Jessica – I hope this doesn’t turn into world war 3 again. Elena – what? Jessica – This interview. Whenever I give Cody the freedom to do something it always backfires. Like every time .. so I’m a little nervous. Elena – maybe cross your fingers. Say a prayer and your toes. Jessica – we’ll see how this goes. Elena – I’m interested. Jessica – I’m very nervous and about to s**t my pants. Elena – I wouldn’t recommend it. Jessica – I find it quite enjoyable, its like a facial for you butt. He’s going to have to clean it if I do. That seems fair.
Tag: Josh Martinez

Raven – “My toe split on the railing .. I need to get stitches”
Big Brother 19 Spoilers 3:46pm Raven comes back
Raven – I need to get stitches
Raven – they’re doing it here.. Doctor is coming later.
Raven – My toe split on the railing
Raven says they have to clean the blood on the stairs so they want everyone up in the HOH room.

Raven falls down the HOH stairs “Her foot is bleeding.. GUYS WE NEED Medic”
Big Brother 19 Spoilers 1:55pm Josh lost a bet on a pool game and now has to drink a cup of pickle juice ev ery day for a week. This is day 2.
Josh – For the rest of my life I never want to see a pickle
Josh says the pickle juice has given him a demon in his stomach.
Josh says the pickle juice makes him constipated and gives him cold sweats.
2:56pm Feeds come back after 30 minutes of fish .. Everyone in the HOH except for Paul and Kevin who are downstairs. Paul is making some foot. Kevin is putting his bag away..
Kevin asks if that’s dog food.
Paul – it’s dessert ..
Paul tries it “wow I think that will be f*ing good”

Jessica “No one buys your reasoning, if anything it solidified the fact that you hid something.”
Alex – until we know what’s going on with him (Kevin).. don’t tell him who we’re putting up. He is acting really weird and really paranoid. It’s not him, he’s acting paranoid. He’s acting weird! You know what like .. he’s acting like one of those mobsters before they rat on someone or flip. That’s not him .. he was like who are you voting for?! He is not like that. You said its in the past but we can’t tell if he lied straight to our face .. and he (Kevin) was actually the one that flipped and he (Ramses) was not. Jason – f**k. Alex – because he’s been talking to Mark, he’s been talking to Paul.

“The reason Paul and I get along.. we’ve met each other, he was like Dude I was so happy”
Big Brother 19 Spoilers
RAven – I have one secret I’ve been keeping ..
Raven – in March… the reason PAul and I kinda get along.. because we met each other
Raven says the reason why her and Paul get along is they met each other before.
Matt – OH REALLY! That’s Awesome!
Raven thinks if that comes out in the house it might not go over well.
Raven says it was leaked there’s a picture of Paul and her in her instagram.

“The only way they can get to Jury is either not lose a competition or work with us” -Matt
Check out our BB19 Ranking Grid. . rank your houseguests here 4:00pm Working out… 4:22pm Spaghetti and meatballs made by Josh and Raven. 4:30pm One of Paul’s slaves rubbing him down Elena says there’s a select few people she will want to go the farthest. Paul says the next three weeks should be flawless. Paul […]

Jessica – “I never thought it would be this hard.. they broke me, it’s official they won”
Big Brother 19 Spoilers 1:39pm Jessica crying..
Jessica – My body is completely out of whack… I feel awful.. We’re stuck on lilly pads on the floor, we’re stuck in frog costumes, I can’t eat, I have been sleeping on spikes. We have to take cold showers.
Jessica – I never thought it would be this hard
Jessica – they broke me, it’s official they won

Matt – “100% I would rather see Raven win this game”
Big Brother 19 Spoilers 12:29pm Matt, Raven, Xmas
Christmas is telling them the reason Cody put her up was because of the girls. Specifically Jessica.
Xmas wants to ask Cody before she goes and asks him what happened for him to disdain her.
Xmas wonders if Cody knows about her outside the house and doesn’t like her.
Matt doesn’t think so.
Now Xmas is giving a retell of her conversation with Jessica yesterday.

Jessica “Romance has gone out the window. Put a cork in it or you’re not *****’ it!”
Christmas – she (Jessica) gave me a hug. She said you gave me a lot to think about. She never asked for clarity. The next morning was when I found out she was campaigning hard against me. I was like what the f**k!?? I was so confused. To me that tells me that she had something, maybe not directly telling Cody what to do but an influence. Paul – abso-f**king-lutely. Christmas – whether its direct or not she knew what she was doing. Paul – get the f**k out of here. Paul – when she asked me I was like I don’t have the answer … go ask Christmas. Christmas – her perception was that she HAD to talk to me, not that she wanted to but that she had to.

“I’m not trying to get catty with you I’m trying to live in the same house as you”
Big Brother 19 Spoilers 6:16pm Jessica and Christmas
Jessica – This conversation is hard for me because it’s coming from a position of weakness..
Jessica says she had no idea christmas was going to be nominated. She did campaign against her.
Jessica says she wasn’t playing both sides of the house she always said she was going to vote to evict Christmas.
Jess – I was surprised I am legitimately concerned about your foot.. You’ve been really mean to me you’ve made my life in his house harder.

“Thanks the pedant of protection, I would have probably finagled my way out of it”
Big Brother 19 Spoilers 3:36pm Paul’s friendship chat..
Paul says from day one he knew Cody was a hot head. Says he gave the friendship bracelet to Cody and Christmas because he wanted to see what their strengths were and Cody did by winning the HOH.
Paul says he threw the first HOH so Cody would win it get all the power and get blood on his hands.
Paul – it was beautiful
Paul – thank you for the pedant of protection, I would have probably finagled my way out of it

“I’m 23, I’m going to look, theirs beautiful girls around, I’m not over here like…. “
Big Brother 19 Spoilers 12:32pm Jason and Kevin
Jason – don’t believe anything anyone says about me
Kevin says he just talks to Paul.. and with Paul he’s doing most of the talking
Jason says Ramses is telling people that Kevin flipped..
Kevin says ramses better stop talking about what happened in the past once Cody goes he’s a target.
Kevin – Jillian wasn’t going to last anyone… 8 votes against her