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9am Big Brother wakes up the houseguests. Shelly, Adam, Brendon and Rachel are out in the backyard talking on the couches. Adam tells Shelly that she was snoring last night. Shelly doesn’t really believe him and says that she’s never heard that. Shelly tells a story about her sister and how she used to count pennies in her sleep. The conversation changes to talking stitches, scars and breaking bones in their bodies. Shelly gets up to go inside and anfter she leaves Brendon says to Rachel that he went into the diary room and told them… Right then big brother cuts the live feeds to the we’ll be right back screen. Brendon and Rachel start talking about what they should do with the POV. Brendon says that they need to make a smart decision and that Rachel doesn’t have anything to go home to so maybe she should stay. Brendon tells her that she has to play smart and that she can’t be emotional. Brendon says that he thinks Jeff would go after Dani next week. Brendon says that he is going to have a long talk with Jeff about helping and working with you. Brendon tells Rachel that if she is staying in this house she needs to play hard and win. Rachel asks if she can trust Porsche. Brendon says that she will need to see and be cautious about who she trusts in this game. Brendon says that she is going to need to see how this game goes week by week. Brendon says that if he goes home, Dani may want to work with her. Rachel says that she isn’t going to work with her if she sends you home.
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