9:22pm Cam 1-2 Jenn and Ian Jenn wants to tell Ian somethign sometime imporatnt but she first needs to know if she can trust him..
Jenn asks him if he’s got a final 2 deal with Frank. Ian calls that bullshit.
ian: “I wonder whats goes on out there”
Jenn: “Alcohol is going on out there”
Ian asks her where she heard that, “Shaky side of the house?” Jenn says it wasn’t Jojo or Shane. Ian knows that it was Ashley right away. He explains to her that it was just a remnant of last week there is no way on earth he has a final 2 deal with Frank. Ian says there is no way he can beat Frank in the final 2 why would he make a final 2 deal. He says it’s complete and utter BULL SHIT. Jenn: ‘I’m just saying Ian i’m a good girl to have around”
Jenn believes him says “It still makes you paranoid I’m not some strong dude or some Hercules chick”
Ian: “I feel much more confident with a Shane winning HOH.. ”
Ian: “The alliance is too big to sustain itself.. you look at the memory wall and there isn’t too many faces left”
jenn wonders that Ashley sayign that was a setup.. Ian isn’t sure, Jenn agrees “No offense to her but I don’t think she could think that uo”
jojo joins them.
Tag: JoJo Spatafora
Janelle tells Dan her three are voting out JoJO “She’s So mean.. that Silk Robe She wore OMG”
5:05pm Cam 3-4 Janelle and Dan Chessboard Janelle telling him that Danielle is safe this week her three will be voting off JoJO.. Janelle says she’s going to be really nervous of Dan goes because it will be only Brit and Boogie..
Janelle: “The word out on the street is that she’s staying.. for now.. but I think she’s staying .. actually I’m pretty sure she’s staying””
They can hear Jojo talking downstairs. Janelle brings up that they will not have to hear JoJo’s voice after this Thursday.
Janelle: “I hung around her the first week and she’s just So MEAN”
Dan makes a reference about JoJO being a lot like Michelle from his season.
Janelle says that Britney’s picks were really bad.. Jojo is unlikable, Willie was a a$$ and Shane is the ultimate Target. Dan says that Shane is strong but that is about it. He mentions that Shane is a lot like “That dude” from Janelle’s season that they tried and tried but could never get out. Janelle: “Who James.. yes he’s a lot like him” (Boogie and Dan had talked about working this angle with Janelle)
Big Brother Spoilers – JOJO “I’m kinda wishing Rachel was a coach.. She’s a BEAST”
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4:25pm Kitchen Shane and M&M’s Shane mad crazy strategizing with his M&M’s
JOJO comes in.. they start joking about the biggest cast rumor being a Load of shit. Shane: “Week 2 and we’re down 3 players” Jojo: “I’m kinda wishing that Rachel was a coach because I feel that she would understand what JOJO is going through” JOJO explains that Rachel had the house against her because of who she is and the threat she poses to the other players. Jojo says she’s nothing like Rachel in this game, Rachel was a HUGE BEAST. Shane tells her she’s athletic, like rachel. JOJO thinks it’s just because of the other girls in the house, back home JOJO doesn’t do any sports all she plays are board game and video Games. JOJO thinks if Rachel was her coach she would tell JOJO exactly what she has to do. JoJO kind of saying she would rather Rachel over Britney as a coach. Shane says that Britney is a good coach they are just stuck in a bad situation. Shane tell her what has happened to them has never happened to anyone in the history of the game. He adds that there will be something done to the numbers because they’re a bit low right now. Jojo mentions that the way things are looking this is going to be a boring next couple weeks.
Britney tells Jojo it doesn’t look good for you ..Danielle is laughing with Janelle
12:40pm Up in the HOH room Britney tells Jojo to calm it down and stop talking game with people. Britney says that Danielle thinks you are talking bad about her. Jojo wonders why. Britney says because you brought up her name. Jojo says that she was just trying to tell them that they had options. Britney says yeah but you know how this house is if you bring up people’s names. Britney says Danielle is down there all buddy, buddy and laughing with Janelle. Britney tells her to stop talking about sex with Ian too. Jojo says that was all of us though. Britney says it doesn’t matter you know how people spin it. Don’t say anything bad about anybody… because they find out 100%. I feel bad for you, I feel like you are depressed. Jojo says that she isn’t, and she isn’t going to pull a Willie. Britney says if you get voted out it is 100% personal, if you don’t it is 100% game. It is more beneficial for everyone to get Danielle out. Britney says that Danielle told her twice that you are talking bad about her.
Big Brother 14 Power of Veto Ceremony Results!
10:45am – 11:40am Big Brother cut the live feeds to hold the Power of Veto Ceremony. When the feeds come back from TRIVIA…
11:40am – 11:55am Jojo says that no one ever laughs at what I say. Shane tells Jojo that he laughed at what she said. Jojo says that this is going to be a boring season now… so predictable. Shane says yeah it’s stupid. Shane says it’s going to be me and you left or me and Danielle. Shane says that whole side of the house has been distant to us… except for Ashley. Shane tells JoJo that he can’t stand Janelle she’s so two-faced. Jojo agrees. He tells her to campaign to tell Jenn and Danielle that once the top 6 happens they will be gunning for you. Shane says it’s all because of Willie, it’s stupid! Britney has the chance to lose two players in a week. Jojo asks so you would rather me in here than her? Shane says yeah. Jojo says even though you are close to her? Shane says you are my team mate. He says that he is fighting for her to stay. Jojo says thanks. Shane says that he and her should make out this week while we have the chance. Jojo comments on how they will do it so they don’t get caught. Jojo says that she knows America loves us because we are so real, and good to look at.
Shane tries to get Frank to turn on his alliance before the Veto Ceremony
8:45am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Shane and Jenn are outside in the backyard talking. Shane tells Jenn that Janelle came into the have-not room to tell them to be quiet last night and then 15 minutes later they were laughing and making noise for an hour. He says has the audacity to tell us to be quiet and then she starts making noise. Jenn says unreal!
9am Shane tells Frank that he needs to talk to him before the Power of Veto meeting this morning without Mike around. Frank says oh yeah, no problem. Frank goes outside and yells people want to see us living in the BB house not sleeping. Shane asks Frank if he is pissed he doesn’t get to play for the HOH this week. Frank says yeah. They are tough, just so many people in them and with this last one keeping us up all night. Frank says that even if I can’t play for HOH and say one of Janelle’s people win it and put you up … I can play for Power of Veto and toss it to you.
FREE 3 DAY Live Feeds: Big Brother 14
Big Brother 14 Live Feed Screen Captures – July 23rd, 2012
Big Brother 14 live feed Gallery. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title […]
Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Jojo tells Ian she is bisexual and might get to Ashley before him..
12am Ashley, Joe, Wil, and Janelle are in the arcade room. Joe says they need the next HOH and it will be between them and Shane. Joe says that he feels confident about his chances and that he thinks the HOH competition will be a crap-shoot. They asked Janelle if they were going to go along with Frank on who to vote out. Janelle told them yes for now. They start talking about Jojo. They all agree she should be the one to go. Joe says he thinks Frank said that he wants to vote out Jojo too. Janelle says that if Frank wants Danielle out, we won’t have the votes to go against him. Joe and Wil decide to head to bed. Janelle and Ashley comment on how peaceful it is without Willie in the house. Frank comes in to join them. Janelle tells Frank that Shane is a beast! Janelle asks what are we going do? Frank says that they can get him out. Janelle hopes its next week. Frank says that he hopes Shane doesn’t win HOH this coming week. Janelle says that if Danielle won HOH she would put Shane up on the block. They start talking about the types of competitions. Janelle comments on how Shane is going to try and win everything. Frank heads to bed.
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Boogie and Dan make a Deal “JOJO has the Willie STANK and doesn’t have the time to wash it off”
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9:28pm Cam 1-2 HOH Dan and Boogie Both Dan and Boogie agree that Dan cannot win the game with just Danielle. Dan still is a strong believer that the coaches will get dumped into the game. Boogie isn’t sure but he can understand where Dan is coming from. Boogie is telling him that if Dan wants to roll with boogie’s 3 than they can try and take Shane out next week or they can take out 1 of Janelle’s player. Boogie thinks if Danielle should nominated 2 of janelle’s players it would be perfect. Dan says he thinks he has a better shot with Boogies people than Janelle’s people. Boogie says if Janelle’s people win HOH they will put up Shane, Janelle is hell bent to take out Shane. Boogie thinks that Shane reminds Janelle of James Rhine because they are built the same way and Janelle had a hell of a time getting rid of James in her season. Boogie has a feeling that Shane will put up 2 of Janelle’s players
Dan says he’s in and he’ll shake on it and boogie knows that Dan can be trusted. Boogie says that he’s going to be pushing for Jojo to go home and he thinks she will. Dan: “Well were is that 3rd vote going to come from?” Boogie says it’s either going to be all of Janelle’s players or none of them. Dan wonders if they can can get Shane’s Vote. Boogie says that will be a last resort. Boogie says he has complete control over Jenn and for now can control Ian but he’s not sure how long that can last.
Boogie: “I want at least a 2 person spread before I take Janelle on.. even if they pop a HOH and take one of my people out I still have the same numbers going into the next HOH”
Dan: “You still have one in the chamber”
Boogie: “Yes.. exactly”
Big Brother Spoilers – Shane to Frank “I’m serious you and me top 2”
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7:45pm Cam 1-2 Shane and Frank Shane saying he can’t play for his coaches. Shane brings up that they can get switched up at any moment and both him and Frank will be the ones traded for because they are the strongest players in the game. Sure Shane would like it if Britney won but he’s not bound to her in any way. Frank agrees says they came close to being switched this week. Frank has taken a good look at his player under boogie and he’s really worried that they won’t be able to win any competitions. Shane tells him he is serious about him and Frank going to “top 2”. Shane says he knows Franks is a straight shooter, Shane once trusted Frank and he now trusts him again. Shane understands why Frank nominated him just like he
Big Brother Spoilers – JoJo Talks about her checkered past “I started Cutting while in High school”
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5:30pm Cam 3-4 Jojo and Ashley Jojo is campaigning saying that the girls are going to go down once she is evicted. JOJO pushes the angle that this season will be shitty if it’s just Janelle’s group and Boogies group picking each other off. Jojo: “you’ve seen what I can do.. I beat Frank and Wil in the competition I busted my ass” AShley says she feels like she needs Jojo in this game. JOJO just wants Ashley to think about her own game not the coaches game she calls Janelle sneaky. Ashley shoots straight says she sees it to. JOJO is happy that Ashley can see through Janelle.
Janelle to Ashley “I love how you’re ditsy with everyone else but you talk serious with me”
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3:37pm Cam 3-4 janelle and AShley Ashley is saying she’s having trouble “Getting in with Frank” Ashley points out that Danielle has been getting upset with her because she’s been spending so much time with Shane and she’s scared Ashley is stealing her man. Ashley: “Ian was upstairs talking to boogie for a long time.. They have some plan ” Janelle: “What if they put one of us up” Ashley: “If that happens i’ll be pissed.. if that happens people will see them in a new light.. ruthless” Janelle doesn’t see that happening this week, she doubts Jenn would be with them.
Ashley asks If Britney was saying anything. Janelle says Britney is pretty upset about Willie. Ashley asks Janelle if she thinks Boogie would turn on them this early in the game. Janelle thinks he would. Ashley: “Now I understand why Wil has been freaking out.. even if they do nominate Wil they need to have Jenn on their side”