Big Brother 14 live feed Gallery. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. This was one crazy day on the live feeds everyone […]
Tag: Joe Arvin

Big Brother 14 – Willie Makes a Deal Boogie: “I would rather work with a player in the game with solid footing than another coach”
11:06pm boogie and Willie
Boogie says he thinks Willie knows how to play this game because he knows getting rid of all the strong players early on is a bad idea. Boogie tells him it took him months on Big Brother to figure that out and Willie did it in days.
Boogie: “If you, frank and Shane roll you will own this game”
Willie knows that.
Boogie: “Wil is super dangerous”
Willie: “I dunno.. I don’t want you guys to nominate me.. next week”
Willie is nervous that Boogie is worried that boogie is working with Dan. Boogie explains to him that in the beginning he wound of worked with Dan but now Dan’s down a person with another on the block against his guy. Willie gets it he always did understand why Janelle was saying that Boogie and Dan were working together it makes no sense. Boogie: “I would rather work with a player in the game with solid footing than another coach”

Big Brother 14 Spoilers – Wil’s take on Willie “he’s overweight and unintelligent”..
Feeds keep cutting in and out. Wil is calling someone a little D!ck at the diary queen .
Wil thinks they just need to get through the next week then team up with Dan because he thinks they are being played. Janelle doesn’t think Shane is screwing them but she thinks Willie is.
Janelle: “I caught Willie in a lie to”
Wil: “I trust Joe”
janelle: “I do to”
Wil: “He screwed himself in the end because he had 3 weeks of safety”
Janelle: “So stupid”
Janelle points out that no one talks to shane about Game. Wil: “We have aenough information that we could get Wilie out next week. Janelle: “umm no it will be stupid for us to break away right now” Wil: “oh oh ya but week three BOOM they’re off”
janelle: “ya week 3 is going to be bad”
Wil: “Britney’s team is more of a threat than we are.. to boogie”
Janelle: “Boogie’s going to target my team because he wants me out”

Big Brother 14 Spoilers- Willie and Ashley Final 2, Ashley: “I will protect you forever”
7:00pm Ashley and Willie
Ashley gives him the run down of what is being said with Janelle’s group. Pretty much they are concerned that Willie has a deal with Frank and he’s starting up another Brigade. Willie swears that he has made no such think. Willie only wants to keep Frank around because Frank takes all the heat off Willie and he knows that Janelle and Dan will team up and take him out at the first chance they have. Ashley says that Janelle is made about the idea to split up the votes. Willie get angry says that in the beginning that was all Janelle’s idea.
Willie explains to her that he’s with her til the end, final 2.
Willie tells her that Janelle plans on keep their alliance together for 2 weeks TOP maybe 1 but in the meantime she’s is setting up side alliances with Dan so that Wil and Kara make it to the final 2.
Willie: “your best interest is to keep me in the house because nobody is going to have your back like I do”
Ashley: “Wil is scared shitless because next week Kara is gone and that is the person he’s been working hardest with”
They both agree that too many players in the house are making decision based on their “teams”. He doesn’t care what team you are on this is their game they are playing for the team that will get them 1/2 a million dollars. Willie: “I got you till the end.. I won’t put you up.. when the time come sand I have to put you up I’ll come up to you and tell you the time is now”
Ashley: “I will protect you forever”
Willie: “that means we gotta get married”
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Janelle and Britney Alliance Breaking, Joe: “Frank is smooth.. He’s damn smooth he’ll have you eating out of the palm of his hand”
5:20pm HOH room Willie and Joe They both agree that they are on the same page with where they are going in the game. Joe wants to know 4 reason to keep frank. Willie says he’s got a ton of reason to get rid of Kara. the main reason is he wants to take Dan out because if Dan goes home there is one less person to compete in the Coaches Competition. Another reason why is Kara is a person that can stay in the game and can hurt them with votes. Willie thinks frank is someone that will take out Daniele next week or at the very least be manipulated.
Joe thinks that kara is after him in the game so Willie agrees. Willie: “YOU are A OK I am not coming after you unless we’re final 3 or 4” Joe says same here.
Willie says that everyone in the house thinks he’s keeping Frank in the game becuase of him but he’s keeping frank becuase kara is going to cause division in this family and Frank will not. Willie points out that Frank will leave his coach but Kara will not she’s brainwashed by Dan. Joe: “What makes you so sure that he’s not playing you .. I don’t see how someone can leave their coaches like that” Willie is certain someone would leave their Boogie as a coach, nobody likes boogie. Kara is going to do whatever Dan says but at least with Frank they can sway him, Willie: “That’s a good reason right there to keep Frank”.

Big Brother 14 – Joe’s the new Straight Shooter and Coaches Corner with Boogies
4:00pm Backyard Boogie and Ian Ian starts explaining what happened during his date with Ashley last night. Ian says for the most part it went well. He feels like he’s sprinkled in enough short term game and some long term game.
Ian: “I said Frank’s a good guy to keep around ”
Boogie: ” what was her reaction ”
Ian: ” it was pretty neutral ”
Ian explains how earlier today jojo ask him what we felt about Thursday and Ian replied that he’s looking forward to it and dreading it at the same time then jojo replied that it’s going to be sad for him if Kara goes because he has a crush on him. Ian and Boogie are happy about this, Boogie I know things can change in a second but I like how people are leaning towards Kara”
Ian gives a light debriefing about what he said to Ashley he says that it’s hard to talk to her because sh’e so spacey. Ian says that Willie is warming up to him a lot more since he started talking to him , Ian: “He thinks if it’s anything mental i’ll automatically win it’s funny.. it’s comical actually”. Boogie is happy to hear that Ian is starting to open up, “keep talking to people asking them questions about themselves.. you are getting better and better every day it’s working”. Ian says that he’s really trying to build up that he’s a 21 year old kid, he’s scared he’s a goof ball and having trouble adapting. Boogie thinks this is a great angle he wants him to make them all feel like he’s not playing the game. “act like you are not eavesdropping you don’t even care”

Big Brother 14 Willie tells Frank that he is physically fighting for him to stay in this game!
1:40pm Willie and Frank are up in the HOH room talking. Willie tells Frank that he is physically fighting for you to stay in this game. He tells him to not talk to anyone… anyone! If you think that it’s okay, you may want to re-evaluate it. Frank asks like who? Willie says just don’t talk to anyone or else my hands are tied and I can’t fight for you. Frank says that thing with Shane and Mike the other day that was not me ..that had nothing to do with me. Willie says that if you talk to anyone are going to end up fu*king yourself. Willie says we don’t need the coaches ..if you and I work together and no ones knows we could get far in this game… there is no benefit to us not working together. Willie says don’t offer people any information, we need to keep us a secret. Willie says that he believes whatever I want to happen will happen. I am taking a major, major, major risk …if you don’t do what you said you were going to do …it could end my game.
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Britney busts Willie for not brushing his teeth, its day 9 and you did it for the first time last night.
11:50am Janelle and Britney talk about how its kind of a waste to get rid of Kara. Britney says that Frank doesn’t have anyone and Kara has people like Shane and Danielle. Britney says that she is worried about Kara floating way, way into this game. Britney says don’t worry about floaters. Britney says she is not worried about floaters, I am worried about Dan. Once Dan has one player he is powerless. Britney says Dan could win this game again. Janelle says yeah how could you not give him the money he is the nicest guy. Britney says that we shouldn’t tell them about how big of a threat Dan is in this game. Janelle says don’t you think they will figure it out when we keep going after his players.
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Britney says that Ashley always looks high ..I think they give her weed in the diary room
Superpass Live Feeds: 3 Day Trial!
10am Joe and Willie take a walk in the backyard to have a quick chat. Joe tells Willie that Frank and Mike are still coming at him about making an alliance. Willie tells Joe that they will keep coming at you, they want to divide us. Joe then goes and talks to Shane in the storage room about how Frank told him that Boogie keeps trying to get pull us. Joe tells Shane that Willie told him that Mike is going to keep on us and keep trying to pull us to their side. Joe says I just wanted to let you know what’s going on, I just told Willie too. Shane says yeah thanks, maybe I should make them think I am going to go with them and then vote out Frank on Thursday. Shane and Joe then go out to the backyard and they discuss with Willie how Mike is trying to divide them. Shane says that they came to me with the brigade talk about Me, Joe and Frank aligning. They all talk about sticking to the plan this week.

Frank says he had a really weird dream where Mike screwed him over so his Dad (Sid Vicious) punched him.
8am Mike, Frank and Joe are sitting out on the backyard couch talking about random stuff. Frank talks about how he used to call himself Frankie. Frank says that he changed it to sound more grown up. Mike tells him that maybe he should keep it Frankie for a few more years, “cause you’re not grown up yet.” Big Brother then switches the live feeds to the we will be right back screen to wake up the house guests. When the feeds come back, Frank, Jojo, Ian, Joe and Mike sitting on the backyard couches. Frank says that he thinks he had a really weird dream were Mike screwed him over so his Dad (Wrestler Sid Vicious) punched him. They all laugh.
Its Mike’s birthday and they all wish him a happy birthday! He’s 42 today. The conversation changes to talking about how Mike knows Danielle is lying about he job. JoJo asks who? Mike says Danielle, she does something in the health care field …she catches herself say things and then hammers in that she had to take a class on it like four times after. Joe says yes, she did that last night in the hot tub last night.
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Big Brother 14: Kara asks Ian if a girl tried to rape you, you would say no?
Watch the 24/7 Uncensored Live Feeds of the Big Brother house 3 Day Trial!
12am Willie, Ashley, Janelle, Kara, Jojo and Shane are up in the HOH room talking about the last Power of Veto competition. It’s mainly Willie, Shane and Kara talking about how they did in the competition. Jojo heads downstairs because she wants a break. A few minutes later Janelle heads downstairs. Jojo and Ian then come up to talk. They ask Ian about how his date was tonight. Ian says that it was good, good servers, good food. The conversation turns to talking about how they think the next Coaches competition and Have/Have-not competition are going to be on Friday. Willie comments on how once Ian gets out of the house he is going to have no problem with the ladies. Ian says that its kinda been by choice. Kara then asks him so if a girl tried to rape you, you would say no? Everyone laughs and is stunned that Kara asked the question. Ian said that if it was a really beautiful woman then yeah he would do it with her. The conversation turns to Willie and Shane talking about how they can finish if they’ve been drinking. Jojo says maybe it had something to do with the girl, maybe she just wasn’t doing her job right, ya know?!

Big Brother 14 Live Feed Screen Captures – July 16th, 2012 Updated LIVE!
Big Brother 14 live feed Gallery. Each minute we take a series of screen captures from each Live Feed cam in the house and upload them to our Gallery every 10 minutes. This system runs 24/7 expect thousands and thousands of Screen Captures every day. The game is really up in the air right now. […]