12:30am Dan and Danielle are in the arcade room. Danielle thinks that her biggest competition is Ian. Danielle tells Dan that she thinks Wil and Frank have a final 2. Dan asks Danielle who Frank would put up if Wil is gone. They could put up Shane if Shane didn’t put them up. Danielle says that he would have to put up Ashley and Joe …but would he. Shane joins them. Shane says that he (Wil? or Joe?)said he should put Frank up and get him out. Obviously they don’t want anyone on their team to go up. But if we tell Frank they are saying that? I don’t know, but they could still be working together. I’m not going to go with it but.. Shane says that he is going to head to bed. Dan says that this week she has to get to Joe and convince him not to put you up if he gets HOH. Danielle starts talking about Britney saying that she trusts her more than Janelle and Boogie.
Re-Watch ALL THE DRAMA on FlashBack: Big Brother 14 Live Feeds – 3 Day Trial!