11:20am Ian heads up to the HOH room and talks to Frank. Ian thinks the power of veto competition will be the spelling competition. They also wonder if it will be a hold and fold competition. Ian says that it’s not a games competition because they didn’t give us tools to practice. Ian says now that he thinks about it, he really thinks it’s gonna be the hold and fold competition. Ian says that game is a crap shoot. They discuss the last power of veto competition. Frank mentions that Shane punched something yesterday and that his hand is all bloody. Ian brings up how Willie went hulk on the have not door and then head butted Joe 4 times. Ian says that he would have thought Willie being 30 something would have been more mature. Frank mentions how great it is that we get to evict 2 people this week. They discuss whether or not it will be taking penalties to win, like wearing a bunny suit for a week or giving up some of the prize money. Britney joins them. Ian tells Britney that he thinks it will be hold and fold because they didn’t need to pick a colour. Britney says that she thinks it will be a different competition, all of the competitions have been different so far. The conversation turns to talking about The Glass House and how bad it is. Big Brother switches the cameras to the kitchen.
Re-Watch ALL THE DRAMA on FlashBack: Big Brother 14 Live Feeds – 3 Day Trial!