12pm Jeff, Brendon and Rachel are sitting on the backyard couch talking about sharks and alligators. Dani is suntanning by herself in the backyard. Lawon and Adam are in the kitchen talking about going back to work and what they will do when they get out of the house. Jeff heads inside the house. Rachel and Brendon decide to go and lay down inside the house. Jordan gets into the pool and talks to Dani about Orange County and Lagoona Beach. In the Have not room Rachel asks Brendon if he thinks everyone is going to vote him out. Brendon says yeah. Rachel says that they are making a dumb decision ..all voting out Brendon does is makes Dani stronger. Brendon talks about how he mentally prepared Rachel for this exact situation. Rachel says that she knows she can do it …she just doesn’t want to without him. Brendon says well we don’t have a choice.
12:20pm Shelly and Porsche are talking in the lounge … Shelly is tricking Porsche to get all the information out of Porsche. Shelly says that she is 100% not putting up Dani. Porsche says yeah! Shelly says that she is getting ready to pick her side. Porsche says yeah me too.. its just hard …she says that she doesn’t like what she has said about some people. Shelly says that she is 100% willing to work with Porsche. Porsche says that Shelly is working with Rachel and Brendon. Shelly says no I’m not …why just because I sit and talk with Brendon in the morning .. when you make an assumption ..you make an ass out of me and you. Porsche says that she got beat to a pulp by Brendon and Rachel because she was up talking to Dani.
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