Big Brother 14 Power Of Veto Results – Shane: “Bye Bye Joe”

4:20pm Cam 1-2 HOH Shane and Brintey Watch with FlashBack FREE TRIAL!

talking about how sour Joe and Wil are because they never won the POV. Shane is mega pissed that they didn’t even shake his hand. Shane points out that Frank is really acting pissed. Britney thinks Boogie is worried because they now have the power to get rid of Frank. Shane looks at the camera waves says bye bye to Joe, ‘Sorry Joe’s wife and Kids but he’s gotta go he did it to himself” Britney is just pissed that Janelle’s team are such poor sports.

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Janelle “You might be the alpha male, but I am the alpha fu*k!*g female, welcome to the block b*tch!

1:15pm Wil goes and gets Danielle and asks her if she wants to talk. Wil tells Danielle that she is in a sticky situation. Wil tells her that he just got threatened that if he takes Joe off the block I am the target. So Frank threatened you with that? Wil says well it wasn’t really a threat it was just advice. Danielle tells Ashley that she has been acting weird lately. Wil tells Danielle that they hope she works with us instead of them. Danielle asks what Wil will do if he wins. He says that Ashley has a stronger case of staying if she stays on the block. Danielle says that she is the next person in line of fire, so she needs to win it just as much as they do. Wil says that he promised Joe weeks ago that he would help him out if he was ever on the block.. but that it’s more important that the three of us stay. Danielle asks if Wil still has an alliance with Boogie. Wil says no that’s over, they threw us under the bus.

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Power of Veto Players: Ashley, Joe, Frank, Danielle, Wil and Shane

10:20am When the live feeds come back from TRIVIA… Ashley is excited because she was given new shoes for the POV competition. She says maybe the competition is something sticky. “Yay, New Kicks” The others go into the storage room to grab their shoes. Shane and Danielle are the last to leave the storage room. She goes to grab him and he tells her to get out of here. Danielle calls him a jerk. He says he is not a jerk and leaves the room.

Ashley, Janelle and Joe head into the arcade room. They comment on how loud Frank was during the POV picking. Joe says that he just saw Frank and Shane say “We did it!” Joe says that he cant wait to expose Frank and Shane. He says that he can’t wait to expose him to the others that they are working together.

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Frank tells Ashley if she gets house guest choice she should pick him, you are not going home.

8am Mike and Joe are awake. Joe comes into the kitchen and tells Mike that he hasn’t slept all night on have-not bed. Mike says he is sorry to hear that. Joe goes the living room and lays down to read the bible. At 8:15am Big Brother wakes up the other house guests. Frank is in the kitchen. Mike finishes his shower and comes through the kitchen and laughs and tells Frank that Joe didn’t sleep all night. Ashley, Frank and Mike are sitting in the living room talking. They are guessing the power of veto will be around 11am.

8:50am – 9:30am In the kitchen, Joe asks Ashley how she is today? Ashley says that she is so fired up! She asks how Joe is today. Joe says that he has his game face on and isn’t going down without a fight.

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Britney says if she can’t let her husband freely see her b****e, she has no reason to live.

1am Danielle is up in the HOH room with Shane. He gets called to the diary room. Danielle and Britney then talk about the flirting that Shane and Danielle have been doing. Britney asks if Shane has made any moves on her. Danielle says no, that he must be scared to do anything. Britney thinks he will soon. Daniele tells Britney about her coaching relationship with Dan, and how he tried to put a scare into her. They go back to talking about Shane. Britney jokes they’re dating and then says that they are kind of engaged in Big Brother terms with a final 2 deal. They talk about Britney’s season and who has had sex. They talk about Rachel and Brendon having sex in the house. Danielle wonders if Britney has had sex in the house. Britney tells her no, I’m a lady. Danielle says that she has a strong urge to see the size of Shane’s penis. Britney tells her not to touch his penis. Shane comes back from the diary room. Danielle asks Britney what her bra size is. Britney says 34 double D’s. Shane whistles.
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One Showmance Ends Another Begins – Shane “that’s like a 10lb dumbbell coming out of your V**”

11:18pm Cam 3-4 HOH Dan, Danielle, Britney, SHane

Shane mentions to Dan that Frank was telling him he wants to bring Danielle in because she’s strong competitor. Dan isn’t too excited about it he thinks Frank will give Jenn and Ian priority. Shane agrees. Dan asks him what’s up with Joe is he pissed? Shane says Joe is freaking out he told them that his blood pressure was skyrocketing and he had to go into his room to calm down. While he was in his room he was doing some thinking and he thinks Shane needs to join up with Wil, Joe and Ashley.

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Big Brother Spoilers Week 3 Nomination Results Britney: “You can b*ckd00r anybody”

8:40pm Cam 3-4 HOH Britney and Janelle Watch with FlashBack FREE TRIAL!

Janelle asks her why did Shane nominate 2 of her players. Britney explains that week one Janelle and her team burnt them bad and Boogie’s team never has.
Janelle is warning her that Frank is very dangerous

Britney asks her if she was going around trying to get people to hate JOJO to make sure she gets evicted . Janelle says she wasn’t

janelle: “I don’t want to have JOJO leave.. my team voted for her”
Britney points out that she htought Fireworks was going to come out of joe’s butt when Frank won HOH last week. Brintet reminds her that all her team was her friend

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Big Brother 14 – Coaches Competition and Have Have-Not Results

5:30pm Cam 3-4 boogie, Shane, Brit

Boogie: “We would be a force if Frank and Shane were together.. The other players are useless and I’m talking to my other players”
Britney asks him if he would take offense if they put Frank up the same way Frank put Shane up. Boogie is OK with that as long as there is a understanding that Frank isn’t the target.

They all start talking about how Joe has been talking shit about Frank 3 hours after the HOH was won.

Shane and Britney want protection for next week if they can guarantee that Frank stays this week. Boogie is receptive to this deal.

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Big Brother 14 Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery – July 27th, 2012

Big Brother 14 live feed Gallery.Images are straight off the live feeds.. We update these pictures throughout the day. There’s thousands here enjoy!

Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C37-8-201212_06_08.jpg”
C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds
7-8-2012 = July 8th, 2012
12_06_08 = Taken at 12:06:08

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Shane tells Frank that Joe didn’t even wait 3 hours to throw him under the bus.

12:25pm Frank is up in the HOH room with Shane. Shane tells Frank that he knows you have a final 6 deal with them… Joe is the only one that came up here to talk game and he threw you under the bus. He wants me to put you up. Shane says that Wil is his absolute number 1 target and that he was thinking of putting up Ian too. Frank says that he doesn’t mind if Shane puts up Boogies or Janelle’s players. He says that if he wants Wil or Joe out, it’s probably best to put them up. Frank says that the only reason he didn’t put Janelle’s team is because they rallied for him when he was up on the block. Britney joins them. Frank says that one good reason to keep me is that I will be a bigger target in the house. They bring up someone going through Frank’s bag but they won’t tell him that it was Joe, they just tell him the person is still in the house. Frank says that he will vote whichever way Shane wants.
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Joe gives Shane the breakfast that he made saying “This is my a$$ kissing for the week.”

8am Boogie is awake and working out in the kitchen. Joe wakes up and they comment on how production is hard at work out in the backyard. They talk about how messy the other house guests are in the house. Joe starts cooking breakfast. He also goes to the washroom and doesn’t wash his hands and then goes back to cooking.

8:50am Joe comes up to the HOH room. He enters and says Sir Shane your beakfast. He gives Shane the breakfast that he made saying “This is my a$$ kissing for the week.” Joe heads down stairs and grabs another for Britney and brings it up. When he comes in again Shane says thank you this is great especially after being a have not for a week. Joe goes to the mentor room and says “Breakfast for the Queen.” Britney wakes up and says thank you. She takes one bite and goes back to sleep.

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