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7:48pm Purple Room Shelly and Dani Dani is saying the person coming back may not necessarily be able to still compete in comps. She brings up that last year rachel came back for a day with the sole person to stir shit up. Dani: “Now imagine rachel back in the house for the entire season.. OMG I would need Dr Zachary every day” Shelly starts howling.
Shelly says that Kalia is waffling, she wonders why she won’t put Lawon up because Kalia hated him the first couple week. Dani explains that She’s worried that Lawon might go home because Rachel is pitching to everyone that he’s a floater (Drink) and he needs to go home. Dani adds that Kalia is probably thinking that people may start thinking that WOW Lawon really doesn’t do anything so they might vote him out over Rachel.
Shelly thinks Lawon can beat rachel easy, Dani: “thats the way I feel”. Shelly says it seems like all Kalia is worried about is JJ and getting back good with them. Dani knows thinks it’s a waste of time. Shelly knows JJ are pissed and she doesn’t think Kalia will get what she wants from them. Shelly adds that JJ are in a bad move all around and they’re not being very nice to people.
Shelly’s been trying to stay away from them for the time being. They go back to discussing the twist.
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