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7:10pm Havenots Keith, Shelly and Cassi Keith is filling them in on what he knows about the house. He’s sure he’s going home so whatever he has to saw is just to help them out. He starts of by telling them that if the repeats win HOH then Shelly and Cassi are going up. Keith: “Cassi.. i’m sorry hun but they want you to go home”. Cassi knows they are in danger but wonders why they would go after her and not DOM, Keith flat out says Doms is making deals with them or at least is trying to. Cassi asks about Kalia and Lawon, Keith says theres no way the repeats will waste their HOH on Kalia and lawon those 2 are not a threat to them. He point out that Kalia has been up in their face for the past week and all she does is sleep and eat.
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