Big Brother Spoilers – Dom knows he’s going home: “It was 9 on 4 since the beginning.. all I was is a Pawn”

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5:15pm havenots Dani and Kalia Dani is saying BRJJ was trying to make it sound to her that they still had a deal to the final 5 but they also basically told her that she’s their biggest target once dom goes. Dani is really worried that Dom was upstairs for too long she knows she can trust him but is he’s got a big mouth and many times he says things he never meant to say. They start talking about how Shelly is playing the game a hell of allot harder then everyone in the house thinks. Kalia: “I just can’t figure out which side she’s on” (BR or JJ). Dani says it was Shelly that screwed her and started all this to unravel.

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Big Brother Spoilers – Dom pleads his case, Jeff: “You’re an accessory to backdooring me.. you gone” **updated**

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3:29pm Havenots Adam and Dom Dom is telling him that Adam is safe and he’s on the way out. Adam: “I know this game and it’s only Tuesday… Anything can happen” Dom points out that nobody is talking to him Adam says the same for him and that is why they are both nervous. Adam: “I think we are both right that the decision has been made” dom agrees reiterates they already know what they are going to do they are just not telling any one. Dom says he’s going to talk to JJBR tonight and get everything cleared up maybe he’ll know more after that. Dom says he’s pretty sure he’s going home. adam says he’s not going to do say much he doesn’t want to pull a “Kieth” dom thinks that is a good idea. Adam: “whatever happens we’re Yankees fans” They agree to keep in touch after the show.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Dominic jokes that he just wants to hang out with Dani so that he can have some good times before he throws her under the bus…

1pm – 1:15pm Dominic comes back from the diary room. Dani tells Dominic that his attitude blows. Dominic says that his her attitude stinks more than her horrid breath. Dominic asks did you really think they would back door Jeff and Jordan. Dominic tells Dani to get Jeff out first. Dani says that now she thinks Jeff isn’t playing to win, but just playing to get to the jury house. Dani says that if she does go against them and they all four end up in jury there’s no way she can win, because it will be 4-3.
Dani says even if she takes one of them out, the other three will be after her all the time and she’ll have to win everything. Dominic tells her to get Shelly out then. Dani says that the four will be playing they’ll win… and then says this is so stupid. Dani says that they were on board to get rid of Jeff and then the next day they weren’t. Dominic says lets talk about where you are going to take me out to dinner. Dani says OMG! Dani talks about wanting to plant hairs in Kalia’s drawer. Dominic says yeah. Dani says she thinks the easiest way to get Kalia to walk out is to put a bunch of Rachels hairs in her bed. Dani says I think anyone would walk out after that though. Dani teases Dominic about how he can hang out with Cassi now ..and that all he did was follow her around while she was here. Dominic says no I didn’t. Dani says yes you did watch the tape. Dominic says I would really still be here if it wasn’t for you. Dani says he probably would have won the veto. Dominic says so really you have done nothing for me. Dani says shut up. Dominic says his best move would be to go with Porsche. Dominic says maybe if I can convince Porsche that I am really in love with her.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Lawon says that Brendon has schooled him since day one ..and he appreciates that.

11am -11:25am Brendon and Shelly are talking about how happy birthday, the pledge of allegiance, and the star spangled banner are all copyrighted songs that they can’t sing. Shelly, Brendon and Kalia are talking. Kalia is telling them about her twitter and facebook accounts. Big Brother keeps cutting the feeds in and out because Kalia is talking about people she knows and people posting nude photos of themselves on facebook. When the live feeds come back, Brendon heads inside. Rachel is so amazed at how stuff didn’t stick to the pans. Shelly says well you need Teflon non stick pans and you can’t use metal utensils on them. Rachel talks about how she loves walmart and can’t understand why people hate walmart. Right then big brother cuts the live feeds. When the feeds come back, Brendon is asking Shelly about what countries are good to import clothing from. Shelly talks about Mexico, Vietnam and Canada.

11:30am Brendon heads out to the backyard to get ready to workout and sits down to talk to Shelly. They talk about Kalia and how annoying her stories are and how lazy she is …Shelly says that she is sloth like ..

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Big Brother Spoilers: Brendon says come Thursday he is going to DESTROY Dani..

7:30am – 9am Shelly wakes up, makes coffee, does laundry, cleans the house and then relaxes and has a smoke in the backyard. 9:45am The houseguests slowly start getting up for the day. Adam, Shelly and Brendon are out in the backyard talking. They talk about being woken up to be called into the diary room. Adam says he got called in and didn’t bother putting pants on, that he just wore his underwear.

9:50am – 10:30am Brendon, Shelly and Adam are talking in the backyard. Brendon tells them about how Kalia told him that the late night crew never talks game. He says but then she said that they have talked about who was on the block or who they think they might want on the block… Brendon says that she said ..but that’s not game talk is it? Adam says that Dani is going around planting a lot of seeds. Shelly asks what can Dani keep telling Dominic that she can flip the house over and over again. They talk about how they are sick and tired of Kalia talking about masterbating and private parts. They say they want to puke every time they hear her talk about that stuff. Shelly says that Dani doesn’t want to admit it but that Dani has a crush on Dominic. Brendon says that Dani is so dumb.. she is going around threatening them on about back dooring Jeff.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Dominic says that plans to drop some bombs tomorrow and throw some people under the bus ..some people over 40…

1am UP in the HOH room, Rachel and Jordan are talking. Jordan tells Rachel that she thought her and Dani hung out outside of the big brother house. Rachel says that she only met Dani once in Vegas. Jordan says that she thought Rachel and Dani were tight. Jordan says that if Dani gets Jeff and Brendon out and it’s just her and Rachel left ..and says that she still wouldn’t team back up with Dani. Jordan says that Jeff is pissed off at Kalia. Jordan says that she is going to tell Jeff to be nicer to Kalia in case they need her in the future. Jordan asks if it looks sketchy that she is up there in the HOH with Rachel for this long. Rachel says at this point it doesn’t matter anymore. They think Porsche could do really good in the HOH if it is endurance. Rachel says she thinks that Porsche would put up Dani if they wanted her to. They talk about the golden key and the possible twists that may still come. Rachel says that Adam will be getting the 4th golden key. Rachel says that she wonders if the four golden key holders will get paired up as duos because this is the season of dynamic duos. Jordan asks when the double eviction usually happens because they didn’t have one her season because of Chima. Rachel says that their double eviction happened week seven and that was the week Matt and Brendon went home. Jordan tells Rachel that it didn’t seem like a lot of the people on Rachel’s season were that competitive. Rachel and Jordan talk about their seasons and other past BB houseguests.

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Big Brother Spoilers – A night of dating games, Abortions in China and Lawon again wins OBB’s best dressed award **updated**

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8:45pm Backyard Brendon, Jordan and Shelly She’s talking about China and how different it is over there. She points out that the respect from elders is HUGE the elders raise the children and the parents work. She adds that the first time she was in China she saw all the women holding hands, “I thought… is everyone Gay here… But there just friends that’s the way they do it”. Brendon asks about the schoole. Shelly tells them that all the children wear uniforms, take 10 hours of classes and rid the subway when their 8, “The parents don’t pick them up”. Shelly tells them about how a family of 5 all ride on one moped. Jordan asks if it’s overpopulated in china (oh man) Brendon says yes so much in fact that they instituted a law that you’re only allowed one child. Shelly: “Yeah you had them aborting a lot of little girls”..

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Big Brother Spoilers – Dom admits defeat, Adam: “we came in here with numbers and now we’re walking out one by one”

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6:45 Rachel and Brendon Por leaves to grab some weight sand Rachel calls Brendon over. She says that Lawon has been working out every day he’s getting ready for the comp. Brendon: “What i’m suppose to be scared, he can work out all he wants I’m not scared” (If lawon last longer than Brendon in the endurance comp it’ll be comedy gold) Rachel calls him such a boy, Brendon: “Ask me if I’m scared…..” Por comes back.

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Big Brother Spoilers – Jeff’s plans if he gets HOH include Dani, “I’m going to stick it up in her f*ck!ng coolo” **Updateed**

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4:15pm have nots Lawon and Dom

dom tells him that he’s got 4 votes and he just needs to get Brendon’s and he’s dine. Lawon points out that Adam sure doesn’t look worried but they both suspect he’ll start campaigning tomorrow. Lawon says that this week the vote is based on game last week it was personal so that is why Lawon thinks dom has a chance. Lawon asks if he trusts Shelly, Dom says no he’s not going to bother trying to get JJS votes. Lawon says Dom has to follow his gut because that’s the way Lawon has been playing and he’s going to make it far as long as he listens to his gut..(LOL lawons gut is a BB mastermid) He didn’t listen to his gut with Keith and look where that got him. (Also keep in mind that after every single sentence Lawon says he finishes it with “you know what I mean” ) Dom thinks he should go talk to Brendon and see if he can cut some deal he’s a better competitor to keep around maybe use the angle that Adam is just floating through.

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Big Brother Spoilers – Shelly wants to make sure “It’s Crystal Clear” with Dani that she didn’t say to BD Jeff

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3:38pm bathroom Shelly and Dani Shelly confronts dani saying that she’s heard from 2 people that Shelly is wanting to backdoor Jeff and now Brendon and rachel are asking Shelly if she was trying to make an alliance with Dani. Shelly tells her that they did have their little talk in the havenots but she never said backdoor Jeff. Dani says someone in the house is throwing her name around and it wasn’t her. Shelly doesn’t believe her tells Dano just remember for next time it never was Shelly that said to back door Jeff, “I JUST WANT TO MAKE THAT CRYSTAL… CLEAR” (Shelly has teeth yo).. Dani: “Thats fine it wasn’t me” Shelly heads to the toilet dani leaves.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Brendon tells Rachel she is stupid if she doesn’t see that she can’t trust these girls… that she has been played before and she will be again.

1:45pm Adam and Brendon shake hands and Adam leaves the HOH room. Rachel tells Brendon not to talk about Porsche. Brendon says that Jeff saw her motioning to Lawon to come talk. Brendon tells Rachel that she is stupid if she doesn’t see that she can’t trust these girls… that she has been played before and she will be again. Brendon tells Rachel that he told her before and he will tell her again not to play with her emotions. Brendon says that he doesn’t trust Porsche when she talked about the endurance where Porsche told them that they can drop. Brendon says BLANK you! Brendon says that Porsche is not smart enough to figure Rachel was sticking up to her or that Daniele just started being nice to her. Brendon says that they (JJ, BR, and Dani) will all talk later tonight. Brendon heads down stairs. Porsche comes up to the HOH to lay in bed with Rachel. Porsche starts talking about how Dominic came up to her asking if she heard him and Jeff fighting in the lounge room. Porsche says that she told him that she could hear them yelling but that she didn’t know what it was about. Rachel that the plan is to evict Dominic .. and that Dani will be going around campaigning to keep him. Porsche asks why.. because then everyone would know she is not with us. Porsche says that if she gets HOH she would put up Kalia because she know she couldn’t win the POV. Porsche then talks about how she would like to try and get Dani out ..and that Dick would hate her if she did. They start talking about Dick. Then they talk about this week’s HOH competition. Rachel says that Lawon and Kalia won’t win an endurance.

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Big Brother Spoilers: POV Ceremony RESULTS! Brendon didn’t use the POV! Dominic and Adam stay on the block! *Updated*

12:55pm When the live feeds come back from TRIVIA, Jeff and Adam are putting the plants back on the kitchen table. Dominic is sitting on the kitchen counter not saying a word. Jeff is making lunch. Dani comes out of the bathroom in her bathing suit. Dani heads out into the backyard and Shelly asks her if she is shocked that the POV didn’t get used. Dani says no …that she would be shocked if it did get used. Shelly says that Kalia was really scared that it was going to get used.

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