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11:25am Danielle and Kara are in the Have-not room talking. Kara says that it’s hard being on the block, it’s so stressful. Danielle says that she genuinely cares about Kara and she doesn’t want her to be mad at her since she is her teammate. Kara says she had a conversation with Wil and it upset her. Danielle says that she doesn’t want to smother her. Kara says Wil told her that Joe wouldn’t go up if Frank wins power of veto, that it would be Danielle or Jenn. Kara says she tried to make a deal with Willie but doesn’t think he trusts that she won’t put him up next week if she wins HoH. Danielle tells Kara about how she was just talking to Willie and tells Kara her conversation. Danielle says that if something really bad happens and I just bomb this …trust me I am not throwing it. Kara asks do you really think I would stay over Jenn. Danielle says yes. Kara says that she feels safer up on the block against Frank than anyone else. Kara says that it scares her every time she sees Frank go up to the HOH, because she knows he’s up there trying to make a deal with Willie.