
Ian holds up the pork rinds that Willie threw at Janelle and says “soon to be on eBay for sale!”

11:20am Ian heads up to the HOH room and talks to Frank. Ian thinks the power of veto competition will be the spelling competition. They also wonder if it will be a hold and fold competition. Ian says that it’s not a games competition because they didn’t give us tools to practice. Ian says now that he thinks about it, he really thinks it’s gonna be the hold and fold competition. Ian says that game is a crap shoot. They discuss the last power of veto competition. Frank mentions that Shane punched something yesterday and that his hand is all bloody. Ian brings up how Willie went hulk on the have not door and then head butted Joe 4 times. Ian says that he would have thought Willie being 30 something would have been more mature. Frank mentions how great it is that we get to evict 2 people this week. They discuss whether or not it will be taking penalties to win, like wearing a bunny suit for a week or giving up some of the prize money. Britney joins them. Ian tells Britney that he thinks it will be hold and fold because they didn’t need to pick a colour. Britney says that she thinks it will be a different competition, all of the competitions have been different so far. The conversation turns to talking about The Glass House and how bad it is. Big Brother switches the cameras to the kitchen.

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Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Power of Veto Players Are Being Picked!

8am – 9am Mike Boogie is awake and in the kitchen. Soon after Big Brother wakes up the other house guests. When the feeds come back, Mike is reading the bible at the kitchen table. Wil and Mike start talking about religion. Mike says that he isn’t really anything; he believes in a higher power but not really sure what he believes in. He says there’s nothing else to read. Mike says that in his season with Dr. Will he was asked a question by Julie Chen and he said something to the effect of Why don’t you come up with a twist to get me out of here sweetheart. Mike says that Dr. Will was then told in the diary room that they wouldn’t be calling on him for the rest of the season.

9:10am The camera keeps zooming in and out on Joe & Willie’s faces. Meanwhile in the kicks room, Janelle tells him that she was thinking about it and there might not be enough weeks for everyone to come back. It might just be Jodi or Kara. Janelle says maybe Jodi will come back. Wil says that would be fun. Janelle asks really. Wil says no.
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Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Shane & Jojo plan a sex prank to play on Ian

1am Janelle, Jojo and Joe are sitting talking on the backyard chairs. Jojo is asking Janelle about her season and the Power of Veto competitions that she won. Dan comes out and joins them. Joe talks about how there is good in all of them. Will comes out to join them. Wil farts and Dan says don’t be offended but that is the first gay fart I have ever heard. The talk turns to how Frank farted on Jenn. Frank comes out and Wil asks him guess what food product Joe named? They tell him I can’t believe it’s not butter. The conversation changes to talking about food.

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1:35am Janelle and Wil in the hammock talking about the coaches entering the game. Janelle says that hands down its not possible for jury to start yet. Janelle says jury is always week 5, there are still three more weeks until Jury. Janelle says that Dan thinks for sure he’s coming into the game. Wil says he heard Dan say he didn’t think it would happen. Janelle says she likes Frank but if he teams up with Boogie it would be bad for them. Janelle says that she is sick of Jojo’s a$$.

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Ian and Ashley first Big Brother 14 Showmance? Britney: “If we can get her those muscle relaxants”

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10:55pm Cam 3-4 HOH Ian, Britney and Frank Britney talks about how she wanted to get Frank but picked Shane, She was surprised that no on picked Willie on the second round. picked Britney is wondering why Willie had left and screwed the team, Britney: “maybe he thought he if he left there would be no eviction” Frank thinks Willie just didn’t want to accept that he got evicted. Ian starts talking about the head butts. It’s confirmed that Willie head butted Joe at least once. Britney mentions how much easier everything is now that Willie is gone.
Frank: “I hate seeing people go like that.. being a fan of the show.. but dude.. throwing pork rinds at girls cussing”
Ian: “Least dignified exit in Big Brother History”

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Big Brother 14 – Joe to JoJo and Shane “Willie.. he sh!t on ya both”

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10:20pm Cam 1-2 Jenn, Joe and jojo They are talking about alcoholic family’s.

Shane joins them and tells them that he sided with Willie because Willie was in his team. Jenn says she would of done it differently Shane still had a choice. Joe jumps in says Willie had powers of persuasion. JOJO adds that Willie screwed them both.
Joe: “he shit on ya both”
Shane: “Big Diarrhea shit”
Jojo leaves.. Jenn goes back to talking about her father

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Big Brother 14 Coaches Competition Results Has Willie Left the House?

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3:44pm Cam 1-2 Boogie, Frank, Joe, Janelle HOH Laughing about how screwed Willie and his team is now. Boogie points out that Britney was the first Coaches out in the competition and Dan threw it. Janelle won it and put Willie’s entire team on slop.
First we hit them with the vote out
Second we hit them with the HOH
Third we hit them with the coaches challenge
Fourth your entire alliance is have nots
Joe: “and last you are going home”
Willie barges in tells them that he’s going to get evicted before the week is up.. just wants them to know that. .. he charges out.
They are all talking about how Willie is going home this week and how he’s going to hit someone. Boogie runs downstairs to save ian.. Feeds cut.

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Big Brother 14: Wil says if Britney did a trade for me, I would make her life a living hell!

12:15pm Frank and Jenn are up in the HOH room talking. Frank says that he does think that Shane will be loyal to us if we brought him over. Jenn comments on how Ian only talks about the experience and how its fun …she says that she would like to see some fire in him. It would benefit us to have another power player on our side. Frank says that Shane is a smart guy and a power house but he can’t really talk game … he just doesn’t really think that way. If no trades happen and Shane is on the block and I throw the Power of Veto to him so that he can come off the block then he will owe us and come over on to our side. They break up the conversation and head downstairs.

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Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Britney says the way I see it, it’s lose, lose, lose for me.

10:50am Frank says if later on in the week we find out that we can’t get out Willie then we can talk more about it then. I don’t like to have those conversations too early because loose lips, sink ships. Mike comments on how if you align with another coach you make 3 people off limits. They discuss the coaches competition starting. Frank says so seriously, what would you do if you won today Britney. Britney says I feel the only way Willie is going home today is if he is on my team. Frank says he doesn’t think so. If you were going to trade I would want you to trade with Dan. Britney says so if I did that I could potentially keep 3 players. Frank says yeah. Britney says that Dan might be just what he needs to rehabilitate his image. Mike says that Dan coaches inner city school kids to play against rich catholic school kids. It could be dangerous him being over with Dan. And then you have Danielle and Jojo who really haven’t proven themselves .. Mike tells Britney that she had Janelle up until part way through the week. He says that he was the one that told Janelle to go after Dan to knock him out. Britney says the way I see it, it’s lose, lose, lose for me. Britney says if I can just ask for one things …just don’t make it awkward. Britney leaves. Frank says I just want to make sure she doesn’t trade with one of our players. Mike says that she won’t.

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Big Brother 14: Britney says Shane and Jojo stayed loyal to a sinking ship.

9am Big Brother switches the live feeds to the control room to wake up the house guests. When the feeds come back, all the house guests are up and getting ready for the day. Frank talks about how he was told he will be doing a lot more diary room sessions this week. Jojo mentions that she has a twin and they were born 2 minutes apart. They talk about how they have been locked down so much and that it sucks not being able to go outside. Britney brings up how they’ve made the top 10. Frank, Shane and Jojo laugh and comment on how it’s true. Shane says yeah until you coaches come into the game. Frank heads up to the HOH room. Jojo whispers to Shane how they should bring up to Janelle was with them and then dropped us … what makes you think she won’t do the same thing to you.

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10am Britney calls Jojo and Shane into the arcade room to talk. Shane says that we need to separate from Willie. We are in this situation because of him. Britney says that he will lose his temper again. They want one of us to go home. If I save one of you, they are coming after the other. Britney says that Willie offering to go home and to not give him the key … she says but that doesn’t help either of you or me.

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Janelle says when Willie walks out the door she will throw Froot Loops at him.

1am Wil, Danielle, Ashley and Jenn are in the kitchen talking about ex-boyfriends and girlfriends. Danielle starts talking about some guy she started to have a connection with and then had to leave without saying goodbye. She wonders if he would wait or if he is dating someone else. They tell her how what she focuses on is what will happen.

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Meanwhile, up in the HOH room Boogie, Frank Dan and Janelle are talking. Janelle comments on how when Willie walks out the door she will throw fruit loops at him. Mike wonders if Willie will be all defeated tomorrow and if he will even fight for votes. Mike says that he could swing one maybe but that he can’t swing two votes. Danielle confirms that Danielle will not switch sides to them. He says that she can potentially get two free weeks out of this. They start watching Ian on the spy cam. Dan wonders how much they were spied on last week. They all say oh constantly. Janelle comments on how paranoid Willie is. They continue to talk about Willie bullying people and being paranoid about everything. They rehash all the events of the week. Danielle comes up to say good night and leaves. Dan says that she is smart, I told her not to get trapped by Willie.

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