Big Brother 14 Spoilers: POWER Of Veto RESULTS!

7:48pm Hammock Dan, Danielle and Ian

Ian: “so what happens now.. Ashley goes up and Boogie goes home?”
Dan: “I don’t want to talk about it out here”
Dan leaves..
Ian asks Danielle who is going up AShley or Jenn. Danielle thinks it’ll be Ashley. Ian is worried asks her if it’s him. Danielle: “Hell no”

Ian and Danielle both agree that Frank needs to leave the game. Ian says he’s ready to win the HOH and Nominate him.

Ian: ‘there is going to be certain games he just can’t win and those are the ones I”ll win”
Danielle and Ian bring up Frank and all the cursing he was doing today (Must of been when we had Trivia) Ian and Danielle make a big deal about the cussing saying it was reason enough for the house to want him gone.

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Ian tells Boogie if its the spelling competition a word he might spell is masturb*te..

10:45am Boogie, Frank and Britney are talking in the arcade room. Boogie explains that just because he said her name, doesn’t mean we are going after you, our only target is Dan. This power of veto draw was a dream draw. Mike brings up how carefully Dan chose his words last night and he is not like that he was deflecting blame. He is playing that catholic school boy routine. Mike keeps telling Britney that she isn’t their target and that they would still like to work with her. We are a unique twosome, we don’t hold a grudge against you or Shane. We are playing for the veto to be used and that we come off the block. They talk about the draw again. Britney says that it’s good that they did the bag dump too because if they hadn’t people would have said that draw was rigged. Frank says that he talked to Mike and wanted to bring you (Britney) and Shane in on the plan to get Dan out a week ago. Boogie says that we are not holding you or Shane responsible for this, we know it was Dan and he kind of came to a gun fight with a knife. Boogie tells Britney that if he wins he is going to make a scene and go off saying I am still in this motha fu*ker and that it isn’t directed at her.

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Mike says that he will salt Dan’s motha fu*king game like Joe Arvin’s cooking!

8:30am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Dan gets up and says to himself big day today, big day. Dan heads to the kitchen and to eat breakfast. Frank and Ashley are up and in the bathroom. Ashley then heads back to bed. No one is talking to each other.
Frank goes into the arcade room and says what can I say express passers I said not even a week ago I should have back doored Dan. I can’t blame Mike he thought he could trust him. I can still get out of it though, even if I don’t win today, but even if I do Boogie will still be on the block. I am a little disappointed in Dan, I came in here with my integrity and I will leave with it. Let’s see how many lives I have in this game. I would love it if one of us can get off the block and the other one get the votes. Frank says worst case scenario I go home and Mike stays here. It just pisses me off, well disappoints me that I had the chance to get out Dan twice. Even thinking about if I had done it I would not have done it. I don’t want to blame it on Mike, I can only blame myself. If any two people can get out of this spot, it’s me and Mike, we can pull it off, we are going to pull it off. I might be whispering, but only because I don’t want people to hear me, I am not defeated. C-G-R Clean Game Running. I get scewed in this house on the reg! Yo!

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Dan tells Danielle she is a samurai warrior, she passed the test and didn’t crack under pressure.

12:50am Britney and Danielle are in the arcade room talking. Dan joins them. Britney asks him if she ever said her name upstairs? Dan what? The witch hunt, no! Dan says that in hind sight, he thinks he should have just admitted to saying it, even though he didn’t. Danielle says that she was told by Boogie the people to sign the check would be Frank, Shane, and Danielle. Britney says I didn’t name you, I did say you were good at the game, but that isn’t what I said. Danielle says that they asked her how it feels to not even be let in the HoH, to not be part of the conversation. If you don’t vote for us (swing vote) you and your little man are going up. You can join us, but you have to leave your little buddies behind. She says that they said also, your boy Dan, has been talking sh*t about you.

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Big Brother Spoilers – Boogie and Frank Call Dan out Frank: “I’ll start 3 weeks ago when you lied to our face”

10:15pm Cam 3-4 Dan and Shane HOH Watch with FlashBack FREE TRIAL!

Dan tells him he’s got Shane’s back no matter what happens. Dan thinks that Boogie and Frank are onto him but they have no idea it is Ian spilling the information. Frank joins them in the HOH, “So what happened to the Silent 6.. I feel like a idiot with all the blogging I did about it” Shane: “I don’t know what is going on.. who to believe” Dan mentions that he’s always been taking the heat in this game. Frank questions him why he feels like that Dan’s never been on the block he’s been safe every week. Dan: “My season I was a constant target played the game from the back”

Britney joins them. Frank asks her if she needs a hug. Britney says no she’s alright. Shane leaves.. Silence.. They are looking at the spy screen at Joe, Danielle and Ashley working out in the living room (Pilates)
Frank: “What if his name gets drawn and the comp is literally hauling bricks tomorrow” (The POV tomorrow)
Dan: “Hauling Bricks”

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Boogie: “You made the big moves sweetheart.. one of us is staying honey and guess who we’re coming after”

7:55pm cam 1-2 Britney and Boogie Watch with FlashBack FREE TRIAL!

Britney telling him that she did hear Boogie and Frank are coming after her and Shane.

Boogie: “Who are you talking to britney.. you made the big moves sweetheart.. one of us are staying honey and guess who we’re coming after”
Frank: “Last week I could have put you up and I didn’t “
Britney” I did hear you were coming after me that is all.. I do not have some power of Shane.. I’m not sitting upstairs in my thrown controlling everyone”
Boogie: “Was Dan and Danielle in on this decision”
Britney says no.. This wasn’t my HOH I never put the keys in the box.

Britney looks at Boogie: “you didn’t say make a big move that you are not going to like to Boogie: “NO”

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Big Brother 14 Spoilers Nomination Results – Silent 6 No More

Shane says he was misguided by someone in the house he got confused and didn’t know what to do. All he was hearing from everyone in the house was “You can’t trust frank you can’t trust boogie” Boogie asks if POV is played: “Are you up to stick with the plan or is this Disco Wars” Shane: “no we can talk” Boogie: “If I knew you were considering this I wouldn’t have gone for the 10 grand whats that after taxes”
Boogie says about Britney that she doesn’t give a f**k about Shane she’s going to use him she’s going to ride your back to the end” Shane says Britney put things in his mind and he still really trusts her because she his coach.
Frank and Boogie Nominated
(Frank is really pissed and he shows it.. Boogie is keep his cool.. Shane blames the nominations on Britney)

Shane thought this was going to be a lot worse he thanks them for being cool. Boogie reminds him that the thing about putting a duo up is one of them stays. Boogie isn’t mad he knows if they stay this week they still can work with Shane.

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Big Brother Spoilers – Shane: When Ashley’s and Joe’s Keys get pulled all kinds of SH!T will hit the fan

2:55pm Cam 3-4 Ashley and Shane Watch with FlashBack FREE TRIAL!

Shane tell her that people are wanting him to put her and Joe up but that is not what he’s thinking about doing. Ashley: “I promise you if I win HOH next week I won’t be putting you up”. Shane hopes is happy to hear that he tells her that he can help keep her safe as well. He doesn’t get to play for HOH but can still win POV.

Ashley says Frank is cranky that he didn’t get a chance to play for the 10 grand, All morning he’s been super pissy to everyone except Boogie. AShley points out that Shane had an entire Head of Household taken from him and he didn’t act all like this. Shane mentions that Boogie didn’t even try to get safety or the HOH he went straight for the money. This bugs Shane because Boogie is wealthy to begin with, why did Boogie think he was so safe?
Ashley: “All this shows he doesn’t give a shit”

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Joe gives Shane a military oath, there has never been something this strong in this game, except for the Brigade.

11:15am – 11:25am Ian and Boogie talk about who Shane will nominate. Boogie this Shane won’t nominate him or Frank because they kept him safe last week. Boogie says that he thinks this will be an easy week. Meanwhile, Shane and Joe are up in the HOH room talking. Joe tells Shane to be careful of Jenn and says that he thinks she is a lot closer to Boogie and Frank. He says that he thinks Boogie has her out there as a plant. He says that he feels like she goes back and tells him everything. Shane says that he knows and says that Jenn is the target after Frank and Boogie. Joe tells Shane that he eye balled Ashley and told her to tell Shane that she has his back and that she needs to promise her vote. Shane says yeah for at least a week. Joe says that he told her that she needs to be loyal and stick to it. Shane says that this week we have have the votes, we need to put them up together, that way if one of them wins the POV, one still goes home. Joe comments on how next week we have the votes too. Joe says that Boogie went for the cash because he knew he was going home and how he wants to go see Brady. Joe says that he thinks that if Boogie wins the POV he will use it on Frank because he only wants the cash.

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Boogie says Danielle is like a video game you just grab the controls to get her to do what you want.

8:25am Boogie says that Britney took safety temptation, Shane took HoH. Boogie says he built some trust two weeks ago and should not go on the block. He says he had no need to win that HoH. He says on a confidence scale between 1 and 10, not being nominated, I would say a 9. If it was just Shane, I’d say 10, but Britney is smart so a 9. Boogie says he wants Britney as the first juror and that he wants her to go on a fast forward. Boogie says he needs to keep Jenn around, says she needs reassurance and support and that he can give her that. Ashley is a sweet, sweet nice girl and only complained (Big Brother cuts the feeds) She would be my dream house guest to bring to the finals. She’s like chicken George. Joe has been here longer than than he should have but it has been ok that he stayed, thinks he will be loyal.

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