Big Brother 14 live feed Gallery.Images are straight off the live feeds.. We update these pictures throughout the day. There’s thousands here enjoy! Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C3–7-8-2012–12_06_08.jpg” C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds 7-8-2012 […]
Tag: Joe Arvin

Frank says that he is figuratively going to take his head and stick it on a spike outside the front door.
1:15pm – 1:30pm Frank and Ashley are in the arcade room. Ashley says that she is in a pickle. Frank tells her he isn’t telling her what to do. Ashley says that she knows. She thinks Jenn will have it out for me though, instead of thinking strategy, she will be out for revenge. Frank says that if Jenn had just handled it differently we could have worked with her, but she is just being a b*tch. Especially for someone that hasn’t won anything. She could pull it off today but I doubt it. Frank says that his prediction coming into the house was that he would win 3 HOH’s and 4 POV’s so he still has a few more to win. Frank says that if get Dan out we might be able to overt Britney and Shane to getting out Joe so that it takes the target off us. Frank tells Ashley that is why he thinks she needs to stick with giving Mike the vote because then they will think you are just a floater and it will be hard to convince others to get out the floaters and not you.
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Frank says Ashley told him everyone was Eagle Eyeing him when he practiced the game in the backyard.
7:30am Boogie wakes up and lays on the living room couch. 8am Frank wakes up and then head into the arcade room to talk. Frank says that he can’t give up all hope. Boogie talks about how he has been practicing his speech all morning. They wonder about if Joe was serious about telling them who he’s voting for ten minutes prior to the live show. They discuss what they can say to sway his vote at the lasrt minute. Frank says that as much of a f**king baffoon as Joe is, he is an emotional guy. Boogie says that he is a family man; he is so will bring up family. Boogie says that if it doesn’t work, we’ve done all we can do. Frank talks about Ashley saying that she is a f**king soldier. Frank says that boogie choose wisely to get her on his side.
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Danielle tells Ian that he is playing with fire if he doesn’t put Frank up if he wins HOH.
12:35am Danielle, Joe, Jenn, Dan are out in the backyard sitting around the hot tub talking. They discuss the importance of getting to the final five. Danielle says that the key to winning the Pirate Ship edurance was telling herself that losing is not an option. Jenn leaves and Ian joins them. Ian tells them that he still has the dog costume. Danielle says she has the candy corn suit and that she might wear it for Halloween. Dan returns from the diary room. Dan says that Frank’s leotard was the most uncomfortable. They talk about what type of competitions they think will be coming up. Dan and Jenn are sitting on the backyard couch talking about Jenn and how she doesn’t like dating straight girls. She says her first girlfriend was straight and that it was heartbreak city. They continue to talk about her past relationships.
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Big Brother Spoilers – Joe about Frank: “I am so honoured to have played this game with God.. “
10:18pm HOH DDBSJA
They are talking about having to win The HOH this week. Britney says that the order of the competitions are very important. Quiz HOH then Physical POV or the other way around. Shane wants it to be a quiz HOH then a Physical POV. Shane points out that Frank will be playing hard for that HOH.
Joe: “You can’t beat GOD”
Britney :What?”
Joe filling them in with his Frank conversation earlier today. Joe says Frank woke him up and tickled him. Joe explains about Frank saying he’s the most intelligent, Strongest and powerful player to have ever played Big BRother. Joe: “I am so honoured to have played this game with God.. “

BB14 – Frank offers Joe the opportunity to play with the Strongest most Intelligent Player EVER
6:13pm Cam 3-4 HOH Dan and Shane Watch with FlashBack FREE TRIAL!
Would you date Danielle out of this house..
Shane: “I would and I wouldn’t… she’s really jealous alike when I talk to Britney or entions Danielle Donato.. she goes all stink eye”
Dan :”I had to get up here and get away.. I feel like this has been the longest day in the house.”
Shane: ‘I agree”
Dan: “I thought Danielle would seem a lot older if she wasn’t so .. I dunno sensitive”
Dan: “I would not be OK with Jenn or AShley winning”
Shane: ‘Hopefully we can get rid of AShley here soon”
Dan: “She has got to go”
Shane: “Do you Frank will get America’s favorite player”
Dan : “I think it’ll be Ian or you”
Dan points out that Shane has had to overcome a lot in this game and hasn’t been a “PR**K” about it like Frank.
Joe comes up..
Joe says that the backyard will be open in 2 hours.. Shane and DAn: “Sweet..”

Spoilers – Ashley: “everyone thinks I’m sl***** it up with Ian and Frank.. I do things to pass time”
3:32pm Cam 1-4 Arcade Frank and Jenn Watch with FlashBack FREE TRIAL!
Frank says that Jenn is number 6 in a group of 6. DDBSJ will vote her out as soon as they can. Frank says he’s 2 for 3 in the HOH’s he’s got a good chance to win it.. His plan is to get Dan out, he think Dan’s the shepherd and the rest of them are sheep if he can get him out the other players will scramble.
Frank don’t hold it against me for trying to get the votes for Mike it’s nothing against you You know I love you girl. He goes on to explain Ashley and how she felt last night. Ashley is concerned that she lost Jenn as a friends and AShley doesn’t think Jenn understands why she was trying to get the house to vote her out. Frank makes it sound like the conversations Jenn had last night with AShley ended poorly. Frank wonders if there is anything he can tell Ashley to make things better.
Jenn: “I plan to talk to Ashley.. I felt that it ended off on a positive note. I don’t know what she said to you as opposed to what really happened” (Jenn’s tone = Not Happy)

Big Brother 14 Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery – August 22, 2012
Big Brother 14 live feed Gallery.Images are straight off the live feeds.. We update these pictures throughout the day. There’s thousands here enjoy! Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C3–7-8-2012–12_06_08.jpg” C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds 7-8-2012 […]

Joe says F***ing get off your high horse, Frank you Mayberry piece of s**t, you are a f***ing punk!
11:30am Big Brother ends the HOH lockdown. All of the house guests except for Shane and Danielle head down stairs. Frank and Ian are in the arcade room. Frank says that it definitely thinks they were setting something up outside. Boogie joins them and asks Ian, so no clues? Ian says no, I checked. Boogie says that they told him specifically that they would only be locked down for a couple hours.
11:45pm Joe heads up to the HOH room. Joe says so you are the only person that has not had a dream of winning this f***ing thing. F***ing get off your high horse. Frank you Mayberry piece of shit. You are a f***ing punk. Ian you loyal motha f**ker you were the first one to throw them under the bus when you saw them cheating. It took everything inside me to not go off on him. Joe talks about how Frank and Boogie were the first ones to celebrate and rub it in our faces. Now you are nice because your team is whipped.
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Boogie says that going the ugly route isn’t good for the evolution of Mike Malin..
8:40am Boogie and Frank are talking. Boogie seem complacent that he will be leaving this Thursday. Frank says that he thinks if he gets a chance he will send home Dan home first. I think he is acting like the Shepard up there. Frank says that its hard because there are so many targets. Boogie says that he know that he isn’t going to like to hear this but, I think you could pull Shane if you get rid of Dan. Frank tells Boogie that Ashley and Ian were crying last night and really upset. Boogie says that he wonders if he should call a house meeting and tell everyone that I am going on Thursday and that I am fine with it.
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Joe throws a pillow at Britney and says snowflake, you are on my sh*t list!
12:50am Britney and Ian go to the arcade room. Ian is upset and crying. Britney asks do you realize who you are feeling sorry for? She says that the guy that put his hair into 6 ponytails for a Power Of Veto, the guy that makes homemade t-shirts at the age of 41. Ian is upset that Boogie is going home. Ian says that he is feeling bad about Frank and Boogie getting played by Joe. Britney tells Ian that he doesn’t need to feel this way. Britney says that she felt bad when she had to lie to Janelle, but that she did what was best for the Quack Pack. Ian says that he isn’t changing his vote, that he just feels bad. Meanwhile, Frank is talking to Ashley about what Joe had talked about with him. Frank tells Ashley to talk to Joe and say she won’t talk to the other side of the house. Ashley says that she won’t talk to the other side of the house because it makes Joe paranoid when he sees her talking to all sides of the house. Ashley says that Jenn has to understand that she has to lay out all of her options and that Jenn is going to play with Danielle. Frank tells her what to say to Jenn in her defense of voting for Boogie.
Watch it ALL on FlashBack: Pick the Day, Time and Camera View!

Big Brother Spoilers – Joe: “Ashley’s words not mine, I’m with Ian and Frank because I love them”
8:55pm Cam 1-2 Joe and Jenn in storage room Watch with FlashBack FREE TRIAL!
Joe telling Jenn that he thinks Ashley is with Boogie.. She was campaigning to Joe earlier trying to get joe to keep Boogie. Joe wants to know if Ashley is lying to him or Jenn.
Jenn is worried she is the only one trying to get votes whereas Boogie has Frank and now apparently Ashley. Joe: “I know you go Britney, Danielle, Dan… Ashley is the only one I don’t know.. I think they got to her” Joe explains that it’s really upsetting him that Ashley would do this sort of thing to Jenn. They both agree to try and uncover where AShley’s vote at.
Ian and Danielle enter the Storage room.
Joe and Jenn leave .. Joe talks to Danielle in the kitchen alone says that he’s starting the process of telling Boogie he;’s going home.