12:40pm When the live feeds come back on… Cassi, Brendon, and Lawon are outside on the couches. Cassi asks Brendon who they are thinking of voting out… Keith? Brendon says that they still don’t know. Cassi said at first everyone wanted Porsche out, but now it’s turned to where people want to get Keith out. Cassi says that Porsche is running around going back and forth between both sides. Cassi says that she hasn’t talked much with Porsche, but when she did talk to her she said that Rachel and Brendon had mentioned Cassi’s name as a potential target.. Cassi says that she is glad that what happened the other night happened because when she came into the house she didn’t want others to decided who she is supposed to align with. especially with a bunch of jackals. I don’t want it decided for me who I get with …new school / old school. Cassi explains that she doesn’t even know Porsche and that Porsche hasn’t even made an effort to get to know anyone.
Tag: Jordan Lloyd
Jordan Lloyd has been on Big Brother 11 and Big Brother 13. She won BB11
Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Rachel wants to call a house meeting to confront other houseguests…
11am – 11:15am Rachel, Adam, Shelly and Keith are in the backyard. Keith is working out on the elliptical while Adam and Rachel talk about how it’s difficult being in the house and how you need to start new routines. Adam starts talking about how much he loves 90210. Shelly and Brendon talk about her husband. Brendon and Rachel talk to Shelly about having children at a later stage in life. Brendon tells Rachel to soak it all in … They talk about how expensive it is and how once you have a child you need to make time for each other. Rachel gets called to the diary room, and soon after Shelly gets called in.
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11:20am Dani, Shelly, Lawon, and Porsche are in the bathroom joking around. Lawon and Dani are laughing and talking about last night. Yelling and dancing Big Booty, Big booty!! Most everyone is in the bathroom getting ready for the day. Porsche then heads into the candy room and gets ready while talking to Jeff and Jordan.
Big Brother 13 Spoilers: Brendon tells Keith that he needs to confront Lawon about stirring the pot..
24/7 UNCENSORED Big Brother 13 !
10:15am Keith and Brendon are awake and in the lounge room talking. Keith asks Brendon where Rachel is? Brendon tells him that she’s upstairs still asleep. Keith tells Brendon that he wants to talk to her. Keith says that it’s not about the POV. Brendon says we have all day. Keith starts explaining to Brendon about his blow up the other night and why he did what he did. Porsche is outside the door listening in on their conversation. Keith is telling Brendon that he did it to see who the mole was and who they could trust. Keith says that him and Porsche can be trusted… and now after what happened she doesn’t trust me. Keith says that Kalia needs to go and that Porsche and I can be trusted. Keith says that he’s not asking Brendon and Rachel to use the veto on them … and that he’s a straight up honest guy.
Big Brother 13 Spoilers – brenchel Power Brendon: “Honestly i’m not going to lie, you and me are going to be the strongest duo”
10:45pm Bedroom Porsche and rachel Porsche pulls rachel off to a corner and starts talking about where Rachel’s Head is at. rachel thinks it’s really strange that Keith hasn’t come up to them to talk. She wonders if he’s even wants to try. Porsche says that Keith is going to get Cassi and Dom to go do their dirty work she implies that Keith controls Cassi and Dom (which is not the case at all it may be the other way around) Cassi whispers that she is going to go talk to Shelly tonight and see were her vote is. They count the votes .. something about Dick can’t hear it..
POV WINNER is Brenchel, Brendon: “At least if we get rid of Keith this week us guys can feel better about our abs”
8:20pm HOH Jeff, Brendon and Rachel Brendon and Rachel win POV. They briefly talk about the competition having to do with spelling/puzzle to spell the words VETO. Jeff comments that Brenchel completely blew the other teams away with it, “Dude you killed it Dude we didn’t even get one thing…dude”. Rachel and Brendon are talking about whether or not they should they should use the POV and seem pretty convinced that they won’t use it. They start talking about the comps they need to study for, Brenchel goes to town calculating volumes and converting oz to litres etc etc.. Jeff gazes into space. Brendon says that his head is hot jeff: “you gotta do twice the work as me”….
Big Brother 13 Craziest Season – Golden Key, Dick, Boy George, Cookie Dough…
Follow @BigBspoilers and @Dawgsbigbrother on Twitter for recent crazed out spoilers. There is also a Facebook page.
Big Brother 13 Recap of the TV Show. Rachel/Brendon, Jeff/Jordan and Dick/Dani are the returning couples. Shelly/Cassi, Keith/Porsche, Adam/Dominic and Lawon/Kahlia are the new Couples. Rachel Won HOH and started cackling again. Julie gives them one last Twist of the season “GOLDEN KEY” Being nominated for eviction is a blessing and a curse.. The Surviving houseguest gets a golden key meaning they are guaranteed a spot in the top 10. players nominated in the beginning that survive eviction are safe for 3 weeks. Holders of the golden key cannot compete in the HOH until there is only 10 houseguests remaining. No Idea how POV works but I assume if you win POV will nominated and you use it on yourself you forfeit your GOLDEN KEY.
8:20pm PST FISH all 4 cams
10:00PM PST Feeds start
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Big Brother 13 Cast Revealed
looks like a bag of douches this is going to be a spectacular season 🙂 Check out the BB13 Polls There are also exclusive Big Brother 13 Interviews being shown on the feeds, get them here 3 day trial
“This season, some of BB’s most dynamic duos will be re-entering the house for another shot at the game!”
Worst of all CBS is asking us to vote who will return to the Big Brother House. https://www.cbs.com/primetime/big_brother/twist/ the choices are brendon and Rachel, Dr will and mike booger, Jessie and Natalie (HA I told you), Evil Dick and Daniele, Jeff and Jordan or Hayden and Enzo.
Big Brother Finale Results – Cookie Dough Monster VS K-TOWN ***JORDAN WINS Big Brother 11***
Winner of Final HOH = JORDAN As Head of Household Jordan chooses to evict = KEVIN Winner of Big Brother 11 = Jordan America’s Vote = Jordan Jessie’s vote = Jordan Lydia’s vote = Jordan Russell’s vote = Natalie Jeff’s vote = Jordan Michele’s vote = Jordan Kevin’s vote = […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Natalie Explains the Medical profession “gays cannot become Doctors”
12:05pm Everyone Sleeping. Late last night around 1:00am they were talking about Michele and how she is a Doctor. Jordan was confused about how you can be called a Doctor but not be a medical Doctor. Kevin explains to her that you can be a Doctor of anything and it doesn’t mean […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers 2nd HOH Results.. Jordan wins!
2nd HOH winner is: Jordan America is the seventh jury vote and the final 2 will not be determined until Tuesday In the HOH competition Jordan got 9 right with 30 seconds to spare and Natalie got 5 right with 2seconds to spare Sunday is a bloopers show and the Jury grills […]
Big Brother 11 – Final HOH Results Part 1 of 3 Kevin is HOH Winner
9:45pm Everyone still on the log.. Natalie won’t keep her mouth shut telling Jordan she’ll be able to stand up on the log all night. Jordan asks Natalie how long did they stay up during the BB8 HOH endurance? Natalie tells her 9 Hours Jordan “OH mY GOD!” Jordan than says there is no way […]
Big Brother 11 Spoilers – POV ceremony, Who’s evicted & The results of Part 1 of the 3 part HOH competition…
START WATCHING the live feeds today! Watch all 3 parts of the endurance competition for FREE, tonight (Part 1), tomorrow (Part 2), and Thursday (Part 3)….. POV Ceremony results: – Kevin used the POV on himself – Jordan is up on the block with Michelle Eviction Results: Michelle is evicted from the […]