7:48pm Hammock Dan, Danielle and Ian
Ian: “so what happens now.. Ashley goes up and Boogie goes home?”
Dan: “I don’t want to talk about it out here”
Dan leaves..
Ian asks Danielle who is going up AShley or Jenn. Danielle thinks it’ll be Ashley. Ian is worried asks her if it’s him. Danielle: “Hell no”
Ian and Danielle both agree that Frank needs to leave the game. Ian says he’s ready to win the HOH and Nominate him.
Ian: ‘there is going to be certain games he just can’t win and those are the ones I”ll win”
Danielle and Ian bring up Frank and all the cursing he was doing today (Must of been when we had Trivia) Ian and Danielle make a big deal about the cussing saying it was reason enough for the house to want him gone.