Big Brother Spoilers: Jeff tries to convince Adam that now is not the time to get rid of Brendon..

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12am – 1:30am In the backyard Brendon, Adam and Jeff are playing pool. Jordan joins them and tells Jeff that she is going to bed because she need to take off her costume. Jeff gives her a kiss and she heads inside. The guys continue playing pool. Brendon tells Adam that he has beautiful balls down there set up on the end of the table. The guys all laugh. Jeff comments that Adam is all turned on now. Porsche, Shelly, Kalia and Dani head inside from the backyard couches. Shelly starts cleaning. Porsche and Kalia head to the bathroom. Kalia then grabs some food and heads back outside. Kalia and Dani are sitting on the backyard couches talking about how Dani just doesn’t talk with Jordan and how Jordan seems miserable in the house. Porsche joins them. Kalia starts talking about how she thinks Shelly and her husband Tony have a great life. Brendon, Rachel, and Adam join the girls after they finish up their pool game. They all talk about random stuff like Franklin the turtle, and their sleeping patterns in the house. They talk about how everyone sleeps all day. Dani asks how boring is this cast? Dani says that at least we can admit it, we don’t do anything.. we don’t even make up any games. They talk about having a hot dog eating contest tomorrow. Rachel asks Adam if the viewer complained about their season. Adam says no because there was lots of drama but that at the end it was boring because nothing was going on. Rachel asks if it was just the people that get the live feeds that were complaining.

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Big Brother 13: Jeff tells Shelly she has the JJA vote but better play nice with Rachel

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9:30pm JJA Jeff asks Adam who he will put up. Adam says Rachel and either Dani or Kalia. Jordan thinks they should keep Rachel around for another couple weeks. Jordan thinks thanks Dani and KAlia ware best and maybe Porsche if the POV is used. Jordan thinks they need to focus on getting Dani out. Jeff Agres thinks they should keep her around for 2 weeks.

Adam is stressing they need to get Brendon out this week. Jordan: “If Rachel would have won (POV) then Jeff would have been the one to leave this week”

Shelly joins them Adam goes to check for booze.
Jeff tells her they are all going to vote Brendon out so Shelly should just play nice to everyone.
Shelly says her gut tells her that Dani wants JJ to trust her. Jordan is nervous about DK because they put Jeff up last week. Jeff knows Dani has to go he’s sure that once Brendon is gone Dani will come after him not Rachel. Jeff says that everyone in the house will discount Rachel once Brendon leaves the other side might not think of her as a threat which is bad for him. Jeff wants Shelly to know that they need to keep Rachel around for at least 2 weeks. He doesn’t want

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Big Brother 13: Health Tips with Straight Shooter, When at Chilis get the black Beans instead of the processed meats **updated**

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6:34pm DP talking about who is eating all the food. They are thinking that Kalia and Jeff are eating more than their share. They joke they need stockpile some select boxes of food. Porsche: “Ohh great and the pita chips are all gone today” Dani: “WHAT.. there was 2 bags yesterday.. ” Porsche: “Yup their all gone”. Porsche says they need to grab 1 of the 2 last boxes of triscuit and put it in the HOH. Dani mentions that they always got in trouble early for taking food but there’s some people in the house that take more.

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Big Brother 12: Jordan feels like a Floater (drink) will win this season and not even have to eat Cookie Dough to do it **updated**

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4:10pm Backyard JJBR BR are saying that they think prosche is their best chance. They know if Shelly wins HOH she will put up Prosche and Dani. rachel points out to JJ that if they can safe brendon this week the 4 of them will make it far in the game they will have the votes for the rest of the season. Jeff has no clue what Prosche is doing. Brendon: “I think trying to understand her at this point is beyond out ability”. Rachel asks them what will Adam do. Jeff is pretty sure adam will do whatever is good for his game. (ahh Jeff is shooting straight)
Rachel agrees she thinks if adam won rachel would be in danger. they all agress if Adam wins the HOH he wo’t have the balls to put dani up, he has a thing going with POrsche and Shelly. They all decide that Adam will target Kalia and Rachel.. their not sure who Adam would put up if the POV was used.

Jeff tells them they need to slow down and focus on thi week, they first need to win HOH becuase if they don’t one of them will be going home. brendon agress says he wants to think of how they need to keep him in the house.. Says he’s going to campiagn hard with Prosche. rachel is going to tell Porsche tongiht that Shelly is targeting her and POrsche.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Dani and Kalia talk about how Jeff will be next weeks target.. *Updated*

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11:50am Brendon continues to give Rachel a pep talk in the HaveNot room. Brendon says that she can’t have two day of craziness and that you need to suck it up and do it. Brendon says that he doesnt think its that farfetched that Porsche wouldn’t vote for me again. Brendon says get out of this depression and slump and stop acting like I am already gone… Rachel says that she is just sad when she thinks about him leaving. Brendon tells her that she is more sad than he is. Brendon tells her that she is one of the strongest players in this game and you need to start acting like it. Brendon says that you are playing this for the both of us and you need to do this. Brendon says that Shelly was grinning the whole time …knowing that he is going up on the block. ..he says why would you relish in someone else’s misery. Brendon says that he doesn’t want to see her cry again. Brendon gets really mad when she starts to cry and hugs him and says STOP ACTING LIKE I AM ALREADY GONE! Rachel and Brendon head into the kitchen to eat. Jeff, Porsche, Shelly, Brendon and Rachel are now in the kitchen eating.

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Big Brother Spoilers: POV Ceremony is happening right now.. *Updated* Brendon is on the BLOCK!

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10:35am Porsche, Dani, Shelly and Adam are in the backyard talking on the couch. Porsche tells Dani that she is going to move into the metal bedroom so that there is less of a chance that she will get stabbed. Dani laughs. Rachel and Brendon come out. Dani compliments Rachel on her top. Rachel says that its supposed to be a dress. Dani says yeah for your vagina to hangout! The conversation changes to talking about Dominic and asking about his girlfriend outside the house. Dani tells a story about how these big tattooed guys came up to her and said that they watched her while they were in prison. Brendon tells a similar story about people recognizing Rachel and him from watching them in prison. Dani asks is that all they get to watch in prison ..big brother and Jerry Springer? Big Brother then cuts the live feeds to the TRIVIA screen … looks like the Power of Veto Ceremony is happening…
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Big Brother Spoilers: Brendon says he is going to demand a fu*king bed tonight.. there is no way I am sleeping in there & going home.

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9:25am – 9:50am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. When the feeds come back Shelly and Adam are in the backyard talking. Adam is practicing his lines for what to say for the POV meeting. Adam goes through the whole speech and then says that he chooses to not use the veto on Shelly and to use it on himself. Adam tells Shelly that she has his vote and that if Brendon is put up he will be voting him out. Adam says that if Rachel win HOH I will be the next target along with Dani if I vote him out. Shelly says that she will be because she embarrassed her out in front of everyone saying that Brendon didn’t defend her. Adam says get ready for some crying. Adam talks about how something is wrong if you can’t live without the other person for a week. Shelly talks about how Brendon and Rachel were making out right beside her last night. Adam says just give Brendon and Rachel a week in the jury house they can have a f-ing Greek orgy in there. Shelly says that she is done with Rachel. Adam says if he wins HOH next week he is putting her up. Shelly says she will too. Adam saying that Rachel will pretty much want to go after Brendon’s gone. Adam says that it might not be bad though keeping her around another week. Adam says that she is a really nice girl when she wants to be, she just has this evil side. Shelly says that you can’t be turning that switch on and off, I’m done with her. Shelly says maybe when she has a child she will learn she can’t be spreading that venom. Shelly says that Rachel has a split personality.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Dani and Kalia fill a condom and place it on Adam’s bed to make him think its from Brendon and Rachel..

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12:10am Out in the backyard, the guys are playing pool. Over on the backyard couch, Jordan starts talking about how Dani’s father looks so different in the picture up in HOH. Dani tells Jordan about Dick when he was young he used to model, he was such a good looking guy with a bone structure like mine. Dani says that Dick has smoked since he was 12 years old. Shelly says that he must have strong lungs. Shelly says that she doesn’t look like her parents and luckily for her daughter ..she looks like tony. Shelly says that he is way more handsome than I am, I got really lucky, he looks like a professional volleyball player. They ask her if he looks like Keith? Shelly asks who’s Keith? They all laugh. The houseguests continue to laugh and talk about random things. They talk about how when Jeff and Jordan came back last season on BB12 to host a competition and Brendon threw a ball that almost hit Jeff. Rachel says that it wasn’t even like that. Dani says that Janelle come on her season BB8 to host a competition and says that she whispered to them stuff and she wasn’t supposed to. Dani talks about how Eric was calling her Miss Piggy. Dani says that it would be nice to come out of this season and not be referred to as Dick’s daughter.

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Big Brother 13 – BR the deal, Dani about putting Jeff up: “It’s definitely something I would consider” **updated**

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9:20pm BR HOH
Brendon can understand why she would put him up he’s not going to hate her because right now he knows Dani is making decisions based on game. Brendon wants Dani to know that if Brendon goes home then Rachel will have nobody in this house and he wants to help set her up for the following week. Dani: “Your working with Jeff and JOrdan.. your in an alliance”
Brendon: “we’re not in an alliance.. We don’t think they would vote us over Shelly”
Brendon explains that Shelly is up JJs ass Shelly is always going to bat with JJ and Adam will do what Shelly tells him. Dani agrees. Brendon says he’s not scared to be up on the block if she thinks she has the votes to keep him but he’s positive they don’t have the votes. Rachel says that Jordan and Shelly are “Life long best friends” they are sure that Jordan will throw Shelly a pity vote. Brendon adds that Jeff will probably vote for them. Rachel asks dani if she has a deal with Jeff. Dani says there’s no deal with Jeff. Dani explains her deal 2 weeks ago with Jeff but thats really the last time she talked game with him. Rachel recaps the conversation Jordan had with Shelly in the havenot. Shelly told Jordan that “the 3 of them” (JJS) had it to the end and that Shelly controlled Adam and Rachel was tagging alone. rachel adds that Shelly said she would put up Porsche and kalia and backdoor dani. Brendon: “it’s my feeling that they are on our side once Jeff has a equal chance of going up but when we’re on the block they throw us away”.

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Big Brother 13: Dani is avoiding BR and Adam makes a HUGE Game move decides to use the POV on himself

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6:40pm HOH Dani and Adam Adam comes in tells her he’s using the POV but wants to warn her that Rachel is going to put her and Kalia up.

adam goes on about how much BR have been pushing him for their vote. Dani says she’s a bazillion times sure that KP will vote out Brendon. Adam is still nervous because if he goes and votes out Brendon and Brendon stays then he’s screwed. Dani explains to him that there’s nothing for him to Worry. adam really pushes for Rachel to go up says that she’ll be after DK. Dani isn’t worried about Rachel because with Brendon gone she’ll be a disaster.

Adam continues about how dangerous BR are in the game, he feels with the 2 of them together they will win HOH and POV’s back to back and clear out the house. Dani says that BR are the biggest liars in the house, even right now she’s catching them all in lies and she’s about to call them out on it.

Dani: “I swear on my life you can ask KP they are nervous about you” adam understands wants her to now that he’ll vote out Brendon but doesn’t want to be screwed after (Like he screwed DKP last week)

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Big Brother 13 – Porsche says She wishes Keith was back, Dani: “For What S$X”

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4:02pm Jeff, Straight Shooter Shelly tells Jeff that she was visited by everyone while she was in the Havenots but is pretty sure that DKP were just trying to cover their butts with her. Shelly says her 2 biggest threats are now DK and those will be the ones she puts up when she wins HOH. Jeff thinks thats a good plan, doesn’t think backdooring Dani is going to work anymore.

Dani joins them
Shelly starts talking about rachel and how her emotions are going up and down like a rollar coaster. jeff and dani agree. Shelly adds that one minute Rachel is your best friend another minute she’s giveing you that dirty look.
JS are telling Dani how annoying Rachel is, Dani agreeing. Jeff brings up what he said in the DR: “Dude where is the instruction manual to interact with rachel.. Brendon left and didn’t leave us the manual…
we’re walking around on eggshells”
Shelly says you throw one tiny stone at Rachel and the whole house comes crashing down. Dani recaps a time when her and Rachel were friends and they would always go back and forth ripping on each other but it was all in good fun. Jeff mentions how he had to talk to Rachel and explain to her that he wasn’t mad at her it’s just his abrasive personality. Shelly brings up that rachel is over sensitive and she’s always in need of reassurance.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Shelly out of Isolation goes right back to shooting straight and s*ck!ng JJ A$$

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3:00pm Backyard Shelly, Jordan, Rachel, Brendon Shelly doing most of the talking. telling them she felt like she won the game after her phone call with her family. She tells them that They didn’t talk game on the phone, Shelly is in a real good mood says she’s been recognized.

3:03pm Backyard BR rachel points out to Brendon about how Jordan, Adam and Shelly are all clumped together talking.. She also mentions how Shelly goes on and on about Jordan and showers her with compliments. Brendon says he’s getting sick needs to rest. (Cam switch to Straight shooter)

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