1:50pm – 2:10pm Janelle and Wil head into the kicks room to lay down and talk. Wil says do you know how fu*king lucky we are! Janelle says oh my god this is great. Wil says that he will do what they want him to do. Janelle says that Mike and Frank are going to try and mind fu*k you all week. Boogie is on to me for sure. Wil says if we get rid of his next best player next week that would be great. He says that he is sure they had a deal and that with me going back on Frank make them think. Janelle says I hate to toot my own horn but I am way more trust worthy. Wil says and like hell Frank would save me next week. Janelle says that they did the same thing to us and they are pissed at us, I just did a way better job at it. Wil says we’ve got the two of them on board now .. Britney and Shane. Janelle says yeah for now. Frank comes in and they ask him if he is okay. Frank says it’s not his first time on the block. He says as far as this week goes I am not going to ask for your vote. If you don’t vote for me I am not going to hold it against you if I go to jury.
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