Big Brother 14 live feed Gallery.Images are straight off the live feeds.. We update these pictures throughout the day. There’s thousands here enjoy! Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C3–7-8-2012–12_06_08.jpg” C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds 7-8-2012 […]
Tag: Joe Arvin

Ian says I will fall on the sword for the quack pack, I am the captain of this f***er, I founded it, I will go down with it!
2:15pm – 2:25pm Britney calls Ian over to the backyard couch to talk. Ian asks have you heard anything. Britney says no, you? Ian says the only thing he heard was the more they think we’re together the better. Britney says yeah they are working together, they’ve been hanging out all day. Ian says that I am the captain of the quack pack ship and I will go down with it. Ian says that what my pitch to Joe will be that Frank will win in the final two over anyone, and that he can’t play in the next two HOH’s. Ian says that he will fall on the sword for the quack pack and for her. Britney says we need to get Shane. Ian says that he will try and get Joe and Shane. Britney says that if I stay I will put Dan on the block. Ian asks why, we need him. Britney says because I hate him. He is going to slit our throats. He will not fall on the sword for this alliance. He is the weak link. Ian says I am the captain of this f**ker, I founded it, I will go down with it! Britney and Ian both agree that they wont vote for Frank in the end. Ian says that he doesn’t capture the spirit of this game. Britney says he is good at comps, but has a terrible social game. Ian tells her not to give up.
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Joe tells Shane either we roll with Frank and backD**r him Or we roll with Brit and separate the house.
11amJenn, Britney, Frank, Dan and Danielle are in the backyard talking about random stories. They start talking about birth control. Frank says once when he was done having $ex the girls nuvaring was caught on him. He was like what is this a bear trap! They continue to talk about random stuff.
Joe comes into the kicks room to talk to Shane. Joe says that he thought about a scenario last night. Joe says that he walked out several scenarios. I pulled papers and tried out scenarios to see if I can get us to where we need to go. Joe says one asks question if we got down to the final three, would you take me or Danielle? Shane says ummm..Ahhh.. good point, uhh.. you, I would have a better shot at it against you in the finals. Joe says if we do the Frank thing… as soon as we possibly can we back door him. Joe says that Frank says he just didn’t want to be the one to put up Jenn, but we can. Joe says that Frank wants out Ian and Dan.
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Joe says it would kill him to see Danielle win, she slept half the game and cried the other half.
8:45am – 9am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Frank, Joe and Jenn are the only house guests awake. Frank and Joe talk about how big of a surprise it was that Danielle did the dishes yesterday. Frank and Joe look at the memory wall. Frank says we`re close, real close. Think about how after next week there won’t be a group to worry about but us. Frank says Britney goes home, Dan and Ian go on the block, doesn’t matter which goes, Ian wins POV, Dan goes. Next week will be fast forward, Shane goes up with … Frank and Joe continue to work out the possible scenarios. Frank says that he isn`t worried about Ian winning and putting me on the block because there will be 4 votes and we will have three of them (Shane, Jenn, Joe).
Re-Watch ALL THE DRAMA on FlashBack: Big Brother 14 Live Feeds – 3 Day Trial!

Dan “That my friends at home was one of the best days ever for me in this house, good night.”
12:36am Shane to Britney “I feel bad for you Brit, if you weren’t married, I would come cuddle with you a bit, but..” Britney to Shane “Ah, that’s okay.” Shane “Just saying…” Britney “Don’t feel bad for me Shane.” Shane “Stop it!” Britney “It’s fine.” Shane “It’s not fine because last night I went to bed not thinking anything like this was going to happen.” Britney “Yeah me neither.” Shane “god.” Britney “but it is what it is.” Shane “I know it’s just a game.” Britney “It’s just a game and if I leave it’s not the end of my life.” Shane “no I know.” Shane, Joe and Britney go to sleep.
Dan in the have-not room says to the camera “That my friends at home was one of the best days ever for me in this house, good night.” He then shuts off the light and goes to sleep.
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Big Brother Spoilers – Dan’s Boot List Frank, Ian, Jenn and Joe
Dan: “What has Shane told you about his Vote”
Danielle: ‘He said I have it.. but that I’m scared”
Dan: “He doesn’t have it in him to lie to your face.. he will tell Britney by wednesday that she doesn’t have her vote”
Danielle: “I’m worried about Joe”
Dan: “You don’t need him”
Dan: ‘What’s Wrong… “
Daneille: “This day has been tough”
Danielle: “I trusted you Dan.. you hurt me so much with what you said.. You cannot understand how much you hurt me”
Dan: “you’ve now become the number 8 target in this house no matter what.. they will never put you and I up.. If that means you being mad at me I would rather that any day of the week“
(10:15pm cam 1.. hard to hear this conversation because of the low volume)
Danielle asks him how far will they take Frank. Dan: “until we can guarantee we can get rid of him.. we can backdoor him with 100% certainty”
Dan: “Then Ian, Jenn and Joe are gone”

Big Brother Spoilers Britney about Dan He’s not 100% a human being.. he’s a least 50% Robot
6:38pm Cam 1-2 Backyard Powerhouse, Britney and Shane
Britney tell them she wants to know before the vote if she’s going or staying. She knows that her time in this game is dependent on Joe and Shane’s vote she the ball is in their court. Joe doesn’t know who is the more dangerous player Frank or Dan. He likes Frank as a person but it’s hard denying he’s dangerous just look at the competitions he’s won. Joe knows Frank will win against anyone in the house joe isn’t writing Frank a cheque. Shane and Britney point out that they have a chance to beat dan in the final 2 but not Frank.
Joe: “I just keep thinking about one thing he told me.. If Dan goes to keep Danielle and Britney safe..: “I want to F******* Kill him.. you already have half a million”
Britney: “He’s not 100% a human beign.. hes a least 50% Robot”

Big Brother 14 Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery – August 27, 2012 **Updated Hourly **
Big Brother 14 live feed Gallery.Images are straight off the live feeds.. We update these pictures throughout the day. There’s thousands here enjoy! Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C3–7-8-2012–12_06_08.jpg” C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds 7-8-2012 […]

Big Brother Spoilers – Shane pulls out the Big Guns “Dan Gheespoop”
3:17pm Cam 3-4 Britney, Shane and Danielle
Britney: “I kind of thought something was up when they said that Ian’s veto would go first… Because Ian’s veto… Feeds cut”
Shane: “You can’t trust Dan again.. you know that”
Danielle: “He broke my heart..
Shane: “I hope Chelsea divorces him for that”
Britney: “he did this in his last season he backstab people”
Shane: “He always swears on his bible”
Britney: “He says it’s not personal it’s a game.. I’m a logical person I can see that he saw we were fine with him going home”
Britney: ‘I’ve always regretted that I never fought for it in season 12 but for me to fight it right now means I go against the sweetest person in the entire world”
Danielle :”You can’t Britney I won’t hold anything against you”

“The Surgeons” – Dan the surgeon and Danielle the nurse, he cuts them up and she stiches them backup.
1:50pm – 2:10pm Dan and Danielle are in the kitchen talking. Danielle tells him that she knows something that she isn’t telling him and that she kind of enjoys not telling him. Dan tells her that he knows she would tell him something if he needed to know. Dan tells her that he is an open book with him. Dan tells her that some people buy that we aren’t working together, just Joe and Shane. Dan asks did you think I would be the last coach standing here? Danielle says nope, I thought you would be the first one gone. Dan asks her if she is upset that Britney is leaving. Danielle says yes, she is my best friend. Dan asks Danielle if she has Shanes vote. Danielle says yes. Dan says that he needs to calm down get caugh when you get c**ky. Dan says that even if he gets one more week he is happy. Dan says that he thought Jenn would use it on her. Danielle tells Dan that she was up till 3am working votes for him. She says your welcome. Dan asks how confident are you that you have Shane’s vote? Danielle signs 100%. Dan asks if Britney will lay down and Die.
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Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Power OF Veto Ceremony AFTERMATH! Fight Time!
12:35pm – 12:50pm When the live feeds come back from TRIVIA.. Frank, Jenn, and Ian are up in the HOH room. Ian is telling Jenn that he was surprised that she used it. Ian is freaking out in the HOH room. Frank tells Ian that he never should have gone against him. Ian keeps saying that that he had a lot of people in his ear. Ian tells Frank that he wanted to work with him. Frank tells Ian that he heard from several people that Dan said he was going to rat you out and you lied to me about what that was about. Frank tells Ian that if he is going to start raising his voice he can step the F**K OUT! Ian says thanks, I will. Shane comes into the HOH. Shane thanks him for telling him what was going to happen right before. Shane says that he heard screaming and wanted to make sure everything was okay. Frank tells him that he wants to work with him and thats why he told him. Shane says that he wants to work with Frank too. Ian comes back and tells Frank he wants his beer back. Frank tells him to grab it them. Ian starts grabbing the beer out of the fridge. Frank says I bet you wanted to drink and tell me off or something huh. Britney comes up and says it is what it is, it’s just a game.
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Dan recounts the events of last night and says he prefers people hating him in this game..
7:30am Dan is up and out in the backyard talking to the cameras about yesterday and his plan to save himself. He says that it all comes down to next four hours. He describes the events of last night, just in case you missed his “handy work”. He says that he had his funeral and told something nice to everyone except Danelle. Dan says that Danielle did not take kindly to that. He says that he then went upstairs to the HOH room to talk with Frank. He says that his conversation went better than normal and it was up to him to get Jenn to use veto on me. Dan says that by the time he went to bed last night, Jenn was on board. Dan says that it’s amazing what 24 hours can do. He says that the real question is if this goes through, am I going to stay true to Jenn, Dani, Frank. Dan says yes I am. Dan says the question is who is going up when I come down. He says that he wishes it could be Ian, but he has a veto. Dan says that Britney has thrown me under the bus and I get it now. He says that it all comes down to Jenn City, if she doesn’t take me down I’m going to the jury house.
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