Big Brother Spoilers – Dani about JJ “they are trying to get as many people in their little army of minions” **updated**

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10:05pm Kitchen Dani and Kalia
Dani thinks in order to get Brendon and Rach to use veto the veto they need people to promise them some things. KAlia thinks Dani can get Adam. dani thinks Adam has a thing with JJ but he doesn’t trust them. Kalia has no clue what lawon will do, neither does Dani. Dani brings up how Jeff bullied Dom, “He pulled him in and said When it all comes down to it which side are yo one”. Kalia: “Jeff’s such a bully”. Kalia says she’s with Dani.. “I’m with you period Done..and I Hope i’m not just a pawn for you” Dani: “I’ve already told you but swears on her grandmothers life she’s would love to have Kalia beside me in the final 2”.

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Big Brother Spoilers – Dani to Rachel: “If it’s BRDD we would have every single strong player in the game on their side”

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8:10pm Hammock Kalia, Working out is JJ Kalia is asking them what are they thinking is going on. JJ have no clue they think they’re safe but the have no idea. Kalia says she would be super duper shocked it JJ went up. Jeff says they would to. Kalia adds that she thinks that Adam has some special power something is up with him. Jeff: “No frickin way” Jordan also doesn’t think Adam has any power.

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Big Brother Spoilers – Dani’s Game is Crumbling, Brendon: “We can’t out her.. not yet at least”

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7:02pm Backyard near hammock Shelly and Jordan
Jordan is saying that they need to split up Dom and Dani because DAni is playing under the radar and next week both Dani and Dom get to play for HOH and if they win they will make a power move. Shelly is scared of Dani thinks she’s a extremely good social player.
Shelly says they should go up to HOH and talk to Rachel, Jordan agrees they head up. Shelly: “You watch how I play this it’s going to be cool” (Shelly is awesome lol)

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Big Brother Spoilers – Dani “ahh another POV competition ending with Rachel puking and Brendon winning”

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6:10pm Dani Dom Dani asks him why he’s being so bright and happy it looks weird. He asks her what she’s going to do.. Dani I dunno. Dom says he’s going to sit in the hammock with Porsche see whats up. Dani asks if he’s going to rub her thigh and act nervous. Dom says yeah.. they giggle. They start slamming Porsche, apparently dani and Brendon talked her into wearing something that will embarrass her. Dom tells dani she did a terrible thing “You ruined a girl’s reputation”. They laugh some more. Dani starts slamming Por as the POV host. Dani jokes that POr loves Dom and he should make out with her in the hammock tonight. Dom says that por is still hung up on the HOH comp where America voted Dani better in a bikini then Por, “But don’t get a big head it’s only because you have more fans”.. they laugh some more…

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Big Brother Spoilers – ADAM: “If my d!ck is on your mind then my ball are on your chin” **Updated**

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2:58pm Fortune Room Adam, Lawon and Shelly Shelly is saying that there’s no way they are going to backdoor JJ. Adam says he’s not going to campaign until after the POV ceremony because he doesn’t want to cause a panic like Keith did.
Adam: “the plan is what it was from the Get go we need to win HOH… we’re not in control of our future unless we win” Shelly says that they have to see how the week is played. Lawon says it’s so funny they are cruising to final 5 and their taking DOM with them, “My gut tells me if they win they won’t use it”
Shelly says she’s going to go up there and talk to them. Adam doubts they will tell her shit.
Shelly: “They’ve pretty much have won everything except for what Jordan won and Dom won”

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Big Brother Spoilers: Brendon wins the POV! That’s 2 HOH’s and 2 POV’s they have won!

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2:20pm The feeds come back and Rachel and Brendon are in the HOH. Brendon says that don’t you love it we have won 2 HOH’s and 2 POV’s! They high five. Brendon won the POV! Rachel is complaining about how her eyes hurt from getting soap in them. Brendon tells her that she can just relax and they won’t talk game. He says that if anyone comes up he will tell them that they just want to rest. The POV competition was a spelling competition.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Brendon & Rachel’s plan is in place to get Dominic to throw the POV & to convince Adam to go hard for it..

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11am Adam comes up to the HOH room. Adam asks if they are ready to get dirty today. Rachel says that Brendon thinks there will be prizes today. They talk about other competitions that Brendon and Rachel played last season. Brendon says to Adam and Dominic that they aren’t the targets this week ..that they really want out Lawon. Adam says but he really wants to win something.. Dominic was my knight in shinning armour ..they laugh. Dominic asks when they are going to do this. Brendon says in an hour, hour and a half. Adam and Dominic leave and head down to the lounge room. Adam and Dominic both talk about not throwing the POV. Adam says that he would like to believe Brendon and Rachel but… Dominic says okay well lets go hard! Adam and Dominic go and lay down to nap. Meanwhile, up in the HOH room Brendon and Rachel are talking about Porsche. Rachel says that she keeps pushing for Porsche to win HOH. And then talk about how their plan to get Adam and Dominic to throw it will work out perfectly.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Brendon, Rachel, Jeff and Jordan discuss others planting seeds to make them fight..

9:35am Jeff, Jordan, Brendon and Rachel are up in the HOH room talking. They talk about what was said earlier about hearing that Jeff/ Jordan and Brendon / Rachel are turning on each other. They talk about how Dani has the best position in the house. They say that Dani complains that shes in the worst position because she can’t play for anything. Jeff says that he would love to be in that position. Brendon say that they are trying to plant seeds and make us fight. They talk about how the others want them to fight so that they can skate through while they fight. Rachel says that the others notice that we have a rift between us because of last week and this week. Brendon says that we should let them think that, that we are fighting when we really aren’t. Rachel says that she thinks Shelly would nominate Rachel and Brendon if she HOH. Brendon says that Shelly is planting seeds here and there. Jeff ask how would they… production tell you that we are plotting against each other?! Right then Big Brother cuts the live feeds.
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When the feeds come back, Jeff talks about how Dani is in the best position because the newbies are gunning for BR & JJ and we are gunning for the newbies …and Dani is sitting pretty playing both sides. Jeff says not once since the beginning of the game as any one …not once brought up taking out Dani…. just watch she is going to skate to the end. Jeff says that he purposely asks Dani and others questions to set them up …knowing what he thinks they are going to say …and what benefits them and not the vets.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Rachel tells Jeff and Jordan that production told her that Jeff and Jordan are throwing them under the bus..

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8:10am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. The houseguests take their time waking up and getting ready. Adam, Dominic, Rachel, Porsche and Brendon are in the kitchen eating breakfast. Porsche says so I guess after POV its hair day. Rachel says yeah after the POV tonight she is going to dye her hair. Dominic asks so when does the power of veto usually happen anyways? 12pm? Brendon says yeah maybe you never know though. The camera switches to Rachel in the candy room talking to Jeff. Rachel asks Jeff if anyone has mentioned it? (Don’t know what?) Jeff asks who? Rachel says someone mentioned it. Jeff asks who? Rachel points and Jeff asks what the DR? Rachel says yeah. Get the BLANK out of here!

8:55am Jeff asks Jordan how does she get the idea that the DR tells her to throw us under the bus? Jordan says unless thats what she is thinking. Jordan says she would like to win the veto just to make sure nothing fishy goes on. Jeff and Jordan talk about going to grab breakfast and then going up stairs to figure out what the hell she was talking about.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Adam talks about to the other houseguests saying we are one of the most detailed live feed update sites..

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12:50am Rachel and Brendon are talking about how they are unsure about Dani because she always says hey best friend when she talks to Jeff. Brendon and Rachel say that they can’t believe Dani isn’t talking game with Jeff and Jordan too. They say that she could be manipulating them and that she is in the perfect position in the game. They talk about how Dani hasn’t even had to play yet because of the golden key and that she is already controlling things to some extent. Rachel says that Dani could be playing the them against Jeff and Jordan. Brendon says that he wants to talk to Jeff and Jordan to ask them if Dani talks game with them because Dani told Brendon and Rachel she does not talk game with Jeff and Jordan. Rachel says that she thinks Dani is in a perfect situation no one is going after her and she doesn’t even have to win any competitions. Rachel says that what Dani is doing is just like what Dr. Will did in big brother 7, by pulling every ones strings. Rachel tells Brendon to go down and get Jeff so that they can ask him about whats going on.
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Big Brother Spoilers – Backdoor JJ is the plan, Brendon: “Jordan thinks this is summer camp”

8:06pm Bedroom Jordan and Kalia Kalia is saying that she hopes she doesn’t get picked for the POV becuase if Lawon wins it and uses it then JJ will have to go up. Jordan asks if she thinks Lawon will use it. Kalia says probably not, Audrey ][ says that Lawon has gotten very paranoid and he’s think that he’s the target and their trying to backdoor him. (LOL both these 2 are telling each other Bullshit). Shelly joins them, Jordan says just for a day she would like to be in Paris hiltons shoes just to see what her life is like..

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Big Brother Spoilers – Nominations Taking Place Dani to Rachel “If we Get POV we Have to Make a Big Move”

5:05pm Havenots Pacer and Dom Dom asks her if she won HOH who she would put up, Pacer says she doesn’t know. She thinks Kalia is a strong player and is really annoying, “She’s always complaining but she’s the one that never does the dishes”. Por says that she doesn’t have any one in this game and she’s looking for someone to pair up with. She tells him that she’s kinda with BR but knows she’s the bottom of the totem poll and will be voted out when they go down to 6. Por adds that her and Rachel are not as close as everyone thinks they are. Por thinks Adam and Dom are going up and Adam is probably the target. Dom wonders if he has the votes. Por says he’s got her vote she needs people to trust in the house. Pot warns Dom that she watched BB8 a lot and she knows how dani played she used Nick to further her alliance. Throughout the season she was always allied with her father and just kept Nick around to do what they needed to be done.

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