh god! Christmas – when we get out of here we should just ask was it wrapped or raw. Alex – even if they (Matt & Raven) haven’t, I think they just started (having s*x.) He’s been more touchier with her. They might not have. Christmas – If the world is speculating, we might as well.

Xmas “People are not as smart as us” Josh “I’ve seen this show and I think us three are the best position ever”
Big Brother Spoilers 5:30pm HOH Josh and Christmas
JOsh says they keep working the house like they they are in a very good position.
Xmas doesn’t want to get too confident.
Josh – this is our strategy, Paul’s a f*ing genius
Josh – if we continue to f*ing push kevin Kevin Kevin To the whole house like we’ve pushed Cody, Jess, Elena, Mark guess what?
Josh – That’s a clear target for the whole house Matt and Raven are too scared to do sh1t