Continuing with the Big Brother 16 live feed bonus content that is available ONLY to the Live Feed Subscribers – we are now treated to our second “Winners Tell All” Live Chat event hosted by Jeff Schroeder. If you missed the first “Winners Tell All” Live Chat it is available on the live feeds to re-watch or you can read our summary of the Hayden Moss Live Chat. Today former big brother house guest and fan favorite Jeff Schroeder is interviewing his girlfriend and Big Brother 11 winner, Jordan Lloyd.
Tag: Jordan Lloyd
Jordan Lloyd has been on Big Brother 11 and Big Brother 13. She won BB11

Big Brother 16 Commercial – “This Summer there will be Twist after Twisted Twist!”
The season première of big brother 16 is scheduled to air in just over 3 weeks and a new CBS Big Brother 16 promotional commercial has just been released. They state that this season will be filled with twist after twisted twisted which means this season is sure to be filled with all the crazy unexpected drama we crave!

Big Brother 16 Promotion Commercial “You know its summer when Big Brother is ON!”
Big Brother 16 is just around the corner with just over a month to go until the June 25th, 2014 première date. This will be the earliest première date ever for the US version of Big Brother since it began back in 2000. Last year the première of Big Brother 15 aired on June 26th almost 2 weeks earlier than the usual start dates and we are lucky enough to be spoiled with yet another early première date to start the summer madness off with a bang! As always, the producers will be trying to outdo the previous year’s drama, twists and craziness so this season is definitely going to be the season to watch! With Big Brother Canada season 2 having just wrapped up with an impressive season, it will be interesting to see if the Big Brother US borrows a few ideas from their neighbour to the north.

Jeff & Jordan “Do America” LIVE CHAT June 28, 2012
Today CBS hosted a live chat with Big Brother Alumni Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd about their new show called Jeff & Jordan Do America. The show was filmed to document their road trip across America, as they drove from Chicago to their new home in Los Angeles, California! Check out a sneak peak of their new reality TV show Jeff & Jordan Do America!
When the live stream of the chat starts Jeff and Jordan introduce themselves and their new show. Jeff messes up and starts to introduce his new show as his old show Around the World. He laughs and says wups wrong show. They then start answering questions from their fans. Below are some of the questions they answered during the live chat.
When the live stream of the chat starts Jeff and Jordan introduce themselves and their new show. Jeff messes up and starts to introduce his new show as his old show Around the World. He laughs and says wups wrong show. They then start answering questions from their fans. Below are some of the questions they answered during the live chat.

Jeff And Jordan Do America Sneak Peak
Yesterday we told you about Big Brother Alumni Jeff and Jordan’s new show and the upcoming webchat where they will answer all your quesitons. It’s being offer on CBS and it’s called Jeff & Jordan Do America. Now if you are a JeJo fan and I know many of you are then this show promises […]

Jeff and Jordan Do America This Summer
We finally find out the Show on CBSi that Big Brother Alumni Jeff and Jordan have been working on. It’s called Jeff and Jordan do America. No word on what it’s about, I’m thinking trips around America eating 72 oz steaks. The show premieres July 18th on more details will follow.
There is a Facebook chat with the couple on Friday. They will be answering questions regarding the show and providing us with a “sneak Peak”. *Link has yet to be posted

Jeff Schroeder And Jordan Lloyd Found A Place to Live in Santa Monica
Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd packed up and moved across the country to live in Santa Monica, California. They both left their home towns to start a new life together in California where they are pursuing their passions. After a while of searching for a place to live, they have finally found a place that meets their needs in Santa Monica. As you can see from the photo and the comment that Jeff posted on Twitter, they still need to find furniture to fill their new place. There is nothing wrong with using beach chairs in the dining room; after all they can be easily brought with you when you want to head to the beach. We are happy to see that they managed to find a place that they like, as it sounded like they were having a tough time as they had to resort to asking for help on twitter.
Jeff and Jordan are both working on a NEW show with CBS interactive (CBSi), which they told us about back in the beginning of May. We are all really excited about their new show and can’t wait to find out more details as to what exactly it will be all about.

Jeff and Jordan allegedly eat 72 OZ Steak each at the Big Texan Steak Ranch – May 8th
Big Texan Steak Ranch off Interstate 40 Amarillo, Texas has a simple contest. Eat a 72oz steak and bam your meal is free. Check out the rules here. For every person who completes this challenge they’re name is recorded in the Big Texan Hall of Fame. You can clearly see at the end of the document and the screencapture provided that someone Named Jordan Lloyd from Waxhaw, NC with the note Big Brother 11 & 13 in Texas, ate a 72oz steak in 56 minutes and 24 seconds thus completely the Big Texan challenge and eating for free! Above Jordan’s Name is Jeff’s (with a misspelled last name) from Chicago, IL with the Note “Do America” Texas Style!.
Jeff and Jordan not only ate the monster steak within the 1 hour time limit but Jordan is also the first female to finish one in 2012!! Congratz Jordan.
So is this real or is someone at the Big Texan trying to impersonate Jeff and Jordan? I find it pretty hard to believe that Jordan was able to eat a 72oz steak they are freaking MASSIVE! What we do know from Jeff’s tweets is during the time steaks were reportedly eaten Jeff and Jordan were travelling from North Caolina to Los Angleas to live together. The day after the steak feast Jeff tweeted that Jordan and him had run into a couple bumps (72oz bumps) but they are still pressing on to “Cali”

Us Weekly mentions Big Brother Couples Jeff & Jordan, Rachel & Brendon
With the 14th Season of Big Brother set to start in less than 6 weeks, one can only wonder what it has in store for us. With the Big Brother 14 Cast Auditions finished and the new cast still held tightly under wraps, the anticipation is growing. We will likely see tons of Drama, Fights, Alliances, and Showmances, in addition to numerous Twists that keep us watching the most anticipated summer reality tv show. Stay tuned for more Big Brother 14 details as they are released.
Us Weekly Maganize had a small write up about America’s favorite reality Big Brother couples: Jeff Schroeder & Jordan Lloyd and Rachel Reilly & Brendon Villegas. Its rare to find someone you are compatible with, let alone find someone on a reality TV show and be able to stay together after the show ends. Two of Big Brother’s recent seasons couples have managed to stay together despite all odds.
The article states:

Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd are Filming their OWN TV Show on CBSi!
Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd are going to be filming their OWN TV SHOW on CBS Interactive (CBSi)! America’s favourite house guests from Big Brother 11 & Big Brother 13 are going to be doing a reality TV show. Jeff and Jordan recently moved to Los Angeles to live together and to pursue an acting / TV career. As America’s sweetheart’s we have seen their relationship from the beginning and with this new TV show we will continue to see their relationship grow.
Jeff announced today on his twitter account (@Jeffschroeder23) that he and Jordan are in the process of filming their own reality TV show. Jeff uploaded the above photo on Twitter and said:

Jeff and Jordan in Cambodia with People for Care & Learning
Jeff and Jordan are partnering with People for Care and Learning in a new Build A City project. Join them in a movement that will change the lives of thousands! Are you ready to Build A City?
Earlier this year Big Brother All-Star Duo Jeff and Jordan travelled to Cambodia for charity work with People for Care & Learning and Build a City. It’s a great cause, we explained what exactly they were doing in Cambodia and why Build a city is something everyone should take a closer look at.

Big Brother Spoilers and Links from the Internets (2012-02-17)
Get your complete Big Brother Spoilers straight from OBB sign up on our GOOGLE+ page
Big Brother Allstars – Dick Donato, Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd Interview
3 of the most popular Big Brother Players are interviewed in weeks edition of Reality Weekly. Get your edition today available at wallmart.
Dick briefly talks about his Web en-devours here is a excerpt……..
Big Brother 14 Casting Starts Next Month
In case you haven’t heard a ton of BB14 Casting news has been released…….
Its all about Porsche Briggs at OBB
Dawg and his crew have been busy digging up Porsche Briggs info, from …….