Big Brother 14 live feed Gallery.Images are straight off the live feeds.. We update these pictures throughout the day. There’s thousands here enjoy! Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C3–7-8-2012–12_06_08.jpg” C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds 7-8-2012 […]
Tag: Joe Arvin

Mike says honestly it feels like I won if this goes through on Thursday and she is gone.
9am Mike is up and out in the backyard by himself. Mike tells Dr Will to tune in Wednesday he has a suprise for him. Mike says sorry to the superfan’s that love Janelle, but at least you all will have her all summer in the blogs and to chat with. Mike then tells Dr. Wil to watch his flirtmance go out the door. He says totally awesome and says maybe you guys will not be mean to me now.
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Frank joins Frank out in the backyard. Mike says he hates Janelle says up late, you never know if she is up talking. Frank says he was able to go to sleep easier when he remembered that Britney was the one to bring up Janelle’s name. Frank says that Britney just wants to be a part of it too. Mike says that Britney saw firsthand being a part of the brigade and one of them winning the half million. They talk about buddying up with Joe. Frank says that he can tell Joe he was the one that wanted the coaches out, now put up or shut up. Frank says once they do this they are in waist deep. Mike says if we want to get really diabolical once Janelle is gone and we win HOH we could put up Britney and Shane.

Danielle says she hates bullies, and when she sees them, it lights a fire under her a$$ that she can’t soon forget.
12:30am Danielle and Britney are up in the HOH room talking. Danielle asks Britney if it is bad that she doesn’t feel bad? Britney says no, if she treated me the way she has treated you, I would be like BYE! Britney says that she just feels bad, but she knows she has to do what is best for their game. Danielle tells her that Janelle plays that emotional card on Britney because she is such a sweet person. Danielle says that she hates bullies, and when she sees them, it lights a fire under her a$$ that I can’t soon forget. Britney is crying and tells Danielle that says she felt horrible when she did this to Matt Hoffman in her season, and she didn’t even have a deal with him. Danielle says that Janelle would be coming after Shane, and she walks all over Britney. She has to go! Britney says that at the end of the day, if it were me, Janelle would not even bat an eye at getting me out. Danielle says that is the difference between us, we have hearts and Janelle is a cold hearted bit*h. Janelle comes up to the HOH room and Britney runs to the bathroom.
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Big Brother Spoilers – Boogie and Dan cut a deal “you ready to f***ing roll”
10:26pm Cam 1-2 HOH Janelle, Britney, Boogie, Dan
Janelle and Britney asking Boogie if he wants to join them. Boogie says to Janelle that his guy is against her guy he doesn’t see what they can do.
Janelle tries to tell him that Frank is coming after Boogie and Dan. Boogie laughs says Frank was playing you he was telling her whatever she needed to hear when he was on the block. Janelle says she wants to take out all the players and have the coaches make it to the end. Boogie asks why is his guy going home and not Wil. Boogie suggests they vote Wil out and they can team up. Janelle says they will take out Wil next week. Boogie doesn’t trust her. Boogie: “Look guys there is no way I’m going to support anything that gets rid of my number 1 guy.. He’s the only person that has been truthful to me” Boogie tells them he’ll sign up with the coaches if Wil goes this week.
Dan asks can they sacrifice anyone to mend things between Boogie and Janelle. Boogie says no because it’s a waste of an HOH. Boogie adds that he’s fine to leave this to and Danielle if they feel that gettign rid of Frank takes them further in the game than fine. Boogie has no problems going home the following week he just doesn’t want to be the first in Jury voting for AShley to win 500K.

Frank: “I’ve been on the block 75% of the time.. Let me prove to you I can be Trusted”
5:52pm Cam 1-2 HOH Frank, Britney and Danielle
Frank saying if it means they will finally trust Frank he doesn’t mind staying up on the block with Janelle. Danielle says that she’s supportive of the idea. She think he needs to go to Dan and Shane and talk to them.
Britney mentions that it’s hard to trust Frank because the day before the eviction Frank had told Shane he wasn’t going to target him then they now find out that Frank was telling Wil that he was targeting Shane if he won HOH.
Frank pretty much says he was desperate for votes and blowing smoke up Wil’s a$$. Frank points out that Him and boogie are not the 2 people making up lies and spreading them around the house like Janelle is. Frank brings up Janelle telling them that He was pissed for Danielle winning POV. Frank wasn’t mad at them he was disappointed with himself… he doesn’t mind wearing the cheerleader outfit.

Big Brother 14 – Boogie’s new Plan “Remove the coaches and take the Newbies for a ride”
3:59pm Backyard Cam 1-2 Boogie talking to himself.
He’s saying he’s missing Will at this point because he needs someone to push these people over the edge with his JFK looks and charm. Boogie can almost convince them but doesn’t seem able to push them that next bit. Boogie: “Without Britney and Dan I can have Shane, Danielle and Frank.. Maybe I should take out the coaches and take the Newbies for a ride.. maybe that should be my strategy”
I wish I could use threats and intimidation .. Gotta keep relaxed and chill if they.. If I lose the cheerleader (Frank) I can always join up with the Dog (Ian)
Boogie: “I’ll get out Janelle and Joe snatch up Wil, Dan and Danielle and take out Shane.. Thanks for suggesting that Britney.. we’ll get you to fourth again you’ll like that “

Britney says Frank, that’s why you might have had a wet dream about Jojo.
11:50am – 12:25pm Boogie says that there really aren’t many first generation Big Brother players on the show. The conversation turns to Ian talking about how his casting process was, he says that he was only 21 for 15 days when he tried out. Boogie says and then only a few months later you’re sitting in a dog house in the backyard of the bb house. Dare to dream folks. Ian says that he isn’t complaining. Janelle, Joe, Britney, Wil, Ian and Dan head over to the pool to suntan.
Re-Watch ALL THE DRAMA on FlashBack: Big Brother 14 Live Feeds – 3 Day Trial!
12:30pm Shane and Danielle are up in the HOH room. Shane tells Danielle that Boogie wants to meet up later today to talk. He says that Boogie asked who isn’t on board and he guessed Dan. Shane says that he nodded and Boogie said that he will work on him. Shane says that he told Boogie that he wasn’t sure he could trust him.

Big Brother 14 Live Feed Screen Capture Gallery – August 5th, 2012
Big Brother 14 live feed Gallery.Images are straight off the live feeds.. We update these pictures throughout the day. There’s thousands here enjoy! Each photo produced has a file name of when it was taken and by which cam. For example one may have the title “BB13-C3–7-8-2012–12_06_08.jpg” C3 = Camera 3 on the feeds 7-8-2012 […]

Boogie continues to sell Operation Evict ALPHA Female
10am Boogie heads out into the backyard and asks Ian how he slept. Boogie says this is bazar but do you need to go to the bathroom? Ian says no I’m fine I went last night before I went to bed. Boogie says he is going to finish making coffee and be right out. Ian says cool we can talk. Boogie says yeah it would be good to talk before people get up. Frank joins them out in the backyard. Ian tells Boogie we have to think of a way to keep Frank here. He tells him it is possible very possible. Frank comes out into the backyard and says butt cheeks for days, yo! Frank grabs Ian’s lease and starts walking him around the yard while he awnings. Frank brings Ian over to the couches. They talk about how he can’t sit on the couch. Frank wants him to get up on the couch just so he can say Get DOWN BOY! Boogie tells Ian that even though the coach thing is over he still wants them to look out for each other. Ian tells Frank that he thinks he is in a pretty good position because people might wise up to an anti-Janelle movement. He says that Janelle is Wil’s right leg and people want to take her out.
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Danielle says Frank is fixing to be a Wikipedia champ by escaping death 3 times!
2am Shane, Ian and Danielle are up in the HOH room talking. Danielle talks about how they will need to somehow convince Dan that getting rid of Janelle. Danielle says that Janelle told her that Frank hates me because I was going to vote him out last week, I won HOH, then I nominate him, then I beat him in the POV, then I stole the POV from him and put him in a spirit-tard. Shane says wow she brought all those things up?! Danielle says that then Frank talked to me and he wasn’t mad at all. Danielle says that if Frank had talked to her, she would have probably put up Janelle instead. Ian says that the more we hash it out, the more I feel that it is the best decision to get rid of Janelle. But that it is you decision and I will do what you want. Danielle says we need to get Dan up here tomorrow and hash it out. Shane says even if he isn’t on board I think we should still do it. Danielle says she doesn’t know. Ian says look we talk to Dan and say alliance of 5, 4 out of the 5 think this is what is best for the alliance. Danielle says Boogie is in the game no matter what and he is going to continue to alienate himself. He doesn’t throw out a mist he just throws out facts. Shane says that Boogie just doesn’t want a floater to win this. How much can we trust him. Danielle says it doesn’t matter we can’t trust Janelle. Janelle and Boogie can’t be in the house at the same time after next week. Ian says that is not Frank’s time to go. Danielle says he is fixing to be a Wikipedia champ by escaping death 3 times. Danielle says that her and Frank need to have a heart to heart and he needs to put blood on it.
Re-Watch ALL THE DRAMA on FlashBack: Big Brother 14 Live Feeds – 3 Day Trial!

Big Brother Spoilers – Dan: “Boogie and truth do not belong in the same sentence”
Boogie just pitched his plan for them to put up Janelle and roll with him. Danielle tells them that she trusts Boogie ore then Janelle. She knows how 2 face Janelle is. Britney wants Dan’s take on the Boogie offer because she’s thinking it sounds pretty solid. Danille and Shane are very much liking it also. Danielle: “I don’t trust Janelle at all.. she keeps telling me she’s going after different targets.. Last night she said she’s going after Joe, Wil and Ian now they are not after Joe and Wil.. Wil told me to my face they are working together ”
Britney: “100% chance if Janelle or Wil win HOH they are putting up 2 of our people”
Danielle and Shane are pretty sure they will go up if she wins HOH. Britney tells them Janelle has said a hundred times she wants coaches to make it to Jury so they can vote for each other.
Dan is just worried that if they keep Frank they are keeping Boogie and Boogie is dangerous.
Shane: “I know the rest of the houseguests want the coaches out.. he thinks that Danielle, Frank and him can keep them safe” (Shane and Danielle are really thinking they are competition Beast.. it’s true)
Britney says the scary thing is if Ian wins HOH and Dan is up on the block Boogie can do the same thing he just did to them. Walk into the HOH throw a name out and get the power to flip. Britney: “he could just as easily throw one of our names out there” Danielle believes that Boogie tells the truth about the deal.
Dan: “Boogie and truth do not belong in the same sentence”
Dan reiterates how dangerous to Keep Boogie and Frank in the house.. if it was Ian and Boogie he would on board. Dan explains to them that 2 hours ago they were dead set on taking Frank out now they are talking about Sending Janelle out the door. Danielle says she’s always disliked Janelle. Britney says that Boogie and Frank will not put them up she can’t say the same about Janelle.

Ian yells who wants to see the first big brother dog!! WOOF WOOF WOOF!
7:35pm All the house guests are in the kitchen eating and making dinner. They are eating turkey burgers. Ian gets called to the diary room. He jumps up from the table and runs to the diary room for his dog punishment costume. Britney comments on how Ian isn’t allowed to be on the furniture. They ask her if that’s a rule and she says yes. They talk about how they think Ian’s kennel will be out in the backyard which means when he isn’t on the leash he has to stay out there. Ian comes out of the diary room and yell who wants to see the first big brother dog!! WOOF WOOF WOOF! Ian is really excited about his costume. He comes into the kitchen and gets down on all fours. He tells them that his dish is out in the backyard. Shane ties up the back of his costume. Big Brother cuts the feeds and then shows the backyard where Ian’s dog house is with a little fence around it. They open up the backyard and he says that it is better than have-nots.
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