Week 5 ended with Jessica using her Hex to expire Paul’s Head of Household, thus saving her and Cody from eviction. The following HOH was a crap shoot called Gravestone Golf. Josh pulls out the win. The temptation competition Everyone but Christmas and Josh played in the week 6 Temptation competition called Strangest Things. Cody […]
Tag: Josh Martinez

Jason – if we all spread them the wrong way then.. umm.. we’re not spreading votes……. is it hot in here?
Big Brother Spoilers 1:45pm Mark and Elena Have nots
Mark says Cody and Kevin were talking and Kevin told him if Cody takes out Mark he’ll get 5 weeks of safety.
Mark – I don’t know if Cody is trying to scare me or not.. I don’t trust Paul at all.. ”
Elena – Jess told me the other day that there’s something from the other side of the house that has been talking to her and telling her stuff, keeping her informed. when Dom was on the block they came to her and offered to work with us..
Elena – she was like no and Paul made an agreement with that side of the house that.. he’s guaranteed safety either way.. and so like if power shifts over there he’s safe
Mark – I see it

“Mark is like Ratatouille right now.. there’s no cheese for you right now buddy you made your bed”
Big Brother Spoilers 3:39pm HOH Josh
Josh – being HOH this week has made everything really clear
Josh – I’ve always known that Christmas and Paul are my ride or dies in this game.. Paul is annoyed with Christmas and Christmas knows that Paul is playing a great game.
Josh – A lot of people are showing me their cards, stepping back and seeing it puts a lot into perspective..
Josh – If Whisltenut, Kevin and Alex are forming a relationship with Cody how is that protecting me and Paul… and Christmas

Stop Singing “I’m not singing I’m teaching them about America’s musical history 1967 Janis Joplin”
Big Brother Spoilers 1:13pm Kevin
Kevin – you guys have taken a piece of my heart so whatever you wanna do
Jason starts singing.. taken a piece of my heart
Kevin – you know who sings that
Alex – Come on Come on
Kevin – Janis Joplin
Production – Please stop singing
Kevin – Actually I’m not singing I’m teaching them about America’s musical history 1967 Janis Joplin
Production – Kevin, please stop singing

Josh “There have been points where I’ve been looking at Elena and I can’t get out of bed.”
Josh – I’ve had moments in the house where I’ve had to stay in my bed. Or just sitting down. Christmas – that went downhill fast. Josh – there have been points where I’ve been looking at her and can’t get out of bed. Paul – Josh have you gone through puberty yet? Josh – Whoa not like that?!? Paul – oh I’ve got a boner right now! I wonder why?! Josh – I didn’t say that!? Paul – why? Josh – because I get mesmerized by her. That ain’t it. They all laugh.

“it’s throwing my sh1t off, I’m drained.. I have a distaste for this situation so much”
Big Brother Spoilers 4:58pm Matt, Raven and Paul
Raven – Josh can’t bang anymore pots and pans
Matt – that’s ridiculous.. that’s part of the game dude
Boyz2men – so Josh can’t play his game because people can’t handle their emotions
Paul – Yup, that’s exactly it
Matt – Literally part of the game.. that’s unbelievable
Raven – I agree..
Paul pouring scorn on Mark for not saying anything. Paul calls Mark a hypocrite
Matt – that’s ridiculous..
Paul going on about Mark not saying anything.. .
Paul – don’t hide and say you’re a f*ing hero when you’re standing there not doing sh1t.. (ZomG)
Raven says Mark heard everything

Jason – “Everyone in this house is a bully when it works for them… expect for me.”
Big BRother Spoilers 2:48pm Jason and Alex
Jason is pointing how Matt and raven are acting like Jason never had Alex’s back.
Jason – I’m not going to jump in and whip Cody’s a$$
Alex – at least hold him down while I punch him..
Jason – in the outside world I’ll hold fools for a hundred days and let you cheap shot the piss outta them.. but in here..
4:05pm Alex and Jason Storage room
Jason says Josh is scared of the backlash but he keeps doing it.
Alex says they were being a bully to Josh
Jason – everyone in this house is a bully when it works for them… expect for me..
Jason laughs..

“You want to f*ing try this sh1t on the outside? go for it, I f*ing dare you” – Cody
Big Brother Spoilers 1:16pm Jessica, Jessica and Cody
Josh comes up to them
Jess – Josh I’m warning you, today is not the day
Cody – Listen here you f*ing piece of sh1t I swear..
Jess – DON’T
Josh – I didn’t even put you on the block
Jess – Josh get away from me
Cody – you trying to get some attention on Snap chat sh1t
Josh – she made me feel.. she was like spell drought i’ll make you look stupid.. I have a degree I own a business
Jess – I still think you’re a moron
Cody – you’re the dumbest f*ing person we’ve ever met Josh
Josh – nice
Cody – you f*ing waddle around here with your fat f*ing body acting like you are f*ing tough, you know it’s only because we can’t f*ing do sh1t in here
josh – ok

“If she tries to HUG me I’m legitimately going to palm her face.. Nope, not today Satan”
Big Brother Spoilers 11:00am Cody and Jessica on the hammock
Jess – the next time you get Kevin alone.. Can you ask if plans to evict Raven or Elena
Cody – should I just say to him could you vote to evict Raven
Jess – I think he will.. He told me he’s not voting for me and I want to know which way his vote is going to go, I want it towards Raven
Cody – I talked to Jason.. I said let’s make this square Vote Raven… 1 more vote towards Raven.. He said deal Done
Jess – when did that happen

Jessica “I feel like I’m going to get it soon (her period), its time”
Jessica – I feel like I’m going to get it soon.. (her period) Cody – you feel it. Jessica – its time .. some time in the next 5 – 7 .. 8 days.. in theory. Cody – yeah. Jessica – I love you mister. They kiss. Cody – I was glad you were patient enough to wait for me. Jessica – I’ve got it bad for you. I love you a whole lot. Which is perfect because Big Brother was due for another big love. Cody – when was the last time. Jessica – Jeff and Jordan. Cody – when was Rachel and Brendon.

Raven – we heart Kevi.. Angel food cake because he’s a Angel.
Big BRother Spoilers 5:57pm Kevin’s Meatball birthday Dinner
The Nicknames..
Alex Terminator X
Matt The Professor
Raven The Dancing Machine
Jason My Love
Elena Cover girl
Josh Miami Sound Machine
Paul Zombie
Christmas Wonder Woman
Mark Arnold Jr
7:00pm Kitchen Kevin’s Birthday cake made by Raven.
Raven – we heart Kevi.. Angel food cake because he’s a Angel. he’s the sweetest man..
Raven – that’s homemade cream cheese..
She made like 4 different types of toppings. It’s pretty impressive.

Cody – I’m going to do something unprecedented if I win HOH
Big BRother Spoilers 4:00pm Cody, Kevin and Jessica
Cody – I fear this is our last night in the yard.
Kevin tells them to make sure they come have some cake. Cody and Jessica will have some cake but won’t be eating josh’s meatballs they have a date in the backyard.
Cody says next week he’s going on a different schedule. He’ll sleep at 10pm every night in the have not room.
Cody – it’s a nice clean, quiet room
Jessica leaves..
Cody – I’m going to do something unprecedented if I win HOH
Cody says he kept his word with Alex and Jason from the start.
Kevin – it’s the showmances you gotta get