12:20am Janelle, Joe and Ashley are in the kicks room talking. Janelle says that there are so many people that are still in the house that they need to get rid of. Ashley says that Dan has been coaching Danielle for this twist the whole time. They talk about how everyone will still be playing in teams. They talk about how mad Wil was that the coaches entered the game. Joe says that he wanted to just leave and go home now. Joe brings up Shane running up and kissing Danielle when she won. Ashley says that she is jealous. Janelle tells Ashley that she needs to win HOH next week so that she can get back rubs from Shane. They talk about how Boogie didn’t want to come into the game and is annoyed. Janelle says that all the work they did as coaches has been a waste and they are basically playing for second place. Joe says yeah you just lost $50,000. Ashley says yeah, right.
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