If you plan on buying anything from Amazon. Use this link Amazon home Doesn’t cost you anything and we get a small cut. 7:10pm Kitchen. Paul and Alex. Paul – if I win everything from here on out, that’s 10 comp wins and having never been on the block. Biggest target from the beginning coming […]
Tag: Josh Martinez

Paul “I took all the heat for it but I told her I would try & convince you guys to keep her.”
If you plan on buying anything from Amazon. Use this link Amazon home Doesn’t cost you anything and we get a small cut. 10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. The house guests stay in bed till after 11:30am. Kevin starts working out. Alex, Josh, Paul and Christmas are on the backyard couch eating […]

“you know what’s sad? in 10 days I won’t be next to you guys like this”
1:40 Paul, Xmas and Josh
Paul is telling them that Alex thinks Paul will use the veto and Xmas will go home.
JOSh – I’m drained
Paul – when I drop that Bomb on her you have to be firm..
Paul – stop thinking about jury votes stop thinking about jury.. 7 jury members are already gone.. they’ve all been talking they’ve all been comparing notes it doesn’t matter anymore..
Paul says nobody is onto them yet.
JOsh – I think Whistle caught f*ing wind..
Paul – that’s the beauty of sending Kevin out next week.. he has no time in Jury..
Paul – the only person that can f* us is raven
They go into a talk about jury votes..
Josh doesn’t think MAtt will vote for him
Xmas says Matt was “so impressed with Josh’s progress”

Josh “He [Paul] is forcing me to turn on him. He is forcing me to take him out!”
Do I look like its f**king stupid written on my f**king forehead? And F**king Christmas thinks I don’t know how to connect the f**King dots?!?! Such a smart person that she is.. she doesn’t see things clear as day? What the f**k am I Jesus Christ? I’m not Jesus Christ. I don’t have super powers. I’m not stupid! I am not naive. I don’t buy bullsh*t! Don’t feed me bullsh*t when all I give you is the dead honest truth. You know if I don’t make it to three and I don’t make it to two.. I don’t give a flying f**k at this point because I have not turned on anybody. And he is forcing me to turn on him. He is forcing me to take him out. He is forcing me to take a shot at him!

POWer Of Veto Competition Results! “Potty mouth?! For sure my mom is pissed!”
2pm – 6:40pm Paul has the veto around his neck. The veto competition was the BB Comics comp. Paul – Potty mouth?! For sure my mom is pissed!! I feel like you guys cussed way more than me this year. Josh – I am pissed how I f**ked up on Mark’s. Paul – you’re stupid you should have done everything except for Mark and then hit the buzzer, switched it, hit the buzzer one after another. Josh – that’s what I did at the end.

“Kevin is a old man perv That’s a misogynist pig … he’s talking about whether or not him or jason would bang me in jury”
Big BRother Spoilers 11:59pm HOH Xmas and Josh
I don’t Study with Paul.. he doesn’t win with anyone
They agree Kevin needs to win it but if he’s got no chance….
Josh – should I throw the veto –
Xmas – no we gun for it… If Kevin comes off you put me up… it’ll be a 2-0 vote it won’t be a split decisions.. you put me up and say I’m one of the weak competitors.
Xmas – just Alex can’t anybody else but Alex, Best case scenario is Kevin
X – you have to put me up
J – I don’t want to put you guys up
X – we’re in a win win situation
J – so I would rather gun for it, Keep noms the same and you guys vote out Alex..

Paul “The way she just talked to me in there, I was like you’re a f**king b***h!”
Alex – he wants to talk to me but I think he wants to win the veto and pull me off but then I’m worried about you. So if its BB comics, we’re f**ked. Paul – worst case scenario is its you and I on the block. Alex – he says Kevin is is his target but I don’t believe him. I think if he pulls me off, he will backdoor you. He says he wants to talk to me about the veto. We should both be practicing dates because it might be this next Thursday. Alex – I’m going to create some distance between me and Josh. We need to somehow convince him that he needs us for top three.. both of us.

“Paul’s going to beat me the only way I’m going to win this game is if I take a shot at Paul” – Josh
Big Brother Spoilers 1:00pm Josh in the HOH
JOsh – I have to have a conversation with Alex.. and I need to let her know I’m putting her up
J – I need to see where her heads at and what she’s thinking moving forward..
J – I don’t know what happens this week but at least I’m giving her a chance to play for veto (everyone plays Hoss)
J – I would love to get Kevin out this week but I know I can beat Kevin in the end, I know Kevin isn’t going to beat me
J – I’m not only thinking about my game I’m thinking about Xmas and I’m thinking .. if I make a crazy move this week hows it going to make xmas against me, hows is our position going to be moving forward

HOH Competition Results! “It sickens me that he thinks he is going to go to the final 2!”
If you plan on buying anything from Amazon. Use this link Amazon home Doesn’t cost you anything and we get a small cut. HOH WINNER: Josh 9pm – 10:30pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds for the HOH competition to happen. When the live feeds return – Josh has the HOH key around his neck. […]

Alex to Paul – “u are the only person I trust.. u are my ride or die.. I want to hang out be friends”
7:21pm Paul and Josh Paul is trying to talk Josh into winning the HOH and put up Kevin/Alex. Paul – the worst case scenario this week is if Alex wins that F*ing Veto Paul – it’s going to be BB comics Josh thanks Paul for having his back Paul – thanks for having my back […]

Big Brother 19 Spoilers Week 10 Summary and Double Eviction Results
At this point Josh is starting to get worried about how Paul is playing, he feels that Paul is making game moves that really only benefits Paul’s game. Josh confronts Xmas about this but she doesn’t buy it, sounds like she thinks she can beat Paul in the final 2. Xmas and Paul continue to reinforce Josh telling him that Paul playing the middle is best for them all. The tell Josh if Alex wins the HOH Paul can manipulate her to take out Kevin or Raven instead of Josh/Xmas. Josh is worried that Jason/Alex will be pissed at him when he votes Jason out after telling them he was voting Kevin out. Josh is worried about jury votes, he’s worried about making enemies, and he likes Alex/Jason and doesn’t want to be a dick.

“If it looks like we keep losing things, the jury will vote for who won the most. We need to start winning sh*t.”
Josh talks about how they need to please the jury… F**k that! If Raven goes to the end she is going to win. Alex – its me, you, Jason and Paul against her. Jason – yeah there is no way she is going to beat us. Alex – I was thinking about.. I should have just taken a shot at Kevin. Jason – it don’t matter. Alex – but if it looks like we keep loosing things.. the jury will vote for who won the most.. and if it looks like we’re always losing because they only watch the competitions with sound we’ll look like newbies. Well this person didn’t do anything, they’re always losing.