8am Frank and Jenn are awake and talking. Frank tells Jenn that if she plays in power of veto today she needs to play her heart out because the four can still be intact. Jenn tells him to be cautious of Ian. Frank talks to Jenn about who would go up if one of them comes off of the block. Frank says it would have to be Jenn or Joe. He says that they would have the votes. Jenn says that if Dan leaves they hope Danielle rolls with them too. Jenn says that Ian was real nervous last night. Frank says that he thinks Ian is afraid that if Dan doesn’t win the veto today then he will be after Ian to use his power on him. Jenn says that she doesn’t think Ian will use it because he wants to stay in the game so he will save the power for himself. Frank asked Jenn if she would vote Danielle out over Britney. She says that it will break her heart. Jenn says that she doesn’t want to say yes. Frank hopes the competition isn’t a how bad do you want it. Jenn agrees. Jenn tells Frank he is not rolling by himself. Frank thanks her and they hug. They head into the kitchen.
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