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6:27pm team Bacon and Jeff Jeff is telling Adam that he’s had a talk to Brendon about campaigning for votes and said brendon did a great thing for saving rachel but he warned Brendon he doesn’t want to tarnish what he did. They briefly talk about the votes.. Adam says they only need 4 votes and they have them even if Porsche votes to keep BRendon.. Adam warns Jeff of Porsche says she’s trying to play both sides but it’s obvious.
Adam leaves.
Dani comes down says that she’s trying to get away from the game. Jeff says that there’s nothing she can do to escape this. She adds that game aside she hopes that her actions this week shows to them that she’s not all that bad. Dani adds that game aside she’s sorry about everything that has happeed she’s said things and she’s sorry. Jeff apologizes, says things were said and he understands where she’s coming from.