1pm In the bedroom – Cindy says I had no idea if I would come back into the house being hated or.. Pilar says no!! Cindy says the only real person that hated me was Graig. There’s no reason why you would be hated. Ash says sequester was probably brutal. Cindy says it was every Wednesday I wondered if I would be going. Ash says and all the waiting around. The feeds switch to Zach, Pilar, Willow, and Kevin in the bathroom. Willow and Pilar are waxing. Kevin and Zach are tossing the football. Zach talks about a dream he had where he found vetos and put them in his butt.
Tag: Jordan Parhar

Power Of Veto Results! Cindy is back in the house & Zach Won the Veto!
In the kitchen – When the feeds return – Zach is in the kitchen wearing a red one-piece body suit with antenna. He has the Veto around his neck. Sarah is also wearing a bug costume. The talk about the veto competition. Sarah says I can’t believe I came in second in a power of veto competition! Cindy is back in the house.
Up in the HOH room. Zach and Ashleigh are up in the HOH room. Zach says we just have to keep playing on peoples emotions. You keep playing Bobby. The best thing is she won’t go after you. All the competitions before this I’ve been just dog f**king around. I didn’t care or try at all. I didn’t give a sh*t. I am so happy I won that. Think if Godfrey had won it.

First 5 are Fighting to Return “They’re playing to come back!!” They agree to a “TOP 11”
2:10pm All of a sudden the house guests start screaming as they see the First 5 evicted house guests on the living room TV screen. The all run over to the living room screaming. WILLOW screams “They’re playing to come back!!!” “I TOLD YOU!!” Big Brother blocks the live feeds. The live feeds return and all of the house guests are in a circle in the living room. They all agree to a top 11 alliance where if any of them come back they’re booted right back out the door.

Britt “Its working fine now, but it sucks we’re stuck with girls that are incompetent..”
8:30am – 9:10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Brittnee starts passing out the new batteries to everyone. She talks to Sarah about how all last night people kept getting up and opening/closing the bedroom door waking her up. She said that Kevin and Pilar kept getting called out by Big Brother too. Sarah comments on how Big Brother also locked the havenot door during the night and says it was scary. Up in the bedroom – Britt talks about how Big Brother was in the house last night. Willow says a 3 day POV comp great!

Bobby’s Pentacut Plan and “we get rid of JP he (Zach) has Ashleigh that’s it” -bru
12:30am Bruno and Godfrey
Godfrey – If he doesn’t backdoor kev I think I can have the votes.
Bruno saying if they are still in the house next week they have to flip the sh1t
Bruno- if you and JP are still on the block you have me and Bobby 100.. all we need is two more..
Godfrey – three
Bruno thinks they can pull in Kevin and Sarah
Godfrey – I’m really not that worried
Bruno – we get rid of JP he (Zach) has Ashleigh that’s it

Big Brother Canada 3 Nomination Results “Just tell her I’m a lesbian”
10:34pm HOH Bathroom Willow and Sarah Listening to Zach’s music.
(Diapers making Cards, Bru Crew playing Candy game, Sarah and Willow listening to music)
Willow seems down about the game. Willow – I hope I’m happy when I leave
Sarah – it will be a mix of all types of emotions
Willow – I wish I had a better mindset.. I’m going to rip myself apart
Sarah starts to rub Willow’s back says she wants this experience to help Willow “Teach you how amazing you are”.
Willow – this is so hard.. I want the backyard back so I can work out.

Kevin “They think I’m here and they’re there, when I’m actually here and they’re there.”
5:30pm Up in the HOH room – Kevin, Jordan, Godfrey, Bruno, Willow, Pilar, Brittnee, Ashleigh and Zach are hanging out chatting about random things. Willow talks to Sarah about how in the beginning she got her and Ashleigh mixed up but later realized they were totally different but both really cool. Willow comments to Pilar that she (Willow) is just trying to make good tv by laying with Sarah. Willow says Pilar I thought you were a bombshell! Willow says that when she first saw Bruno she thought “there’s my husband, then I was devastated when I found out he was married.”

Willow tells Ashleigh “I need to undo your bra in a non-sexu@l way”
3pm Bobby comes back up to the HOH room. He tells Zach “Don’t worry about me mentioning anything to Bruno” Nothing ever came of it so there’s no need to. (How Ash told Bobby that week 1 how Bruno tried to flip the votes on him.) Zach heads downstairs to make burgers. Willow joins them in the HOH room. They talk about whether or not there could be a double eviction. Willow says in a Double you take out the people you can’t normally get out. Bobby says I don’t care what happens as long as Kev goes. Bobby leaves. Pilar joins them. Willow asks Ash if JP is mad. Ash says no. I hope not. I think he should know.

Zach “This backstabbing is going to go so far into his back it’s going to come out the front”
12:40pm Up in the HOH room – Zach talks to Ashleigh. Everyone feels the same way about me as they do about Sarah but not after this week. Zach says that Bobby is just so bad at this game. After this week everyone will still want him out. Zach says watch next week he wins HOH and gets me out. Ash says no he’s not. You’re so set up in this house. Zach says this backstabbing is going to go so far into his back it’s going to come out the front. He’s not going to see it coming he’s so loyal to us. Zach says Bobby has to get real close to you. Play him like a fiddle because we don’t want him coming after us next week.

Willow tells Sarah the nominations “That’s smart of him! This is a sign we can trust him.”
11am Up in the HOH room – Willow and Zach are tossing the football back and forth. Willow doesn’t catch it very well and asks “why am I mentally challenged?” They continue tossing the ball. Willow says if this is a Double Eviction coming up part of me doesn’t want to win it because then I wouldn’t get a letter. Zach tells her that he thinks in the past the winner of the Double still gets the HOH letter.

Zach tells Godfrey he and JP are going up as pawns. “You’re playing this game flawlessly”
8:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Jordan asks Zach so are you going to tell Godfrey before? Zach says yeah. Jordan says because he’ll be pretty pissed if he doesn’t know. So tell him and tell B before. Zach says yeah. Jordan heads back up stairs. Bobby joins Zach in the kitchen. They talk about how they can hear Big Brother building “something serious” in the backyard. They wonder if its for the veto competition or for a task.

“he volunteered to be the pawn shut up” -Ash “no way JP is going home” -Z
12:55am HOH Zach and Ashleigh
Zach – he’s like put me up
Ashleigh – he volunteered to be the pawn shut up
Zach – the whole side of the chop shop wants Kevin out and our side wants Bobby out there’s no scenario that Veto doesn’t get used..
Ashleigh – The veto gets used on JP