
Boogie says do you know who I am? Fu*king right I am doing the talking dog!

7am Boogie wakes up and goes to the kitchen and then heads out into the backyard. Boogie comments to the camera that while we have fun, he will be in here doing work. Boogie talks about how Wil has copped an attitude this week. Boogie says that Wil said that it is Frank’s HOH but I am doing the talking, Boogie says Hello, do you know who I am? Fu*king da*n right I am doing the talking dog. Boogie starts talking about Janelle and says that she should not have come at him. Boogie says that she played sloppy this year. He says sorry I wanted to play nice, but it probably didn’t help sending Janelle home. Boogie says that he did a good thing because now Janelle will have all summer to talk to the fans. On another camera you can see Ashley slowly walk out of the bedroom and lay face down onto the living room couch.

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Danielle says the last thing her dad said to her was that she was going to hell.

1:20am Boogie tells Joe, Ian, Frank and Dan about his experience with the red light district when he was only 20 years old. Boogie says that he paid his money to be with a girl and she left the room for a minute. He says that there was a full length mirror on the wall so he checked out his form. He says that he looked at the mirror closely and realized that it was a 2 way mirror. He says that he could see eight to ten guys watching on the other side. He says that then he felt like he had to perform for them, so he did his best for the guys watching. Boogie says that the place charged him and they charged the guys to watch. They all laugh.

1:30am Wil and Danielle are talking about how Janelle called her fat. Danielle talks about how she models and says that she is able to slim down really fast. She talks about how when she models they always push the sex think because of my big boobs and butt. Wil tells her she has an hourglass shape. Wil then starts talking about how he tried out for American Idol in 2008 and says that he made it through three levels of the competition and was rejected when he crossed his eyes during the audition. He says that he had a break down because he had also recently had music deals fall through. The conversation turns to talking about how hard it is to play a social game in the house but that everything is so hyped up in here.
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Big Brother Spoilers – Dan To Britney: “Play that whole relationship Ninja style.. QUACK QUACK”

9:25pm Cam 1-2 Dan and Britney Watch with FlashBack FREE TRIAL!

Brintey gives him a rundown of her conversation with Wil. Summing it up that Wil is looking for people to work with and Wil’s conversation with Frank and Boogie Did not go down well. Wil called them bullies and he doesn’t want to tell them he won’t put them up because he will.

Dan asks Britney if she is OK with the decision to get out Janelle. Britney shrugs “YA” Dan: “I’m not going to lie i’m glad it went through.. if Wil wins one.. You have to be really careful Boogie and Frank don’t see your relationship with him” (Hard to hear what Dan is saying)

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Big Brother Spoilers – Ashley to Frank high as a Kite, “My Group is Shady your group is Thick as Thieves

5:32pm HOH Keyser Soze and Frank

Ashley: “You know I’m hurt and everything>..”
Frank : “you’re not going up”
Ashley: “ohh ok Cool ..”
Ashley giggles says she thought her and Joe were going to be nominated.
Frank says if she wins POV he doesn’t want her to use it because then he has to make 3 people pissed.
Ashley confirms she won’t use the POV if she just happens to win it.
Ashley: ‘I don’t want you to think i’m useless in this game I’m getting better”
Ashley briefly mentions how she was loyal to Janelle up until she found out all the nasty things Janelle was saying behind her back. Ashley has never felt like she was part of a group, the people she was with in the game were shady and she never fit in. Ashley thinks Frank’s group has always been tight.

They start laughing and Eagle eye joe. Before the Have Nots Competition Joe told Britney he was hoping that it would involve hauling Bricks. Ashley says she’s bummed out she couldn’t compete in the comp today.

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Big Brother Spoilers Have Not Results – Cod Fish and Candy Canes

3:25pm Cam 1-2 Danielle and Dan Bedroom Watch with FlashBack FREE TRIAL!
Danielle says that Joe tore his clothes off towards Jenn like it was her fault and Started cussing.

Danielle: “I’ve had it I can’t even be nice to him”
Dan: “Be nice because he’s going to snap at him..”
Danielle: “Who Shane?”
Dan hints Wil.
Britney joins them, brings up more about Joe’s performance in the Have nots. Says that Joe ripped off his clothes and started yelling at the girls. The competition was very physical and some of the smaller girls struggled with it. Joe freaked out on everyone about it. (Eagle Eye against the house.. its the only way to make it fair for the house)
Britney: “How about you shut your mouth keep that breath in your lungs and use it to get your ass up the ramp.. Ya Joe life is hard.. I feel like i’m in the fricken army and he’s calling me to the front lines”
Danielle: “Go GO GO Danielle move your ass Danielle GO GO put your shoulders in the water.. Go HEad First.. GO GO GO Move your ASS.. this is the super bowl go go”

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Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Wil’s Cocky Attitude Switches the Target onto himself..

11:55am Joe, Ashley and Wil are in the bathroom talking. Wil asks Joe who he thinks Frank will nominate. Joe says me and probably you or Ashley. Joe says totally a guess but I think Frank and Shane are together now. Totally a guess but just the way he worded things.

12pm Ian joins, Britney, Boogie, Frank up in the HOH room. Ian says that he would not be opposed to being put up against Joe. Boogie laughs and tell him they are just kidding, we aren’t going to put you up, you passed the test. Ian says that he thought about it last night and figured I might have too and that it would be about time for me to feel the heat. But if Joe won the POV and I went home I would feel terrible. Ian says but I passed the test. Britney asks what test can’t you pass Ian? Ian says Bio-Technology.

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Big-Brother-14-live-feeds-august-10-929am Ashley

Have-Not Competition Starts Soon While Ashley is Paralyzed with Back Pain

9am – 9:40am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Ashley and Wil are the only house guests up, everyone else is still sleeping. Wil and Ashley are in the living room. Wil is stroking Ashley’s head. She tells him it feels nice. Frank comes out and jokingly tells Wil to stop leaving her by herself. Wil says hes been here the whole time. Wil asks Ashley where the back spasms are? Ashley tells him down near the butt cheek. Ashley wonders what the have-not competition will be like. She says that it is supposed to be early. Frank comes over to Ashley on the couch and Ashley asks if they said it will be before noon? Frank says yeah. Wil tells Ashley not to be worried about the comp. Big Brother keeps switching back and forth to the we will be right back screen. Frank says he is excited to see what America voted for the have-nots to eat. Wil jokingly says I bet you fu*king are! Mike says like you fu*king care..
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Joe says I have got to find out who Frank has had a Showmance with!

12am – 12:50am Jenn, Wil, Joe and Shane talk about Ashley and her back pain. Joe says that she was told by the doctor that it is stress related. The others don’t believe it is stress related. They all wonder why they don’t just take Ashley for an x-ray. Shane says that he thinks it’s because she doesn’t have insurance. Joe says that he will pay for it out of his own pocket. Joe says I have got to find out who Frank has had a Showmance with! Shane asks has he? Joe says that last night he came out and said something that hinted to it, I don’t know, he told Janelle if I am gone you all will get to see the Showmance that I have had. Jenn says he is talking about him and Boogie. Joe asks is that what he is talking about, he made it, he was trying to say that had something. Jenn says that he is talking about the Bromance. Big Brother then cuts the live feeds from 12:15am to 12:30am. Joe is in bed in the kicks room. Jenn, Ian, Ashley, Wil, Shane, Boogie, Dan are getting ready for bed. Ashley comments on how the fu*king bit*h is gone. Ian says Ashley that’s not nice. Ashley says you don’t know what she did to me. They all fall asleep.
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Big Brother Spoilers – Frank gets his HOH Room Wil: “I want to get rid of Boogs and Dan”

10:41pm Cam 3-4 T!T$ – Jenn
Ashley mentions that the house is full of HUGE threats why are they worried about going up. She brings up Shane, wonders why the fuck he’s not a target this week. Wil thinks that Joe is the target this week. Ashley understands that everyone wants Joe out but she’s thinking that Shane is better because he’s so strong ast Power of Veto competitions.
Wil saying he wants to get rid of “Boogs and Dan” first. AShley says if something happens this week and Dan leaves they can probably pull Shane in to work with them.

Ashley has a feeling that they are going to put up Joe and Danielle. Wil disagrees thinks it’ s going to be him and joe. Ashley says no it’s going to be someone out of that group (Dan, Danielle, Britney, Shane)

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Big Brother Spoilers – Britney: “Frank is going to win this game.. survived the block 3 out of 4 weeks and won 2 HOH’s”

7:40pm Cam 1-2 Have Nots Britney and Danielle. Watch with FlashBack FREE TRIAL!

Britney is crying about Janelle leaving. Danielle tells her she’s one step closer to the money. Britney is worried She’ll get nominated if Joe wins the Veto. Danielle says Ashley and Joe are going up and Wil is going to be the replacement nomination so she doesn’t need to worry. Britney points out that the next HOH is more important because it’ll be double eviction.Britney telling her she couldn’t hear the song during the HOH the audio was really distorted.

They start counting the players left and days left.. both agree that something big has to happen because there are too many players in the house.

Britney: “This is week 5 this is the pandora’s box week.. this is usually when a power is brought into… This is when Matt Won the Diamond power of veto.. this is when Jeff got the Coup d’état”

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Big Brother Spoilers – Live Eviction and HOH Winner Results Frank Vs Janelle

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Speculated Vote results
Janelle Goes Home

Tonight on the live feeds
A lot of unknowns what will happen next. Really depends on who wins the HOH. Most Thursday – Friday – Saturdays are usually really exciting on the feeds

Actual Votes
Joe Votes to Evict
Shane Votes to Evict
Dan Votes to Evict
Britney Votes to Evict
Boogie Votes to Evict
Jenn Votes to Evict
Ashley Votes to Evict
Wil Votes to Evict

???? Is evicted from the Big Brother House

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