Big Brother 18 is almost here and like every year twitter accounts emerge claiming twists and casting rumors galore. This year the main ones seem to be focused on returning house guests and coaches. There’s also a healthy dose of villains and heroes type rumors, but this is usually the most common one. The returning houseguests one is being repeated by many sources. However I suspect it’s people just having fun. As for scheduling we find out tomorrow about the cast and probably withing the next couple days Julie Chen will go on a tour with ET showing us the house. At which point buckle up, I hope you are ready. Here’s how the start will go down.
Tag: Jordan Parhar

HaveNot Competition Results! “It was like you were trying to take aggression out on me”
12:40pm – 3:25pm Big Brother blocked the live feeds for the HaveNot Competition to take place. When the live feeds return – Zach is laying on a bed in the bedroom. Pilar is wearing a referees outfit. In the kitchen Bruno comments to Willow you didn’t get crunched too much did you. Willow says no. Godfrey says it was fun knocking people down. UP in the HOH room – Sarah comments that she is a havenot this week. Pilar comments to Sarah that she doesn’t know who to trust any more. In the bedroom – Pilar tells Zach that she is going to nominate Godfrey & Sindy. Zach heads to the bathroom and tells Sarah and Brittnee that he is sorry. Sarah says we don’t expect you to throw it.

Big Brother Canada 3 Week 5 Summary, Eviction and HOH results
What a week we just had, You can’t call Big Brother Canada 3 boring and predictable any more. A lot went on this week it was easily the best week so far for BBCAN3. I’ve tried to compile the complete week’s posts with all the videos enjoy 🙂
Summary of events
- Johnny was evicted from the Big Brother House by an unanimous vote. Says in his exit interviews he’ll blow up Zach’s game if given the chance to come back in.

The “B-Headers” Bruno & Bobby plan to vote out Jordan – “you forced our hand”
9:30am – 10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Bruno and Bobby are in the storage room talking about voting out JP. Bruno says Zach was coming for us last week. The way he set up the nominations it was so obvious. Willow, Zach and Ashleigh. If we did this or not Zach is coming for us this week or next. He tried to this week. He knew he had to take a shot at us. We are the only people in our way. Bobby says we can say you forced our hand here. Burno says yup, you (Zach) put up Godfrey.

Zach – “There’s going to be some big moves to come.. Jaw droppers”
1:08am Zach and Jordan
Zach – This game is crazy.. There’s going to be some big moves to come
Jordan – Ya Big Moves
Zach – Jaw droppers.. Whats next
Jrodan – I still want to stick with the plan.. if I was HOH this week I would take the shot if I win that is what i will do
Jordan – the Diaper alliance that is the key

Sindy confirms she has a vote “You’re all in 100%.. lets do it.. DONE DONE” -BRU
10:15pm Bedroom Bobby and bruno
bobby is on the fence what to do this week he’s thinking they should stick with Zach.
Bobby – I’m thinking of hiding in the pantry all night (To listen in on some conversations)
Bobby – nothing protect us from the house ganging up on us
Bruno thinks the girls will come after Zach and AShleigh next..
Bruno points out that after next week it’s the him, Bobby and Godfrey

Do we have the Numbers? “I confirmed it today … Godfrey you owe us big time” -Sindy
7:40pm Bruno, Sindy, Sarah, Godfrey
Talking about having the votes to keep Godfrey.
Bruno to sindy – You can vote
Sindy – We don’t know that
Sarah – just by chance Arisa will tell us right away
Sindy – Godfrey you up.. you can hear us.. pretend you are sleeping.. I think I can still vote.. Cause they haven’t told me they told me I couldn’t compete in POV and they told me I couldn’t be a replacement nominee.. So I should be able to vote.

Sarah “The tentative plan is to vote JP out and if you can’t vote then the plan is off.”
5:20pm Up in the HOH room – Sarah talks to Brittnee. She tells her that she talked to Bobby and said that I needed to talk to you. Brittnee says he should talk to me. Sarah says No one is 100% committing. He said that he would tell me right before the vote. Sarah says people don’t think we’re close. Brittnee says that’s good. Sarah says it’s going to kill me but.. Sarah leaves..
Sarah heads to the bedroom and talks to Sindy. Sarah tells Sindy “The tentative plan is to vote JP out and if you can’t vote then the plan is off.” Sindy says good.

Big Brother Canada 3 – The FEEDS are BACK With Sindy as the “Birthday Princess”
3:30pm The live feeds return – All the house guests are sitting around the table eating. They’re having a birthday meal / celebration for Sindy. She is wearing crown and a sash that says “birthday princess”. Sindy says Zach you’re next! Zach says yeah next Wednesday! (Zach’s birthday.) Sindy says thank you for the meal guys! They talk about past competitions. Sindy says this is the best birthday ever!! Zach says everyone’s birthday’s have been after they day. The conversation turns to talking about how the camera incident ruined Johnny’s brithday.

Bobby “It was fake. The second I saw it I was like how can I use this.. memorize the numbers”
8:45am – 9:50am A camera has been on the Vault the entire night where Bobby and Cindy had to sleep with the lights on. When the count down reaches 1 hour 19 minutes the feeds are blocked and switched to a different camera view. At 9am Big Brother starts waking up the house guests. Brittnee says I can’t tell if he is trying to throw me off or what. He told me that he told Cindy as soon as she came in and she failed. Sarah says that JP said he was going to go up and apologize to people.

Willow “Godfrey hasn’t talked to me at all! Is that weird? I might have a bum veto, God!”
Out in the hot tub – Pilar and Kevin recite information they’ve learned about each other. Kevin recites everything Pilar has told him about her and her family. Pilar says you killed that story! I’m very proud! That’s my life! Pilar and Kevin head inside and talk to Willow and Sarah by the vault. Pilar yells to Bobby and Cindy We love you guys! Sarah says I don’t think they’re in there. Kevin says something is up! Sarah says before we got locked out we could hear them in there, they couldn’t reply and now we can’t hear anything. Just then Sarah hears them giggle. Sarah says nothing is up! Pilar says JP is anxiously waiting for you!